November 02, 2011 - planning with formal caregiving); involvement of nurse practitioners, medical directors, and other providers
February 22, 2012 - here for starting purposes only:
Provider reminder systems
Facilitated relay of clinical data to providers … Examples include: physician reminder systems, facilitated relay of clinical data to providers, audit … of quality improvement strategies: physician reminder systems; facilitated relay of clinical data to providers
January 01, 2014 - ), compared with synovial fluid UA can be used to
inform clinical decision-making for patients and providers … included if
they compare the accuracy of synovial fluid aspiration and analysis between types of
providers … Primary care providers' knowledge, beliefs
and treatment practices for gout: results of a physician
December 01, 2013 - Association, local hospitals and emergency departments, local health departments, primary
care providers … with the Community
Care of North Carolina (CCNC) Chronic Pain Initiative, is teaching primary care providers … abuse and overdose through educational
programs designed to teach preventative measures to medical providers
January 01, 2011 - topics with input from a multidisciplinary panel of
stakeholders, including patients/patient advocates, providers … The
bundling of dialysis reimbursement has caused most
providers to curtail lab testing, which may … If
the CHr result were routinely disclosed on the CBC report
(at no additional charge), then providers
January 01, 2013 - expects that the EPC evidence reports and technology assessments will inform
individual health plans, providers … The purpose of this research is to inform patients, providers, and decisionmakers,
while responding … review and present the relevant evidence to inform real-
world health care decisions for patients, providers
October 16, 2015 - These interventions were higher intensity interventions and included teams of providers who delivered
November 01, 2009 - The object is to help
consumers, health care providers, and
others in making informed choices
among treatment
January 01, 2011 - Engaging Stakeholders to Identify and Prioritize Topics for Future Research: Recommended activities and reporting practices
Engaging Stakeholders to Identify and Prioritize Topics for Future Research: Recommended
activities and reporting practices
This table presents a series of recommended activities for resea…
September 02, 2013 - Refining Key Questions: Interactive Case Study Quiz
Topic Refinement
Interactive Quiz
Prepared for:
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Training Modules for Systematic Reviews Methods Guide
Topic Refinement Interactive Quiz
All but one of the following statements about key questi…
September 02, 2013 - Refining Key Questions: Interactive Case Study Quiz
Topic Refinement
Interactive Quiz
Prepared for:
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Training Modules for Systematic Reviews Methods Guide
Topic Refinement Interactive Quiz
All but one of the following statements about key questi…
March 20, 2013 - However, rather than elaborate on how the review might
be used by health care providers and families … Usability: See discussion and conclusion on
recommendations for improving usability by health care
December 08, 2015 - We recognize that in studies of
psychological interventions, masking
of patients and providers is not … While we noted
whether patients and providers were
masked to treatment, we did not
consider these … do not receive adequate treatment do not
receive it due to them dropping out of treatment or due to providers … as
certified Good Manufacturing
Practices (cGMP), this is an ongoing
challenge for patients and providers
July 18, 2017 - Practical Tools and Guidance for Systematic Review of Complex Interventions
Abstract July 18, 2017
Patients, clinicians, health systems, and others want evidence to inform their health care decisions. However, health care interventions have become increasingly complex, with multiple components that addr…
October 13, 2011 - And they may be family members
or caregivers or they may actually be healthcare providers.
January 01, 2013 - Background
When making health care decisions, patients, health care providers, and policymakers
January 06, 2017 - children, national health outcomes remain suboptimal, in part because of the failure of systems and providers … 18
Contact authors
Creating easy referral procedures for primary care providers
August 13, 2012 - provide
information that will help inform decisions of multiple
stakeholders including patients, providers … Once incentivized to keep people well,
primary care providers may also find new motivation for gaining … Once incentivized to keep people well, primary care providers
may also find new motivation for gaining … Once incentivized to keep people well, primary care providers
may also find new motivation for gaining … Once incentivized to keep people well, primary care providers
may also find new motivation for gaining
August 27, 2012 - We have added a brief description of the
collaborative care model in which multiple
types of providers … However, if this was some kind of cluster RCT (group
level = practice), how were individual providers … Although there was
randomization at the practice level,
providers could break that randomization
and … Consider
reorganizing these cells to start always with patient
education (patients trump providers) … Does it mean that patients
and providers spoke the same language or that materials
were the patients
April 18, 2013 - Healthcare providers,
consumers, researchers, and policy makers
deal with unmanageable amounts of