August 01, 2019 - identified between the PSI 90 Component weight in the technical
specification document and AHRQ QI software programs
May 20, 2013 - did not account for complex sampling design and weighting without further
manipulation of the SAS programs … For a more thorough description of weighted AHRQ QI SAS analyses and guidance on
manipulating the programs … In WinQI, the compiled C# program was named
AHRQ.exe, and this was the same name used for the compiled … Prediction Module C++
program. … A user
requested that an option be added in the WinQI Program Options dialog to increase and
January 01, 2019 - Now, QIs are used for various
purposes such as a performance-based payment programs, public reporting … One other significant
improvement is around how have you been executing SAS QI programs. … to run all programs individually. … We hope this will provide you an improved
experience with running SAS QI programs in version 2019. … So, there are different programs that will generate different
rates, observed rates are generated by
September 01, 2021 - Data
There was an issue in SAS QI v2021 when Option 1 or Option 3 were selected in the CONTROL
program … Users should set the MDC_PROVIDED macro
variable to 0’ in the CONTROL program when MDC is missing or … Users should set the PRDAY macro
variable to ‘0’ in the PSI and PDI CONTROL programs when PRDAYn is … using observed to expected ratio:
• Option 1: Set Calibration_OE_to_ref_pop to 1 in SAS QI control programs … • Option 2: Set Calibration_OE_to_ref_pop to 0 in SAS QI control programs to calibrate to the O-E
July 01, 2021 - Indicators (PDIs) (1)
• NQI 02 Neonatal Mortality Rate
Rationale for retirement:
The AHRQ QI program … Retiring these select QIs will allow the QI program
to focus on high-impact areas of healthcare quality … In 2019, the AHRQ QI
Program identified five (5) themes that became the underlying basis for retirement … In preparation for v2021, the AHRQ QI Program reviewed the following indicators: IQI 32
Acute Myocardial … In
addition, the AHRQ QI Program has not received user inquiries on the measure during this time,
November 02, 2015 - Will my data work with the program? … Once the CONTROL program has been modified, the path names must be changed in all other SAS programs … Did you run the SAS programs in the proper order? … determine the proper run order for the SAS programs in each module. … .SAS use the output file from the SAS program: PSSASP1.SAS.
November 02, 2015 - Will my data work with the program? … Once the CONTROL program has been modified, the path names must be changed in all other SAS programs … Did you run the SAS programs in the proper order? … determine the proper run order for the SAS programs in each module. … .SAS use the output file from the SAS program: PSSASP1.SAS.
September 13, 2021 - PSI)] allow users the following options to specify how to handle
COVID-19 discharges in the CONTROL program … The error occurs in the Measures programs for the PSI, PDI and IQI modules. … To correct this, the
Measures program will be updated by adding the red text below:
Version 2021
January 01, 2012 - Overall Validity
Clarification of HCBS Population and Program Services
In response to their review … For example, a young person with TBI is a poor fit in an adult daycare program
that is geared towards … Providing a dietician to consult for a diabetic would fall under HCBS program
responsibility. … HCBS programs may or may not be able to
address these issues.
2. … One panelist noted that providing adequate hydration and meals might fall under an
HCBS program
January 01, 2020 - Sometimes the QIs are also used for performance-
based payment programs. … Annually, the QI program goes to great lengths to maintain transparency. … Both of our programs, SAS QI and WinQI, launched on July 31st. … It came to a separate SAS program – I’m sorry, came in a
separate SAS program. … So, the way that the
SAS program works is that there are multiple programs.
January 04, 2013 - like to invite you to participate in a brief survey to help us further enhance and improve
the QI program … willingness to consider participating in this survey is appreciated and will help to enhance the QI program … Pancholi
Senior Social Science Research Analyst
Program Officer, AHRQ Quality Indicators Initiative
October 05, 2020 - WinQI 2019 Data Patch
This is a command line program … Press any key to end program"
If you need assistance, the support e-mail address for the AHRQ Quality
December 23, 2003 - Although the AHRQ QI program modules are free, both SAS and SPSS are
commercially licensed software … To use the AHRQ QI Patient Safety Indicators SAS or SPSS software program
modules, users must have … Although the AHRQ QI program modules are free, both SAS and SPSS are
commercially licensed software … The Patient Safety Indicators software
programs can be applied to any hospital inpatient administrative … Changes facilitating the use of either SAS or SPSS programs on the same dataset.
December 05, 2011 - December 5, 2011 – Medical Officer for the AHRQ Quality Indicator (QI) program
The Agency for Healthcare … seeking a qualified
individual to serve as the Medical Officer for the AHRQ Quality Indicator (QI) program
July 01, 2021 - well-being of beneficiaries receiving home and community-based services (HCBS) through state Medicaid programs … portfolio of measures in the AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs)
January 01, 2005 - In Advance
Series of Education Programs 2 Weeks Prior to Publication (Hospitals, Physicians, Payers,
July 01, 2020 - The AHRQ QI
program is unique in that it provides free, publicly available software tools that calculate … discretion of
the user
Includes data load and error checking functions
User must run a set of programs … and all indicators in a module are displayed in
All four QI modules calculated in a single
July 01, 2021 - The AHRQ QI
program is unique in that it provides free, publicly available software tools that calculate … discretion of
the user
Includes data load and error checking functions
User must run a set of programs … and all indicators in a module are displayed in
All four QI modules calculated in a single
September 13, 2021 - no longer seek NQF re-endorsement for its portfolio of measures in the AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) program … AHRQ wants to hear from you to help improve the QI program. … QI Toolkit), the QI software, and overall improvements to enhance your experience with the AHRQ QI program … Area-level AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) beginning with v4.4
Program … we have temporarily removed, these QI Population Files and the
WinQI software program
September 13, 2021 - no longer seek NQF re-endorsement for its portfolio of measures in the AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) program … AHRQ wants to hear from you to help improve the QI program. … QI Toolkit), the QI software, and overall improvements to enhance your experience with the AHRQ QI program … Area-level AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) beginning with v4.4
Program … we have temporarily removed, these QI Population Files and the
WinQI software program