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September 12, 2024 - Search All AHRQ Sites
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January 01, 2017 - MITRE to align standards and making the CDS interoperable to
re-purpose previous investments from HHS programs … CMS’ efforts to pivot to the
CQL standard for expressing Clinical Quality Measure logic as part of programs … MITRE identified adoption of
work that built upon the ACC/AHA infrastructure for the Million Hearts program … resolving intellectual property around the use of the ACC/AHA work
that was built into the Million Hearts program … content is managed in silos by individual users or organizations, with some coordination
for certain programs
December 01, 2020 - with the CDS Connect Work
Group to reuse and build upon the the work done at AHRQ and
the CDS Connect Program
January 01, 2021 - CDS Connect Work Group October 2021 Summary
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Connect Work Group (WG)
Meeting Summary
October 21, 2021
3:00-4:00 pm ET
Attendees: 39 people, including 3 phone dial-ins
Organization Attendees
AHRQ Sponsors Steve Bernstein, Edwin Lomotan, Mario Teran, James Swiger (4)
April 01, 2021 - Patient self-care/family caregivers can use the artifact as part of self-assessment or
health maintenance programs … Delta runs an overall general health self-assessment or cardiac risk self-screen
as part of a self-care program
September 01, 2022 - self-care/family caregivers can use the artifact as part of self-assessment or health
maintenance programs … runs an overall general health self-assessment or cardiac risk self-screen
as part of a self-care program
September 01, 2022 - self-care/family caregivers can use the artifact as part of self-assessment or health
maintenance programs … runs an overall general health self-assessment or cardiac risk self-screen
as part of a self-care program
January 01, 2023 - patients or family caregivers can use the artifact as part of self-assessment or
health maintenance programs … runs an overall general health self-assessment or cardiac risk self-screen
as part of a self-care program
January 01, 2016 - · Million Hearts is updating their eCQM table to accommodate upcoming program changes (e.g., MIPS and
January 01, 2021 - September 2021 CDS Connect Work Group Meeting Summary
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Connect Work Group (WG)
Meeting Summary
September 16, 2021
3:00-4:00 pm ET
Attendees: 33 people, including 4 phone dial-ins
Organization Attendees
AHRQ Sponsors Roland Gamache, Edward Lomotan, Mario Teran (3)
June 16, 2020 - CDS logical expressions
written in CQL tend to read more like natural language than as a computer program … The first is a software
program called an “engine,” whose role it is to execute the CQL expressions … The second main component is a
software program that takes the questions defined in the Questionnaire … The FHIR Validator is a software program written in the Java programming language. … This is accomplished by creating a software
program, called a test harness, described in the next section
June 16, 2020 - CDS logical expressions
written in CQL tend to read more like natural language than as a computer program … The first is a software
program called an “engine,” whose role it is to execute the CQL expressions … The second main component is a
software program that takes the questions defined in the Questionnaire … The FHIR Validator is a software program written in the Java programming language. … This is accomplished by creating a software
program, called a test harness, described in the next section
October 01, 2017 - Patient self-care/family caregivers can use the artifact as part of self-assessment or health maintenance programs … Delta runs an overall general health self-assessment or cardiac risk self-screen as part of a self-care program
January 01, 2024 - Patients and family caregivers can use the artifact as part of
self-assessment or health maintenance programs … runs an overall general health self-assessment or cardiac risk self-screen
as part of a self-care program
January 01, 2021 - CDS Connect Work Group Meeting Summary 5-20-2021
CDS (Clinical Decision Support) Connect Work Group
Meeting Summary
May 20, 2021
3:00 – 4:00 pm ET
Attendees: 43 people (41 attendees + 2 call-ins)
Organization Attendee Names
AHRQ Members Steve Bernstein, Roland Gamache, Ed Lomotan, Mario Terán (4)
January 01, 2021 - To support the evolution of health
information technology (IT), AHRQ’s Digital
Healthcare Research Program … Management Summary Application
pain-related data, including data
from prescription drug monitoring programs
June 22, 2020 - CDS logical expressions
written in CQL tend to read more like natural language than as a computer program … The first is a software
program called an “engine,” whose role it is to execute the CQL expressions … The second main component is a
software program that takes questions defined in the Questionnaire and … The FHIR Validator is a software program written in the Java programming language. … This is accomplished by creating a software
program, called a test harness, described in the next section
June 22, 2020 - CDS logical expressions
written in CQL tend to read more like natural language than as a computer program … The first is a software
program called an “engine,” whose role it is to execute the CQL expressions … The second main component is a
software program that takes questions defined in the Questionnaire and … The FHIR Validator is a software program written in the Java programming language. … This is accomplished by creating a software
program, called a test harness, described in the next section
April 01, 2021 - runs an overall general health self-assessment
or cardiac risk self-screen as part of a self-care program