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    September 08, 2021 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    May 20, 2020 - Root cause analysis to identify contributing factors for the development of hospital acquired pressureinjuries.
    January 19, 2022 - Root cause analysis to identify contributing factors for the development of hospital acquired pressureinjuries.
    November 21, 2021 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    June 21, 2023 - These include injury to vessels or organs during insertion, catheter migration or malposition with extravasation … The study found that the most common complications were wound oozing, phlebitis, occlusion, infection … It seems prudent to avoid flushing catheters under high pressure or using small syringes. … PICC complications include injury to other vessels or organs during insertion, catheter migration or … Caregivers should be warned against flushing PICCs with small-volume syringes or with too much pressure
    June 01, 2012 - They had taken her to the operating room, but she developed low blood pressure before the case and the … An evaluation of compliance with practice guidelines on interhospital trauma transfer. … An evaluation of compliance with practice guidelines on interhospital trauma transfer. … Injury. 2005;36:1051-1057. Warren J, Fromm RE Jr, Orr RA, … An evaluation of compliance with practice guidelines on interhospital trauma transfer.
    June 05, 2013 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    November 17, 2014 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    January 29, 2020 - reliability organizations cultivate resilience by relentlessly prioritizing safety over other performance pressures … A classic example is that of the military aircraft carrier: despite significant production pressures … A regional health system in Canada reported a decrease in adverse events such as falls, pressure injuries
    November 30, 2021 - This study estimated odds of preventable mortality of older adults with traumatic injuries and identified … type (64%), error in surgical treatment was the most common allegation (87%), and infection, cosmetic injury … , emotional trauma, foreign body, and nosocomial infection were the top 5 injury descriptions. … This study estimated odds of preventable mortality of older adults with traumatic injuries and identified … November 22, 2021 The opioid epidemic has put regulatory and professional pressures
  11. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 01, 2017 - this area from personal acquaintance with physicians and understanding their narratives of how legal pressures … it would be useful for us to deliberate about what we think the value of different common types of injuries … That caring relationship doesn't end when an injury occurs, particularly if the injury is our fault. … They reduce the underlying safety problems that can lead to injuries that lead to claims. … Then, we have a few cases in which EHR systems themselves have had problems that have led to injuries
  12. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 26, 2023 - The cause of death was documented as hip trauma from the fall at the nursing home. … ,1 such as fractures or head trauma, falls can have important psychological impacts on individuals such … Likewise, her blood pressure recordings, lying, sitting or standing, were not noted so we don’t know … whether she also may have suffered a drop in her blood pressure and experienced lightheadedness or … risk reduction for this resident might have been to evaluate and monitor lying and standing blood pressures
    November 29, 2023 - In emergency departments (EDs), high medical acuity , incomplete information, and productivity pressures … February 12, 2020 Prevention of fall-related injuries in long-term care: a randomized
  14. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 01, 2015 - This is because the risk of developing acute kidney injury and/or hepatorenal syndrome is highest in … reduction in right atrial pressure. … The vasodilatation that occurs in the splanchnic bed leads to a lowering of mean arterial pressure and … If a patient develops a large fall in blood pressure, as occasionally occurs, I would give vasopressor … Large volume paracentesis is generally safe, but blood pressure may fall and require treatment.
  15. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 01, 2018 - His blood pressure was low (80/50 mm Hg), and he was started on intravenous fluids and broad spectrum … antibiotics with some initial improvement in his symptoms and blood pressure. … Laboratory test results revealed a mildly elevated white count, acute kidney injury, and elevated liver … The patient's blood pressure continued to trend downward to 60/40 mm Hg. … elevated white blood cell count) and end-organ dysfunction (elevated liver function tests, acute kidney injury
    June 08, 2022 - Root cause analysis to identify contributing factors for the development of hospital acquired pressureinjuries.
    February 03, 2021 - Root cause analysis to identify contributing factors for the development of hospital acquired pressureinjuries.
    February 17, 2021 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    October 21, 2020 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    September 01, 2021 - Root cause analysis to identify contributing factors for the development of hospital acquired pressureinjuries.

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