November 05, 2002 - NEWS from 2002
November 5 2002 – Inpatient Quality Indicators Software Now Available in SPSS ®
October 25 2002 – Technical Report of Patient Safety Indicators Now Available
November 5 2002 – Inpatient Quality Indicators
Software Now Available in SPSS
The AHRQ Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQIs) software is…
September 13, 2021 - population files and
WinQI software are disabled.This primarily affects the Prevention
September 13, 2021 - population files and
WinQI software are disabled.This primarily affects the Prevention
September 13, 2021 - population files and
WinQI software are disabled.This primarily affects the Prevention
January 01, 2005 - AHRQ Slide Template
Overview of the
Pediatric Indicator Module
Presenters: Kathryn McDonald and Sheryl Davies,
Stanford University
AHRQ QI User Meeting
September 26-27, 2005
Pediatric Module Development:
Kathryn McDonald, Stanford University
Patrick Romano, UC-Davis
Sheryl Davies, Stanford…
January 01, 2015 - at CMS to test and validate measures for the Medicare Shared
Savings Program, including the AHRQ Prevention … the types of the QIs, there are four sets: Patient Safety
Indicators, Inpatient Quality Indicators, Prevention … The third area is the Prevention Quality Indicators. … We learned that provider education and prevention activities are
critical to improve patient safety
July 01, 2021 - Quality Indicator Resources
AHRQ QI Methodology
QI Reporting/User Tips
AHRQ QI Life Cycle
AHRQ Quality Indicator Empirical Methods , Revised July 2021
Describes the empirical methods used to calcula…
December 01, 2016 - free SAS or Windows-based software can be used to calculate results for the AHRQ QIs, including:
January 01, 2011 - Most of the existing QIs are measured at the hospital level, although the Prevention
Quality Indicators … • What is the evidence for prevention of the health event or hospitalization at the level of
measurement … Guide to the AHRQ Prevention Quality Indicators. … Expanding the Use of the
AHRQ Prevention Quality Indicators. November, 2009.
12. … Implementation, Maintenance, and Retirement
Page 44
This indicator was developed as part of the Prevention
January 01, 2003 - Cover Sheet
AHRQ Quality Indicators™ (AHRQ QI™) Proposed Coding for ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification
September 01, 2017 - For a complete list of the indicator level changes, refer
to the Change Logs for each module:
January 01, 2019 - Currently, the QIs represent four
domains of care addressing prevention, inpatient care, patient safety … PQIs, or Prevention Quality Indicators, are reported at the county level
and are population-based measures
July 01, 2021 - intervals in WinQI
Indicator Technical Specifications
July 01, 2021 - This software applies to all four modules: Prevention
Quality Indicators (PQI), Inpatient Quality Indicators
July 01, 2021 - intervals in WinQI
Indicator Technical Specifications
March 14, 2016 - February 18, 2016
Notice of request for expert nominations to a Standing Work Group (SWG) for the AHRQ
Quality Indicators (QIs)
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking nominations for a Standing Work Group
(SWG) to be convened by an AHRQ contractor. The work group shall comprise indi…
January 01, 2005 - files for planning purposes
Comorbidity groupings are of particular interest to the epidemiologists
Prevention … of the AHRQ Indicators & Collaborative Data Sharing
A Few Examples of Practical Applications
Prevention … appropriate.
1 to 117.0
117.1 to 283.2
283.3 to 399.2
399.3 to 565.2
> 565.2
DI Hospitals
AHRQ Prevention … AHRQ Prevention Quality Indicators
Congestive Heart Failure Admission Rate - 2002
+ = County’s RA rate … AHRQ Prevention Quality Indicators
Congestive Heart Failure Admission Rate - 2003
+ = County’s RA rate
January 01, 2021 - updates, a quick review of our four
different areas of addressing in-patient care, patient safety and prevention … The PQIs — Prevention Quality Indicators — are reported mostly tend to be
recorded at the County level
January 01, 2008 - Overview
AHRQ Quality Indicators
Validation Pilot
April 8, 2008
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking an indication of interest from organizations willing to participate in Phase II of the AHRQ Quality Indicators Validation Pilot. The validation pilot is designed to gather eviden…
January 01, 2020 - Currently the QIs represent four different areas that address inpatient care: patient safety,
prevention … PQIs, our prevention quality indicators, are reported at county-