
Total Results: 1,352 records

Showing results for "programs".

    September 25, 2023 - interventions to prevent Programs or services in primary care, or referred from primary care, intended … Examples include parent education, psychotherapy, and community programs.
    September 01, 2023 - Three systematic reviews on oral cancer screening programs included only the one trial from India that … Assessment of screening programs as a strategy for early detection of oral cancer: a systematic review
    January 01, 2023 - clinician with 40 years of experience in the design, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based programs
    October 15, 2008 - Many successful programs include peer support, prenatal breastfeeding education, or both. … assessment of the relative contributions of individual components of multicomponent breastfeeding support programs … The review did not address community-based interventions, such as media campaigns, worksite lactation programs … , and peer-to-peer support programs that do not interact with the health system.
    October 15, 2008 - Many successful programs include peer support, prenatal breastfeeding education, or both. … assessment of the relative contributions of individual components of multicomponent breastfeeding support programs … The review did not address community-based interventions, such as media campaigns, worksite lactation programs … , and peer-to-peer support programs that do not interact with the health system.
    November 01, 2013 - healthy nutrition  ( ) Multicomponent School-based nutrition programs
    September 19, 2023 - Studies were excluded if effects of changes to screening programs could not be separated from the effects … the comparative effectiveness of screening did not suggest that any specific features of screening programs … were underpowered for important pregnancy health outcomes and potential harms of different screening programs … Large, well-designed studies to refine prenatal and postpartum screening programs for individuals at … Strength of a Body of Evidence When Assessing Health Care Interventions for the Effective Health Care Program
    January 01, 2010 - Linking primary care patients to community-based physical activity and fitness programs may enhance the … potential harms related to physical activity counseling.6 This trial, in which initially sedentary program … , improving access to places for physical activity, and individually-adapted behavior change programs … The latter programs generally recruited groups of volunteers at community sites, work sites, or schools … or evaluated, and may reflect a failure to distinguish patients who were ready to begin an exercise program
    December 01, 2013 - documents into either HTML or ASCII text, which can then be read by a number of common screen reader programs
  10. JAMA (pdf file)
    May 01, 2021 - 1 How effective are different screening programs for identifying people with hypertensive disorders … 2 What are the harms of different screening programs used to identify hypertensive disorders of pregnancy … How effective are different screening programs used to identify hypertensive disorders of pregnancy for … Large, well-designed studies to refine prenatal and post- partum screening programs for individuals at … Strength of a Body of Evidence When Assessing Health Care Interventions for the Effective Health Care Program
    January 01, 2010 - breastfeeding for an intervention targeted at pacifier avoidance.40 One trial38 compared an intensive programProgram to increase incidence and duration. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1995;149(7):798–803. 24. … A breast feeding education and promotion program: effects on knowledge, attitudes, and support for breast … The effect of an educational program on the decision to breastfeed. … The effect of a culture-specific education program to promote breastfeeding among Vietnamese women in
    January 01, 2025 - As the physician program director for perinatal safety and quality, she works to ensure that patients … receive the highest quality maternity care through data collection, data analysis, program design and … The Cocoon Pregnancy Care Model is an integrative, multidisciplinary program and was designed from best … The model ensconces the birthing person within a multifaceted program that incorporates evidence-based
    April 17, 2023 - Barry, MD, Informed Medical Decisions Program, Massachusetts General Hospital, 50 Staniford St, Boston … Benefits of early detection and intervention • Adequate evidence that depression screening programs … mental health care ( … mortality in primary care: randomized clinical trial of an evidence-based depression care management program … Preventing suicide: a technical package of policies, programs, and practices.
    January 01, 2001 - 100,000 in 1973 to 13.3 in 1995, according to data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program … the ability of physicians to effi- ciently identify suspicious lesions in the setting of a screening program … predictive value of primary care physicians’ examina- tions would be lower in an actual screening program … A subsequent implemen- tation of a similar program in seven British districts failed to replicate these … both apparent and real: data from the 1973 through 1994 surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program
    April 01, 2001 - the ability of physicians to efficiently identify suspicious lesions in the setting of a screening program … this predictive value of primary care physicians’ examinations would be lower in an actual screening program … A subsequent implementation of a similar program in seven British districts failed to replicate these … both apparent and real: data from the 1973 through 1994 surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program … Factors related to non-attendance in a population-based melanoma screening program.
    September 18, 2018 - Learn more here “The Task Force found that intensive, multicomponent behavioral programs are safe and … “There are many programs available, and one method or type of program isn’t necessarily right for everyone
    May 15, 2012 - There is convincing evidence that PSA-based screening programs result in the detection of many cases
    February 20, 2020 - , emergency departments, nursing homes and other institutionalized settings, school classroom–based programs … , occupational settings, or communitywide programs) Interventions Behavioral counseling intervention … advice, collaborative goal-setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions (referral to exercise facility or program
    February 20, 2020 - , emergency departments, nursing homes and other institutionalized settings, school classroom–based programs … , occupational settings, or communitywide programs) Interventions Behavioral counseling intervention … advice, collaborative goal-setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions (referral to exercise facility or program
    February 20, 2020 - , emergency departments, nursing homes and other institutionalized settings, school classroom–based programs … , occupational settings, or communitywide programs) Interventions Behavioral counseling intervention … advice, collaborative goal-setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions (referral to exercise facility or program

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