
Total Results: 7,196 records

Showing results for "priority".

  1. Tool: Premortem (doc file)
    January 01, 2017 - four top ideas with pens/markers Step 4: Brainstorm Interventions For each of the three or four top-priority
    March 01, 2019 - S T U V W X Y Z Priority … The group meets monthly to provide strategic direction as they continue to formalize the IP, identify priority … analysis laid the foundation for the development of the coalition’s action agenda and the workgroups’ priority
    June 01, 2010 - S T U V W X Y Z Priority … National Quality Forum: Consensus Standards for Hospital Care: Additional Priority Areas 2005-2006.
    July 01, 2015 - standards for well child visits.1 The coaches and SBHCs then addressed other QI topics given high priority … To improve performance in other priority areas as well, one SBHC provided nutrition counseling to parents … to youth in Colorado, and the State used the aggregated results to identify QI topics that were a priority
    February 01, 2020 -  Ongoing offerings of affinity group sessions on priority topics for the learning community. … TAKEheart affinity groups (AG) provide forums for participants to learn from and share with each other on priority
    April 01, 2021 - Assessment to help us better prepare to support you  Ongoing offerings of affinity group sessions on priority … TAKEheart affinity groups (AG) provide forums for participants to learn from and share with each other on priority
    December 01, 2020 - Quality of healthcare improved overall from 2000 through 2018, but the pace of improvement varied by priority … but disparities persist and some even worsened, especially for poori and uninsured populations in all priority … Quality measures are grouped by priority areas, including person-centered care, patient safety, healthy … This report presents selected findings in each priority area and examples of large disparities, disparities
    September 01, 2014 - S T U V W X Y Z Priority
    March 01, 2023 - Not a priority A long term priority A short term priority If a priority, what steps are … receive this information We don’t regularly receive this information but obtaining it is a priority … This information is not a priority for us Level of Information Patient-Level Information … receive this information We don’t regularly receive this information but obtaining it is a priority … This information is not a priority for us Level of Information Additional data you
    August 30, 2023 - • Patient safety is always a priority.
    April 01, 2015 - Transforming Primary Care Practice: Lessons From the New Orleans Safety Net Transforming Primary Care Practice: Lessons From the New Orleans Safety Net Principal Investigator: Diane Rittenhouse, MD Institution: University of California, San Francisco AHRQ Grant Number: R18 HS019139 Overview of Transforma…
    March 01, 2017 - S T U V W X Y Z Priority … Make CAUTI reduction a facility wide priority goal.
    March 01, 2017 - S T U V W X Y Z Priority … What can leadership do to make disinfection a priority and easily accessible to staff?
    May 17, 2021 - Job Aid: Starting with a Practice Primary Care Practice Facilitator Training Series 1 Job Aid: Starting with a Practice Overview How you start with a practice can set the tone for your work with the practice. Do your homework and be well prepared for all of your meetings. Spend time getting to know…
    January 01, 2022 - • Hosp ita l in pat ient (New Data) • Em ergency Department • Co m munity inpatient Priority Topics … visits, incl ud ing inform ation at the national and state leve ls, trends over time, and selected priority
  16. Fallpxtool1C (doc file)
    January 28, 2013 - Improved fall prevention is a priority within the facility.
    May 01, 2017 - S T U V W X Y Z Priority … Communicate to patients and family during preoperative visits that safety is a priority.      
    March 01, 2017 - S T U V W X Y Z Priority … Communicate to residents and family that CAUTI reduction is a facilitywide priority.      
    July 01, 2015 - standards for well child visits.1 The coaches and SBHCs then addressed other QI topics given high priority … To improve performance in other priority areas as well, one SBHC scheduled regular followup appointments
    June 09, 2012 - Introducing the CAHPS Child Hospital Survey Child HCAHPS Barbara Burke, Administrator, Patient Family Experience Center of Excellence Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago 37 Outline • An introduction to Lurie Children’s • Impetus for change • Child HCAHPS • Moving forward …

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