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    blood cholesterol measurement in the last 5 years 83.5 82.3 Achieved: 2% better Obstetric trauma … bypass surgery, adults age 40 and over 22.8 14.4 58.3% Reclosure of postoperative abdominal wound … - injury to neonate per 1,000 selected live births 5.1 2.8 80.2% Hospital admissions for … per 1,000 elective surgical hospital discharges, adults 4.0 Postoperative acute kidney injury … almost daily (either oral or inhaler) 32.3 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    hospital admissions with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair 36.1 27.1 33.1% Obstetric trauma … 1,000 instrument-assisted deliveries 125.4 87.1 44.0% Reclosure of postoperative abdominal wound … Suicide deaths among persons age 12 and over per 100,000 population 14.4 9.4 53.5% Birth trauma … per 1,000 elective surgical hospital discharges, adults 3.6 Postoperative acute kidney injury … quit smoking from their providers 78.7 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    eye examination in the calendar year 61.9 75.2 17.7% Reclosure of postoperative abdominal wound … hospital admissions with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair 36.8 27.1 35.6% Obstetric trauma … That Are Far From Benchmark Measure Estimate Benchmark Distance to Benchmark Birth trauma … - injury to neonate per 1,000 selected live births 4.9 2.8 72.4% Suicide deaths among persons … quit smoking from their providers 75.5 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    patients who had influenza vaccination during flu season -25.3 Short-stay nursing home patients with pressure … 3 or more doses human papillomavirus vaccine -4.6 High-risk, long-stay nursing home patients with pressure … stayed at home after an episode of home health care -3.8 Home health care patients whose surgical wound … or more doses human papillomavirus vaccine -1.8 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … the last 12 months 2.9 Long-stay nursing home patients experiencing one or more falls with major injury
    year 60 and over 75.0 65.8 Achieved: 14% better Short-stay nursing home patients with pressure … season 85 and over 95.8 94.1 Achieved: 2% better Home health care patients whose surgical wound … Population Estimate Benchmark Distance to Benchmark Reclosure of postoperative abdominal wound … 117.9 65.2 80.7% Long-stay nursing home patients experiencing one or more falls with major injury … they could understand 65 and over 6.9 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury
    regular business hours over the telephone -1.6 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … lower extremity amputations per 1,000 population, adults age 18 and over with diabetes Obstetric trauma … per 1,000 vaginal deliveries without instrument assistance Obstetric trauma per 1,000 instrument-assisted … dialysis per 1,000 elective-surgery admissions, age 18 and over Reclosure of postoperative abdominal wound … medicine daily or almost daily (either oral or inhaler) Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    medications that should be avoided in older adults -7.8 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … medicine daily or almost daily (either oral or inhaler) Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    Unchanged Measure Average Annual Percent Change Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … medicine daily or almost daily (either oral or inhaler) Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    February 17, 2021 - Long-stay nursing home residents with physical restraints -20.6 Short-stay nursing home patients with pressure … advice within the past 2 years about eating healthy -4.6 Home health care patients whose surgical wound … last 2 months of care -2.1 Long-stay nursing home patients experiencing one or more falls with major injury … 10 (where 0 is the worst and 10 is the best) -0.4 High-risk, long-stay nursing home patients with pressure … People under age 65 with any private health insurance Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    Non-Hispanic, multiple races 1.4 2.8 Achieved: 49% better Short-stay nursing home patients with pressure … Multiple races 79.8 85.5 Achieved within: 6.7% Home health care patients whose surgical wound … 4.5 2.8 59.6% Long-stay nursing home patients experiencing one or more falls with major injury … from other doctors Multiple races 76.6 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … oral or inhaler) Multiple races 28.8 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    other doctors With any disability 79.1 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … their providers With any disability 81.0 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    other doctors Without disability 80.5 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … their providers Without disability 75.2 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    who ever received pneumococcal vaccination -0.6 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … deep vein thrombosis (DVT) per 1,000 surgical hospital discharges, adults Postoperative acute kidney injury … surgical admissions who were not susceptible to falling, adults Reclosure of postoperative abdominal wound … medicine daily or almost daily (either oral or inhaler) Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    in the last flu season Ages 18-44 38.3 47.8 19.8% Reclosure of postoperative abdominal wound … HIV infection deaths per 100,000 population Ages 18-44 1.1 0.8 46.7% Obstetric trauma … elective surgical hospital discharges, adults Ages 18-44 2.5 Postoperative acute kidney injury … from other doctors Ages 18-44 82.2 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … from their providers Ages 18-44 71.1 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    February 17, 2021 - population per year AI/AN 23.0 27.5 Achieved: 16% better Short-stay nursing home patients with pressure … AN, single race 87.7 91.3 Achieved within: 4.0% Home health care patients whose surgical wound … 5.0 2.8 79.3% Long-stay nursing home patients experiencing one or more falls with major injury … Non-Hispanic, AI/AN 0.8 0.4 83.7% High-risk, long-stay nursing home patients with pressure … last flu season AI/AN, single race 50.4 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure
    in the calendar year Ages 40-59 59.4 84.0 29.3% Reclosure of postoperative abdominal wound … 1,000 surgical hospital discharges, adults Ages 45-64 3.2 Postoperative acute kidney injury … they could understand Ages 45-64 7.4 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … from their providers Ages 45-64 80.6 Adults without hypertension who had their blood pressure

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