October 15, 2008 - Breastfeeding in infancy and blood pressure in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis. … Effect of breast feeding in infancy on blood pressure in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis … various study designs found a small reduction of <1.5 mm Hg in systolic and <0.5 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure … association reported was between "never breastfed" and the sudden infant death syndrome or the risk for injury-related
January 01, 2004 - about these services
or accept them as a routine part of the medical exam
(eg, screening for high blood pressure … proposed treatment, the
alternatives to the proposed treatment, and the
inherent risks of death and bodily injury
May 25, 2021 - Harms were anxiety, depression, maternal musculoskeletal injuries, stigma, and those related to insufficient … 77 , 79 , 80 , 82 Gestational hypertension was defined as persistent or repeated measures of blood pressure … no effects of GWG interventions on the remaining maternal outcomes (postpartum hemorrhage, perineal trauma
July 15, 2009 - and can affect the ability to live independently or increase the risk for falls and other accidental injuries … reported 5 cases of presumed endophthalmitis, 6 cases of uveitis, and 11 cases of elevated intraocular pressure … fields with Humphrey automated visual field unit c ; Perkins applanation tonometer d ; intraocular pressure
July 15, 2009 - and can affect the ability to live independently or increase the risk for falls and other accidental injuries … reported 5 cases of presumed endophthalmitis, 6 cases of uveitis, and 11 cases of elevated intraocular pressure … fields with Humphrey automated visual field unit c ; Perkins applanation tonometer d ; intraocular pressure
November 13, 2022 - MI) or stroke, revascularization, composite CVD out-
comes, or harms of treatment (including muscle injury … , cognitive loss,
incident diabetes, and hepatic injury) were included. … cardiovascular risk fac-
tors (including dyslipidemia, elevated C-reactive protein level, el-
evated blood pressure
July 01, 2009 - and can affect the ability to
live independently or increase the risk for falls and other
accidental injuries … visual fields
with Humphrey
automated visual field
unit‡; Perkins
applanation tonometer§;
intraocular pressure … reported 5
cases of presumed endophthalmitis, 6 cases of uveitis, and
11 cases of elevated intraocular pressure
May 25, 2021 - Harms were anxiety, depression, mater-
nal musculoskeletal injuries, stigma, and those related to insuffi … 71,73,77,79,80,82
Gestational hypertension was defined as persistent or repeated mea-
sures of blood pressure … no effects of GWG interventions on the remaining
maternal outcomes (postpartum hemorrhage, perineal trauma
December 01, 2016 - Injury and Child Maltreatment
7. … A
Hypertension: Screening in Adults
The USPSTF recommends screening for high blood pressure in adults
September 21, 2021 - Harms were anxiety, depression, mater-
nal musculoskeletal injuries, stigma, and those related to insuffi … 71,73,77,79,80,82
Gestational hypertension was defined as persistent or repeated mea-
sures of blood pressure … no effects of GWG interventions on the remaining
maternal outcomes (postpartum hemorrhage, perineal trauma