
Total Results: 181 records

Showing results for "preventive".

    March 01, 2014 - Enhancing the Use of Clinical Preventive Services Among Older Adults: Closing the Gap . … Promoting Preventive Services for Adults 50-64: Community and Clinical Partnerships . … Report identifies a set of recommended preventive services, provides indicators and data at national,
    December 01, 2020 - in mortality, morbidity, behavioral risk factors, health care access, preventive … Americans Source Resource Description CDC Clinical Preventive … examples of recent activities and interventions that have focused on increasing the use of clinical preventive … diverse communities CDC Promoting Preventive … Services for Adults 50-64 Identifies a set of recommended preventive services, provides indicators
    February 17, 2021 - Children ages 2-17 who had a dental visit in the calendar year -1.3 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … diagnosed diabetes who received a dilated eye examination in the calendar year -0.4 Adults who received a preventive … hospital admissions with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    February 17, 2021 - Children ages 2-17 who had a dental visit in the calendar year -0.6 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … hospital emergency rooms, who has office hours at night or on weekends 0.3 Adults who received a preventive … hospital admissions with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    February 19, 2021 - Children ages 2-17 who had a dental visit in the calendar year -0.7 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … nursing home residents who were assessed for pneumococcal vaccination -0.3 Adults who received a preventive
    per 1,000 adult hospital admissions with pneumonia People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    February 19, 2021 - Children ages 2-17 who had a dental visit in the calendar year -0.7 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … Dialysis patients who were registered on a waiting list for transplantation -0.1 Adults who received a preventive … human papillomavirus vaccines (HPV) in the last 5 years People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    February 19, 2021 - Children ages 5-17 with untreated dental caries 13.0 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … specialty facility in the last 12 months 9.5 People with current asthma who are now taking preventive … 17 who received 3 or more doses human papillomavirus vaccine 53.7 Adults who received a preventive
    February 19, 2021 - using lap or shoulder belts when riding in a car 31.6 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … 53.7 Adults with a dental visit in the calendar year 44.0 Adults who received a preventive
    last 12 months who received advice to quit smoking from their providers -2.3 Adults who received a preventive … English proficiency who had a usual source of care People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    over the telephone -1.4 Adults with a dental visit in the calendar year -0.4 Adults who received a preventive … English proficiency who had a usual source of care People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    February 17, 2021 - in the last flu season Public only 51.8 People with current asthma who are now taking preventive … Adults with a dental visit in the calendar year Public only 27.0 Adults who received a preventive … health professional for joint symptoms Public only 78.7 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive
    February 17, 2021 - health provider within the past 2 years Any private 91.6 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … in the last flu season Any private 55.9 People with current asthma who are now taking preventive … Adults with a dental visit in the calendar year Any private 48.7 Adults who received a preventive
    February 19, 2021 - Children ages 2-17 who had a dental visit in the calendar year -0.7 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … nursing home residents who were assessed for pneumococcal vaccination -0.3 Adults who received a preventive
    February 19, 2021 - Children ages 2-17 who had a dental visit in the calendar year -0.7 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … treatment at a specialty facility in the last 12 months People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    Estimate Benchmark Distance to Benchmark People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    source of care With any disability 88.2 People with current asthma who are now taking preventive … with a dental visit in the calendar year With any disability 40.7 Adults who received a preventive
    source of care Without disability 54.5 People with current asthma who are now taking preventive … with a dental visit in the calendar year Without disability 45.0 Adults who received a preventive
    February 19, 2021 - who received 1 or more doses of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine 0.1 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … dental service in the calendar year 0.1 Adults who received a preventive dental service in the calendar … asthma per 100,000 population, adults age 40 and over People with current asthma who are now taking preventive
    February 19, 2021 - who received influenza vaccination in the last flu season -1.5 Children ages 2-17 who received a preventive … months whose health providers always offered help in filling out forms -0.2 Adults who received a preventive … asthma per 100,000 population, adults age 40 and over People with current asthma who are now taking preventive

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