January 01, 2009 - , prescribe medications, enter orders, and generate patient-specific chronic disease management and preventive
January 01, 2013 - there has been increasing interest in evidence-based care as
evidence accumulates that appropriate preventive … multiple diseases.6 As a result, patients with multiple complex diseases do not
receive appropriate preventive … experience improved health, with reports of improved outcomes in diabetes, 24 weight loss,25
and preventive … Health Utilization Form: Because adherence to recommended preventive and therapeutic
recommendations … Described in more detail in Fischer, et al, the application
collects certain preventive health and disease
January 01, 2011 - dietary choices, screen time, safety, maternal depression and
developmental screening); b) Asthma Preventive … Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), the
American Academy of Pediatrics, other published evidence-based … Only one in five (20%) of Medicaid-insured
children receive adequate preventive and developmental services … Although effective medication management has not traditionally been
included as a core preventive service … Biondich, P.G., et al., Automating the recognition and
prioritization of needed preventive services:
February 04, 2011 - cared for; families to identify highrisk patients
are happy.” and to provide prompt,
Staff member preventive
January 01, 2011 - assessments of the disease burden in a community, which hinders population health interventions and preventive
January 01, 2011 - locally developed CDSS deployed in many venues effectively improve process measures related to performing preventive
January 01, 2010 - competitive grants; and networking with leaders in health IT, immunization delivery, QI, and adolescent preventive
January 01, 2006 - Two distinct subsets of CDSSs were seen: patient-directed systems that provided decision support for preventive
July 05, 2012 - four-part conceptual framework to identify 18
prioritized measures of chronic disease management
and preventive … feasibility of electronically reporting the
measure reliably
Eighteen chronic disease management and preventive
August 09, 2013 - By using
EHR-based data, the EQM researchers were able to
measure clinical service delivery of preventive … Many of these projects
demonstrated improvements in outcomes, such as
preventive and chronic disease … their clinician’s EHR and displays any of 573
tailored recommendations and reminders for 18
clinical preventive … Users
of the PHR significantly increased the proportion
of recommended preventive services that were … At the end of the study, partici-
pants had significantly fewer unaddressed preventive
service needs
August 09, 2013 - By using
EHR-based data, the EQM researchers were able to
measure clinical service delivery of preventive … Many of these projects
demonstrated improvements in outcomes, such as
preventive and chronic disease … their clinician’s EHR and displays any of 573
tailored recommendations and reminders for 18
clinical preventive … Users
of the PHR significantly increased the proportion
of recommended preventive services that were … At the end of the study, partici-
pants had significantly fewer unaddressed preventive
service needs
January 01, 2008 - We tested CDS related to 1) weight based dosing, 2) reminders for preventive and chronic illness
care … Improvements were found in all three clinical domains including
preventive services, acute illness care … Assess the influence of reminders for guideline adherence in the delivery of
preventive services and … care delivery: medication safety, test results follow-up, and reminders for guideline
adherence for preventive … This synchronous
reminder was an effective means of promoting guideline adherent preventive care in
January 01, 2011 - developed CDSS deployed in many venues effectively improve process measures related to performing
January 01, 2012 - Findings: Results indicate that those who used the MH-PHR increased utilization of
vaccinations and preventive
January 01, 2010 - developed CDSS deployed in many venues effectively improve process measures related to
performing preventive
January 01, 2023 - commercial CQMS that includes: 1) a disease registry, 2) point-of‐care clinical reminder system for both preventive
January 01, 2023 - Health Care Theme
Patient-Centered Care
Patient Engagement
Patient-Reported Outcomes
January 01, 2023 - Results indicate that those who used the MH-PHR increased utilization of vaccinations and preventive
January 01, 2023 - Adults
Type of Care
Health Care Theme
January 01, 2023 - Medically Underserved Populations
Type of Care
Health Care Theme