October 01, 2014 - This Guide and appendix reflect current programs and trends. … and PCCM programs. … Disease management programs require time to exert an impact. … the enhanced care management programs. … its physician community and the appeal of locally run programs.
October 01, 2014 - Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Institutional Training Programs
AHRQ funds 18 institutions … Bloomberg School of Public Health
Albert Wu, M.D., M.P.H
Program Director
Health Policy … Our strength is a faculty that brings an unusual depth and breadth of expertise and active research programs … Our strength is a faculty that brings an unusual depth and breadth of expertise and active research programs … Students usually enter the program possessing a Master's-level degree.
June 01, 2018 - Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies are working on research and conducting programs … use the toolkit to apply the proven principles and methods of AHRQ’s Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program … The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) Health IT Certification Program supports … It includes strategies such as health care system changes, workplace and school programs and policies … , and community-based programs.
September 01, 2015 - Self-Management Support Tasks and Assignments in Appendix 32 to model an enhanced
self-management support program … Evidence is emerging that self-management
support programs, which now often include an interactive, … Practices using this approach will need to identify and vet these
community-based programs. … A self-management program should be evidence-based,
linguistically competent (meaning it is delivered … Patient self-management support programs: an evaluation.
January 04, 2011 - screening, increased
referrals for further evaluation and increased placement in early intervention programs … List of entity types currently using measure:
State Medicaid Programs with grants from CMWF; other
July 01, 2016 - Design strategies customized to specific needs, including creating new
asthma quality improvement programs … and building on existing
January 01, 2023 - respondents
Older Adult Program
Acquired Brain Injury Program
respondents … , including both fee-for-service HCBS programs
and managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs … Composition of the 2023 HCBS CAHPS Database by Program Type
HCBS Program Type Number of Programs
Number … program, the program is
excluded from the Database.
3. … Given the limited number of programs in the 2023 HCBS CAHPS Database, no breakouts by
program type or
January 01, 1999 - The approaches incorporated in this volume—
representing programs, tools, and products to improve patient … safety—cluster in
five different areas: programs and collaborations, tools and procedures,
simulation … instruction manual for assembling, using, and ultimately
achieving the results the product, tool, or program … While the majority of programs, tools, and products
in this volume are designed for inpatient hospital … And a cautionary note is always in order with the introduction of any new
September 01, 2012 - The IMPaCT grant recipients, announced in September 2011, are four established programs that will serve … By supporting experienced programs and requiring rigorous evaluation, AHRQ will seek to demonstrate how … a national primary care health extension program could be built. … This funding also is intended to further the expansion of existing programs, allowing primary care practices … Specific objectives are to:
Conduct a leadership development program to enhance regional medical
October 01, 2018 - culturally and linguistically accessible," including the use of race, ethnicity, and language data in program … Performance incentive programs tend not to be designed with reduction of disparities in mind, yet can … HHS administers programs supporting the health care delivery system to provide care to persons at risk … should issue guidance that recipients of HHS funding (e.g., Medicare, the Children's Health Insurance Program … Pay for performance, public reporting, and racial disparities in health care: How are programs being
December 01, 2018 - Resident Physicians and Graduate Medical Training Programs
Resident Physicians as Champions in Preventing … It can be used as a self-learning module or as an adjunct to existing educational or orientation programs
February 13, 2023 - All existing hospitals and CR programs have at least some aspects of care coordination in place. … In smaller hospitals or
programs, staff may coordinate both in- and out-patient cardiac rehabilitation … Some programs are less concerned about this issue because their program already has a
waiting list and … Explanation: Different CR programs define the care coordinator role in different ways. … You may also want to
assess your relationships with CR programs in adjacent areas.
January 01, 2015 - MIECHV tracks the
utilization of evidence-
based programs and
in-home services found in
the Community … • By 2015, increase
capacity, quality,
and visibility of
home visiting (HV)
programs … at the State and
national levels to allow CAHs to track
their progress and compare with
companion programs … • Educate programs on how to share
their best practices following the
“train the trainer” model … through
educational programs, collaborative
Web sites, and support networks.
April 14, 2017 - Costs for immunization reminder programs vary widely; for example, the cost
per additional child vaccinated … that a letter
reminder system can cost $10.50 per fully vaccinated child, whereas a comprehensive
program … 190 percent for phone calls and for orientation/information programs (e.g.,
videos and pamphlets … Vaccination Programs: Client
Reminder and Recall Systems. The Community Guide. Updated July 2015. … https://www.thecommunityguide.org/findings/vaccination-programs-client-reminder-and-recall-systems
April 14, 2017 - Costs for immunization reminder programs vary widely; for example, the cost
per additional child vaccinated … that a letter
reminder system can cost $10.50 per fully vaccinated child, whereas a comprehensive
program … 190 percent for phone calls and for orientation/information programs (e.g.,
videos and pamphlets … Vaccination Programs: Client
Reminder and Recall Systems. The Community Guide. Updated July 2015. … https://www.thecommunityguide.org/findings/vaccination-programs-client-reminder-and-recall-systems
May 05, 2014 - community health through the creation of partnerships with state and local agencies, institutions and programs … PCEP could come from Medicare and Medicaid through the creation of a requirement that state Medicaid programs … Aspects of each became the basis of the Section and leaders from those two programs helped in its writing … All programs agreed to the creation of a common, on-line toolkit. … We have started to build these prototypes of health extension programs, seeded by some money from AHRQ
October 01, 2014 - online continuing education (CE) opportunities for its 37,000 members, the group developed two online programs … by incorporating AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program products. … AANP'S online Continuing Education Center currently offers 48 programs for credit to help clinicians … In the CE program, members read the provided material or watch an educational video before completing … AANP launched a CE program in June 2009 based on AHRQ's Comparative Effectiveness Review, Comparative
March 09, 2017 - The percentage of individuals ages to 18 that are enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP
Medicaid Expansion
programs … ages 1 to
Continuously enrolled
eligibles in
or CHIP Medicaid
programs … individuals ages to 1 that have been continuously enrolled in
Medicaid or CHIP Medicaid Expansion programs … The percentage of individuals ages to 18 that are enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP
Medicaid Expansion
programs … individuals ages to 18 that have been continuously enrolled in
Medicaid or a CHIP Medicaid Expansion program
February 01, 2014 - What are unintended consequences of pay for performance programs? … How can P4P programs be designed to minimize unintended consequences, such as increasing resource disparities … Innovative approaches to hospital discharge
To what extent can discharge programs operated by hospitals … example:
Chronic disease registries
Nurse care managers for patients with severe chronic illness
October 01, 2014 - created through the AHRQ-funded Excellence Centers to Eliminate Ethnic/Racial Disparities (EXCEED) program … The "How to Talk to Your Doctor" publication is a synthesis of the no-cost educational program by the … is a significant accomplishment for the Houston EXCEED program. … The focus of the Houston EXCEED program is on researching, designing, and implementing programs and interventions … The programs are aimed to expand the knowledge base on disparities in several clinical conditions—e.g