June 28, 2022 - studies
were generally
consistent with
each other
across different
models of care,
and providers … It is not enough that the authors
acknowledge that “it is likely that many providers and patients would
July 01, 2023 - Research and Quality (AHRQ) Making Healthcare Safer (MHS)
reports consolidate information for healthcare providers … safety events can undermine trust in the system (i.e.,
violating patients’ trust that healthcare providers … are responsible for protecting patients from
harm,5 or that healthcare providers are not forthcoming
October 01, 2011 - self-
“Multiple referrals” in the figure refers to
primary care and other health care providers … report) as follows: “Multiple referrals
indicates referrals to primary care and other
health care providers … care (e.g., home
health, social services, rehabilitation), and
bullet 6 refers to specialty care providers … of that table; i.e., “a simple
recommendation for followup with primary care
and other health care providers … changes in a person’s
status that may require further evaluation or referral to other
healthcare providers
April 16, 2020 - medications to a non therapeutic level, followed by those who
were completely ABANDONED by their health care providers … The health care
providers we communicate with have said they're faced with increased
scrutiny, time … NAP endorses the use of the full spectrum of all professionals and service
providers to be effectively … , or about the contents of the reports, we
believe them to be very important in helping healthcare providers … or about the
contents of the reports, we believe them to be very important in helping
healthcare providers
November 03, 2020 - The outcome of interest is multiple
prescribers, not multiple providers. … Collaboration and integrated
approaches between healthcare and social care
providers may be useful, … monitoring is used versus not used
(i.e., are providers more likely to
prescribe opioids for the … CDC in its lack of wisdom developed guidelines
which were misinterpreted and feared by
providers. … of the time, especially to their primary care
April 01, 2020 - In addition, poor
coordination between providers, patients, families,
teachers, and other caregivers
October 13, 2011 - group members
§ Community advocacy group members
§ Family members and/or caregivers
§ Healthcare providers
May 15, 2013 - nominator asserts treatment strategies of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) vary
Summary: widely among providers
January 01, 2010 - Overall, can systematic outcomes measurement be used to improve outcomes for
patients, individual providers
May 19, 2013 - The reference to Cabana et al. was helpful in
defining the theoretical framework for why providers do … that there are “external barriers”
that contribute to lack of guideline adherence by
health care providers … Do providers follow
them when incorporated into the medical record or circumvent them? … #4 General
This report is an excellent review of interventions to modify health care
providers … future research, noting the
important potential of interventions that are geared directly toward
April 01, 2010 - The DEcIDE
network assists health care providers, patients, and policymakers seeking unbiased information … of other quality indicators also encourage assessment of dyspnea, e.g. a cancer
recommendation that providers … Indicator A quality indicator is a statement of quality that
delineates a recommended care process (what providers … Structural Measure Structural measures of quality refer to the innate
characteristics of a system and its providers … Process Measure Process measures refer to what health providers do in
the delivery of care including
January 01, 2020 - expects that the EPC evidence reports and technology assessments will inform
individual health plans, providers … documented a span from nine percent to 37 percent
for primary cesarean births.12 While health care providers … Is the Bishop’s score routinely used by providers as a decisionmaking tool? If not, why not?
25. … Is the Bishop’s score routinely used by providers as a decision making tool? If not, why not?
24. … 4
Is the Bishop's score routinely used by providers as a decision making tool? If not, why not?
July 01, 2020 - Health systems Many health care decisions are structured by the choices of institutional
health care providers … , and institutional health care providers often
have a broader view of what is causing problems.
January 01, 2023 - Research and Quality (AHRQ) Making Healthcare Safer
(MHS) reports consolidate information for healthcare providers … building and using data
systems to measure progress; providing training and learning opportunities for providers … Research and Quality (AHRQ) Making Healthcare Safer (MHS) reports consolidate information for healthcare providers
Improving Rural Health Through Telehealth-Guided Provider-to-Provider Communication
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December 10, 2021 - reference/purpose.cfm
AHRQ expects that these systematic reviews will be helpful to health plans, providers … Providers reported strengthening their web-based platforms via code words
and hand signals to mitigate … In most states, physicians,
nurses, and other health care providers must be licensed in the state where … It is recommended that providers who
serve immigrant communities be trained to be culturally sensitive … /billing-and-reimbursement/
April 26, 2013 - Very low prescribing rates for these medications indicate that primary care providers are rarely using … Although primary care providers are proficient at prescribing a wide variety of medications, they generally … medications in the treatment of alcohol dependence are associated with uncertainty and variation across providers … United Kingdom and United States healthcare providers' recommendations of abstinence versus controlled … Identification of and guidance for problem drinking by general medical providers: results from a national
January 27, 2012 - Very low prescribing rates for these
medications indicate that primary care providers are rarely using … Although primary care providers are proficient at
prescribing a wide variety of medications, they generally … medications in the treatment of
alcohol dependence are associated with uncertainty and variation across providers … United Kingdom and United States
healthcare providers' recommendations of abstinence versus controlled … Identification of and guidance for
problem drinking by general medical providers: results from a national
February 01, 2018 - can provide important, real-world evidence to inform health decisions made by
patients, consumers, providers … Some PGRs require verification of diagnosis from health care
providers; in the AAAS survey, 46 percent … Lack of verification of data through medical record
review or contact with health care providers can … Results from PGRs can
generate evidence to help guide patients’ and providers’ treatment decisions, … Affected Individuals' Perceptions of their
Healthcare Providers' Knowledge about
Genetic Services.
February 01, 2018 - can provide important, real-world evidence to inform health decisions made by
patients, consumers, providers … Some PGRs require verification of diagnosis from health care
providers; in the AAAS survey, 46 percent … Lack of verification of data through medical record
review or contact with health care providers can … Results from PGRs can
generate evidence to help guide patients’ and providers’ treatment decisions, … Affected Individuals' Perceptions of their
Healthcare Providers' Knowledge about
Genetic Services.