August 30, 2023 - VIC takes some of the pressure off of the nurses on the floor with good catches and error prevention. … Interruptions in workflow for RNs in a Level One Trauma Center. … of Nursing Quality Indicators showed low incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infections, pressure … injuries, deep vein thrombosis, and central-line associated blood stream infection. 1 In terms of patient
August 30, 2023 - of Nursing Quality Indicators showed low incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infections, pressure … injuries, deep vein thrombosis, and central-line associated blood stream infection. 1 In terms of patient … VIC takes some of the pressure off of the nurses on the floor with good catches and error prevention. … Interruptions in workflow for RNs in a Level One Trauma Center.
December 01, 2013 - in 2014 looked at the frequency of diagnostic errors in specific clinical settings, such as missed injuries … in pediatric trauma . … Another study reported that 8% of deaths at a Level 1 trauma center were definitely or potentially preventable … I study errors in primary care and find that there are many current pressures on primary care clinicians
September 27, 2019 - AHRQ’s broad definition of patient safety
includes “prevention of diagnostic errors, medical errors, injury … /psnet.ahrq.gov//#_edn20
screenings for symptoms of chronic health conditions, such as high blood pressure
July 08, 2022 - The patient was hypotensive on arrival, but his blood pressure improved with fluid resuscitation. … Laboratory tests were notable for acute kidney injury, metabolic acidosis, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia
March 25, 2020 - This time pressure likely contributed to the team forgetting to check that the cardioverter/defibrillator … Related Resources
WebM&M Cases
Uterine Artery Injury
March 01, 2015 - demonstrate an average or below average R-AHMR, given that most quality problems, while associated with injury … at the beginning of last year to get the head of the NHS to resign, and he did resign as a result of pressure
August 22, 2014 - RW : In the hospital there are significant pressures and drivers that create a business case to invest … events that occur in outpatient settings in the United States, resulting in 4829 serious permanent injuries … annually in the ambulatory setting.( 7 ) If the rate of prescribing errors that have potential for patient injury
August 01, 2014 - events that occur in outpatient settings in the United States, resulting in 4829 serious permanent injuries … annually in the ambulatory setting.( 7 ) If the rate of prescribing errors that have potential for patient injury … RW : In the hospital there are significant pressures and drivers that create a business case to invest
August 01, 2016 - that a review of the literature ( 2 ) we conducted identified reports of serious lacerations and other injuries … Is it the same kind of pressure that we have in the US?
September 28, 2022 - AHRQ’s broad definition of patient safety includes “prevention of diagnostic errors, medical errors, injury … solutions may include initial screenings for symptoms of chronic health conditions, such as high blood pressure … A big step was just educating people that, in fact, they have high blood pressure and how they can take … As part of this education, the community health worker would give a patient a blood pressure monitor … so they could take their own blood pressure at different times during the day and see for themselves
October 01, 2007 - sport, and it's a reason that most of us carry first-party insurance to protect us from unanticipated injury … July 10, 2024
Health services under pressure: a scoping review and development of a taxonomy
June 01, 2014 - saw a flurry of new patient organizations, among them the Josie King Foundation, Medically Induced Trauma … advocates, too, have generally concentrated their efforts on hospitals, where the most devastating patient injuries … Laaser U, Senault R, Viefhues H, German Society for Social Medicine, German Institute for High Blood Pressure … Medically Induced Trauma Support Services. [Available at]
18. Mothers Against Medical Error.
June 01, 2014 - saw a flurry of new patient organizations, among them the Josie King Foundation, Medically Induced Trauma … advocates, too, have generally concentrated their efforts on hospitals, where the most devastating patient injuries … Laaser U, Senault R, Viefhues H, German Society for Social Medicine, German Institute for High Blood Pressure … Medically Induced Trauma Support Services. [Available at]
18. Mothers Against Medical Error.
September 01, 2016 - physicians in a large academic medical center to manage treatment of children with serious illness or injury … RT : No, being able to have your tablet take your blood pressure and shoot the systolic and diastolic
September 01, 2016 - RT : No, being able to have your tablet take your blood pressure and shoot the systolic and diastolic … physicians in a large academic medical center to manage treatment of children with serious illness or injury
August 01, 2006 - Moreover, the safety gains we have achieved are under constant challenge from the pressures of production … chronicled the number of days there had been since anyone at our plant had lost a day due a work-related injury
January 01, 2014 - I study errors in primary care and find that there are many current pressures on primary care clinicians … in 2014 looked at the frequency of diagnostic errors in specific clinical settings, such as missed injuries … in pediatric trauma . … Another study reported that 8% of deaths at a Level 1 trauma center were definitely or potentially preventable
July 01, 2011 - for the more common types of events, such as health care–associated infections, medication errors, pressure … March 8, 2023
6-PACK programme to decrease fall injuries in acute hospitals: cluster
August 01, 2006 - Moreover, the safety gains we have achieved are under constant challenge from the pressures of production … chronicled the number of days there had been since anyone at our plant had lost a day due a work-related injury