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    March 01, 2023 - May 28, 2008 The road to zero preventable birth injuries. … Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
  2. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 01, 2003 - one of my favorites, because it is a simple and direct maneuver that eliminates the risk of serious trauma … from falls, restraints may also cause injury. … serious problem in the hospital, putting patients at risk for many other problems, including delirium, pressure … hip fractures,(5) but this represents a change in emphasis from fall prevention to attenuation of trauma … Mechanical restraint use and fall related injuries among residents of skilled nursing facilities.
    October 27, 2010 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    May 26, 2021 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    April 17, 2024 - Root cause analysis to identify contributing factors for the development of hospital acquired pressureinjuries.
    February 07, 2024 - Root cause analysis to identify contributing factors for the development of hospital acquired pressureinjuries.
    January 18, 2018 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
  8. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 01, 2004 - complications occur more commonly in patients with coagulation abnormalities or elevated central venous pressure … catheterization at the internal jugular site, similar to the ones seen in this case, suggest arterial injury … The timing of this patient's neurologic deterioration favors an arterial injury. … The key to preventing serious injury to the artery is identifying the arterial puncture prior to dilating … The most definitive technique is to attach a pressure transducer to the needle and inspect the waveform
    January 01, 2023 - • The cause of death was documented as hip trauma from the fall at the nursing home. 7 Case … ,1 such as fractures or head trauma, falls can have important psychological impacts on individuals … • Likewise, her blood pressure recordings, lying, sitting or standing, were not noted so we don’t … know whether she also may have suffered a drop in her blood pressure and experienced lightheadedness … risk reduction for this resident might have been: – to evaluate and monitor lying and standing blood pressures
    October 23, 2013 - Evaluation of the suitability of root cause analysis frameworks for the investigation of community-acquired pressure … February 11, 2013 Using root cause analysis to reduce falls with injury in the psychiatric
    July 07, 2021 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
  12. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    August 21, 2015 - should be considered around 14 days of intubation in an adult population to avoid laryngotracheal injury … Tracheostomy devices can cause pressure ulcers, particularly along the inferior aspect of the tracheostomy … Steps for tracheostomy wean include: i) wean from positive pressure ventilation, ii) demonstrate that … one wake–sleep cycle (approximately 24 hours), the tracheostomy is removed (decannulation) and the wound … An occlusive dressing is placed to prevent air escape during wound healing.
    September 07, 2019 - However, the key findings in a recent integrative review include fewer pressure ulcers and urinary tract … job dissatisfaction and absenteeism for nurses, as well as to medication errors, infections, falls, pressureinjuries, readmissions, and failure to rescue . 10 In addition, If bullying is present within the … and unit culture promote teamwork and lead to nursing job satisfaction that is likely to reduce the pressuresinjuries.
  14. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 01, 2022 - However, the key findings in a recent integrative review include fewer pressure ulcers and urinary tract … job dissatisfaction and absenteeism for nurses, as well as to medication errors, infections, falls, pressureinjuries, readmissions, and failure to rescue.10 In addition, If bullying is present within the workplace … and unit culture promote teamwork and lead to nursing job satisfaction that is likely to reduce the pressuresinjuries.
    May 01, 2024 - Root cause analysis to identify contributing factors for the development of hospital acquired pressureinjuries.
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 01, 2009 - These include injury to vessels or organs during insertion, catheter migration or malposition with extravasation … The study found that the most common complications were wound oozing, phlebitis, occlusion, infection … It seems prudent to avoid flushing catheters under high pressure or using small syringes. … PICC complications include injury to other vessels or organs during insertion, catheter migration or … Caregivers should be warned against flushing PICCs with small-volume syringes or with too much pressure
    June 21, 2010 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    June 06, 2018 - February 14, 2024 A randomized trial of a multifactorial strategy to prevent serious fall injuries … May 29, 2019 Medical device-related pressure ulcers: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    January 24, 2018 - Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes - falls, pressureinjuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review.
    April 13, 2017 - April 13, 2017 A randomized trial of a multifactorial strategy to prevent serious fall injuries … October 13, 2018 Fake it 'til you make it: pressures to measure up in surgical training

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