
Total Results: 163 records

Showing results for "pressure injury".
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    September 01, 2020 - The final challenge is the time pressure we all face. … Some goals may be long-term, such as reducing the risk of future injury or illness, or living as long … Mom: I don't think I could forgive myself if he wound up dying of meningitis because we didn't finish … Non-invasive routine care, such as taking blood pressure, is usually covered by the blanket consent form
    January 18, 2017 - The final challenge is the time pressure we all face. … Some goals may be long-term, such as reducing the risk of future injury or illness, or living as long … Mom: I don’t think I could forgive myself if he wound up dying of meningitis because we didn’t finish … Non-invasive routine care, such as taking blood pressure, is usually covered by the blanket consent
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking

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