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    January 01, 2001 - It is the leading cause of disabled life-years and is second only to injuries as a cause of life-years … A 50-year-old man with a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg, a TC of 180 mg/dL, and an HDL-C of 40 mg/dL has … A 50-year-old man with hypertension (blood pressure of Figure 1. … Serum cholesterol, blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and death from coronary heart disease: overall
    March 01, 2016 - intravitreal injections of VEGF inhibitors include endophthalmitis, uveitis, increased intraocular pressure … , traumatic lens injury, and retinal detachment. 1 , 4 In 3 trials, these outcomes were infrequent,
    December 01, 2007 - Although the intensity of medical management is difficult to determine, the mean systolic blood pressure … However, among the RCTs, the VACS reported a surgical complica- tions rate of 3.8% for cranial nerve injuries … (none of these injuries were permanent), 5.2% for hypotension, and 25% for hypertension (34). … Cumulative effects of high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and cigarette smoking on carotid … death: Overall: 3.7% High-volume hospital (.100 cases/y): 3.5% Low-volume hospital: 5.2% HTN: 3% Wound
    April 11, 2016 - Census. 17 Initial body mass index, systolic blood pressure, high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol … Effects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: principal … Common values in assessing health outcomes from disease and injury: disability weights measurement study … BMI = body mass index; BP = blood pressure; CRC = colorectal cancer; CVD = cardiovascular disease; HDL-C … high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; SBP = systolic blood pressure
    April 11, 2016 - Census. 17 Initial body mass index, systolic blood pressure, high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol … Effects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: principal … Common values in assessing health outcomes from disease and injury: disability weights measurement study … BMI = body mass index; BP = blood pressure; CRC = colorectal cancer; CVD = cardiovascular disease; HDL-C … high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; SBP = systolic blood pressure
    April 01, 2016 - Initial body mass index, sys- tolic blood pressure, high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels … prevention (counterfactual) group Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No BMI = body mass index; BP = blood pressure … high-density lipoprotein choles- terol; LDL-C = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; SBP = systolic blood pressure … Effects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and low- dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: principal … Common values in assessing health outcomes from disease and injury: disability weights measurement study
    January 01, 1996 - responsible for about 25% of deaths from residential fires, causing some 1,000 fire-related deaths and 3,300 injuries … reinforced. 92 , 93 The most successful of these programs involve teaching the skills to resist social pressures … Effective school-based programs teach children skills to recognize and resist social pressure to smoke
    November 16, 2020 - Potential adverse ma- ternal events reported in studies of NRT include slightly increased diastolic blood pressure … Additionally, an outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping prod- uct, use–associated lung injury (EVALI) that … Outbreak of lung injury associated with the use of e-cigarette, or vaping, products. … Blount BC, Karwowski MP, Shields PG, et al; Lung Injury Response Laboratory Working Group. … Practice advisory: lung injury associated with e-cigarettes (“vaping”). Published October 2019.
    May 01, 2014 - Drug and alcohol use are the primary health risk be- haviors that contribute to unintentional injuries … substance use among girls; building skills for managing stress, conflict, and mood; overcoming peer pressure … 160 • Number 9 615 might relate to drug use among children and adolescents, such as drug-related injuries … use Health Outcomes All-cause mortality Drug-related mortality Drug-related morbidity Drug-related injury
    January 01, 2023 - WISQARS—Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System. … Accessed September July 12, 2023. 19. … APPENDICES … Pregnancy The USPSTF recommends screening for hypertensive disorders in pregnant persons with blood pressure
    January 01, 2023 - WISQARS—Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System. … Accessed September July 12, 2023. 19. … APPENDICES … Pregnancy The USPSTF recommends screening for hypertensive disorders in pregnant persons with blood pressure
    January 01, 2017 - substances, including tobacco and alcohol Screening for Hearing Loss in Older Adults After high blood pressure … Preeclampsia: Screening The USPSTF recommends screening for preeclampsia in pregnant women with blood pressure … Grossman is a board-certified pediatrician recognized for his research on clinical preventive services, injury … A High Blood Pressure: Screening in Adults The USPSTF recommends screening for high blood pressure in … I High Blood Pressure: Screening in Children and Adolescents The USPSTF concludes that the current
    March 01, 2016 - intravitreal injections of VEGF inhibitors include endophthalmitis, uveitis, increased intraocular pressure … , traumatic lens injury, and retinal detachment.1,4 In 3 trials, these outcomes were infrequent, and
    January 01, 2010 - Healthy People 2010 leading health indicators* * Other leading health indicators include mental health, injury … interventions outside the clinical setting intended to change risky behaviors; reduce specific diseases, injuries … insufficient physical activity, intermediate outcomes may include physiological risk factors, such as blood pressure … utilization or patient satisfaction) (KQ 4), and may also induce adverse effects, such as increased injury … Gender, social pressure, and smoking cessations: The Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation
    March 04, 2021 - interventions outside the clinical setting intended to change risky behaviors; reduce specific diseases, injuries … insufficient physical activity, intermediate outcomes may include physiological risk factors, such as blood pressure … utilization or patient satisfaction) (KQ 4), and may also induce adverse effects, such as increased injury … Gender, social pressure, and smoking cessations: The Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation
    June 12, 2018 - �10%) for primary prevention.3-5 The PCE include age, sex, race, cholesterol levels, systolic blood pressure … Eligible harms included mortality, ar- rhythmia, cardiovascular events, or injuries from exercise ECG … f Antihypertensive treatment received by 74.3% of study patients; mean systolic blood pressure, 140 mm … to Italian risk chart (includes sex, diabetic status, age, cigarette smoking status, systolic blood pressure … tomaticadults.PotentialharmsofscreeningwithexerciseorrestingECG include mortality, arrhythmia, cardiovascular events, injuries
    January 01, 2017 - these services or accept them as a routine part of the medical exam (e.g., screening for high blood pressure … proposed treatment, the alternatives to the proposed treatment, and the inherent risks of death and bodily injury
    January 01, 2017 - these services or accept them as a routine part of the medical exam (e.g., screening for high blood pressure … proposed treatment, the alternatives to the proposed treatment, and the inherent risks of death and bodily injury
    October 15, 2008 - Breastfeeding in infancy and blood pressure in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis. … Effect of breast feeding in infancy on blood pressure in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis … various study designs found a small reduction of <1.5 mm Hg in systolic and <0.5 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure … association reported was between "never breastfed" and the sudden infant death syndrome or the risk for injury-related
    January 01, 2010 - various study designs found a small reduction of �1.5 mm Hg in systolic and �0.5 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure … association reported was between “never breastfed” and the sudden infant death syndrome or the risk for injury-related … Breastfeeding in infancy and blood pressure in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis. … Effect of breast feeding in infancy on blood pressure in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis

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