September 01, 2020 - not be harmed by the care that is intended to help them, and they should remain free from accidental injury … admissions and/or discharge. 68
Greater risk of line infections, surgical infections, falls, and pressure
January 01, 2011 - culminate in
significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … culminate
in significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … (with or without behavior therapy):
At least 2 follow-up visits with:
Height, weight, and blood pressure
January 01, 2011 - culminate in
significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … culminate
in significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … with or without
behavior therapy):
At least 2 follow-up visits with:
Height, weight, and blood pressure
January 01, 2024 - implement interventions to address these.1
Development of the BI-OTT
Consistent with the “no preventable injuries … in terms of
reported medical expenditures, employment status, or work days missed due to illness or injury … High blood pressure (hypertension)? 11(64.7) 23(67.6) 0.83**
d. High cholesterol (hyperlipidemia)? … 18.8)
During 2010 about how many days did you miss work at a job or business
because of illness or injury … patients in terms of reported medical expenditures, employment status, or days missed due to illness or injury
January 01, 2020 - peripheral vascular
complication [including pseudoaneurysm,
hematoma at catheter insertion site, vascular
June 01, 2024 - Illinois
R36 HS23072
Using an Electronic
Health Record To
Examine Nurse
Continuity and
Pressure … Report
Purpose: To examine the influence of nurse continuity on the prevention of hospital-
acquired pressure … the dynamic changes in
risk and understand the frequency that human attributes and organizational pressures … As hospitals face increasing financial constraints, the pressure to favor productivity and
throughput … examine transition of care factors that contribute to risk and hazards
associated with iatrogenic injury
September 01, 2012 - Adverse event*:
Any injury caused by medical care. … include pneumothorax from central venous catheter
placement, anaphylaxis to penicillin, postoperative wound … Similarly,
postoperative wound infections count as adverse events even if the operation proceeded with … Teamwork training improves the clinical care of trauma patients. … About 30 minutes later, he begins to develop some chest pressure, which he had not noticed before.
September 01, 2012 - Adverse event*:
Any injury caused by medical care. … include pneumothorax from central venous catheter
placement, anaphylaxis to penicillin, postoperative wound … Similarly,
postoperative wound infections count as adverse events even if the operation proceeded with … Teamwork training improves the clinical care of trauma patients. … About 30 minutes later, he begins to develop some chest pressure, which he had not noticed before.
January 01, 2004 - as likely as nurses on
well-staffed and better-organized units to report risk factors, needlestick injuries … Implementing
evidence-based medicine: the role of market pressures,
compensation incentives, and culture … Effects of hospital
staffing and organizational climate on needlestick
injuries to nurses.
June 12, 2008 - identified insufficient staff knowledge as the main cause of events related to the use
of intracranial pressure … Severity scoring (i.e., severity of patient injury and frequency of occurrence) is
one approach to prioritizing
March 27, 2008 - Signovers provide more than information (e.g., name, blood pressure, diagnosis); they
also support macrocognitive … Patterns of
communication breakdowns resulting in injury to
surgical patients.
January 01, 2003 - Human: Building a Safer
Health System, identified medical errors as a leading cause of death and injury … control … and we’re
treating 85-year-olds with drugs that will knock them out just to lower their blood
December 31, 2021 - state-specific data on preventive health
practices and risk behaviors linked to chronic diseases, injuries … patient’s age, gender, race,
and ethnicity; patient’s expressed reason for visit; intentionality of injury … include mode of arrival, waiting time,
duration of time in the ED, initial vital signs, and cause of injury … The
examination includes physical measurements, such as blood pressure and dental examinations,
and … from each family in the house and collects data on topics including
health status and limitations, injuries
November 01, 2017 - The On-Time reports may also take some of the pressure off communication practices by automatically providing … She did make a recommendation for a medication change and some increased monitoring of blood pressure
November 15, 2017 - The On-Time reports may also take some of the pressure off communication practices by automatically providing … She did make a recommendation for a medication change and some increased monitoring of blood pressure
December 01, 2020 - state-specific data on preventive health practices
and risk behaviors linked to chronic diseases, injuries … The
examination includes physical measurements, such as blood pressure and dental examinations,
and … from each family in the house and collects data on
topics including health status and limitations, injuries … infections; seven types of adverse events associated with surgery;
patient falls; and hospital-acquired pressure … events associated with the hospital stay and not present on hospital admission
(inpatient falls and pressure
January 01, 2004 - actually access information from other settings
varies with patient complexity, patient acuity, and time pressures … This reflects their focus on immediate
treatment and stabilization of an acute illness or injury. … definitions are not personal failures as much as imperatives
caused by the organizational structure and the pressures
July 18, 2008 - The failures15 may be related to faulty processes,
information technology support, time pressures, inadequately … setting, which
represented 2.5 percent of ED visits, 6.7 percent of hospitalizations for unintentional injuries … antibiotics, immediate x-ray, repeat neuro-circ checks, and immediate
orthopedic consultation for wound … We’ll monitor for any other injuries.
June 01, 2023 - transition is prone to
technical and diagnostic error due to not only the high patient acuity and time pressure … exposure to unnecessary interventions, and preventable harm.62
During the OR-to-ICU handoff, time pressure … Critical
care settings are underrepresented in implementation science literature,84 due in part to time pressure … inherent in caring for critically ill patients.75 Yet it is that time pressure that makes a sustainable … Patterns of communication breakdowns resulting in injury to surgical patients.
July 01, 2010 - protocol using
an EHR to identify patients in need of
treatment intensification for systolic
blood pressure … treatment device
and an internet-based portal that tracks
management of continuous positive
airway pressure … Focus Area(s): Drug-induced injury in
the ambulatory geriatric population
Type of Health IT: EMR