August 01, 2012 - There is some
data suggesting strict blood pressure control versus standard
blood pressure control … include two critical areas not considered in this comparative
effectiveness review, acute kidney injury … Acute
kidney injury detection in the U.S. is increasing over time. … examinations, exercising
caution in NSAID and COX-2 inhibitor use. (3) These agents
can cause acute injury … 5
parameters assessed; all-cause and cardiovascular mortality,
kidney failure onset, acute kidney injury
January 01, 2021 - People with alcohol use disorder also have a higher risk of:
High blood pressure
Liver problems … density
Depression, anxiety, or other mental problems
Anemia (a very low number of red blood cells)
Injury … Alcohol use disorder can be a long-term condition, like high blood pressure or asthma.
January 01, 2020 - Pharmacological interventions can result in adverse outcomes,
commonly minimal trauma atypical fractures … weight-bearing exercise, may also increase bone density18,19 and may be
safer than medication, but risk of injury … discontinuation in 10-15 percent of patients.59 Common adverse effects from
bisphosphonates include minimal trauma … Women were excluded from these studies if they had any number of conditions such as high
blood pressure … They may also experience other side effects while using the platform, such
as decreased blood pressure
January 01, 2012 - several experts opined that this intervention could improve patient health outcomes with
respects to pressure … Regarding pressure ulcers in paraplegic patients, one expert
with a clinical perspective opined, “These … Clinical Pathway at Point of This Intervention
After patients receive acute treatment for spinal cord injuries … limitations in restoring mobility and improving quality of life for patients who have spinal cord
injuries … mobility, and degree of interaction with electronic devices for
patients with high-level spinal cord injuries
December 01, 2019 - arterial puncture, lung puncture (pneumothorax), pulmonary infarction, brachial plexus/phrenic nerve injury … An echocardiogram is a noninvasive test that provides an estimate of pulmonary artery pressures at rest … As with initial diagnosis, right heart catheterization is used to measure pulmonary arterial pressures … outcome efficacy:
Intermediate-term outcomes
Hemodynamic parameters such as pulmonary artery pressures … Estimating pulmonary artery pressures by echocardiography in patients with emphysema.
August 01, 2024 - used for general bedside care, including but not limited to PPE, drapes, linens, laryngoscopes, blood pressure … ICU stay related to HAI; Length of stay; Mortality; Adverse effects; Healthcare worker infection or injury … endotrachea* OR laryng* OR trachea*) NEAR/3 (blade* OR scope* OR tube*)) OR laryngoscope*):ti,ab,kw #6 Blood pressure … cuffs 'blood pressure cuff'/de OR 'sphygmomanometer'/exp OR (cuff OR cuffs OR oximet* OR sphygmomanomet
January 27, 2012 - , suicide, and fetal alcohol syndrome.9,17 Excessive
alcohol consumption is also a major factor in injury … fires, drowning, falls, homicide, suicide, motor vehicle
crashes, child maltreatment, and pedestrian injuries … variety of adverse
effects such as nausea, dizziness, flushing,
and changes in heart rate and blood
pressure … No other details on the cause or nature of
the accident were provided.41 That study also reported 1 injury … Alcohol-attributable fraction for injury in the
U.S. general population: data from the 2005 National
January 30, 2013 - arterial puncture, lung
puncture (pneumothorax), pulmonary infarction, brachial plexus/phrenic nerve injury … An echocardiogram is a
noninvasive test that provides an estimate of pulmonary artery pressures at rest … As with initial diagnosis, right heart
catheterization is used to measure pulmonary arterial pressures … outcome efficacy:
Intermediate-term outcomes
Hemodynamic parameters such as pulmonary artery pressures … Estimating pulmonary artery pressures by
echocardiography in patients with emphysema.
July 01, 2023 - workers, exposure to antibiotics (with their effects on the patient microbiome as well as evolutionary
pressure … interventions
• Education-only interventions
• Respiratory precautions (droplet, airborne,
negative pressure … isolation/satisfaction
o Noninfectious adverse healthcare-
associated outcomes (hospital-
acquired pressure … injuries, inpatient
• Clinical outcomes specifically for:
o Central-line associated bloodstream
February 01, 2019 - Prehospital trauma analgesia. J Emerg Med . 2008;35:47-57.
Albrecht E, Taffe P, Yersin B, et al. … An evidence-based guideline for prehospital analgesia in trauma. … Continuous infusion of ketamine for out-of-hospital isolated orthopedic injuries secondary to trauma: … Adding the following outcomes to KQ 2 and 4: systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, oxygen … In the absence of robust data for these harms, descionmakers may be interested in changes in blood pressure
January 28, 2019 - medical
conditions or patient characteristics (e.g., dental pain, abdominal pain, depressed blood
pressure … Prehospital trauma analgesia. J Emerg Med.
3. … An evidence-based guideline for
prehospital analgesia in trauma. … Continuous infusion of ketamine for out-of-hospital
isolated orthopedic injuries secondary to trauma … Adding the following
outcomes to KQ 2
and 4: systolic blood
pressure, diastolic
blood pressure,
May 01, 2020 - Other CR methods: Castor oil, nipple stimulation, membrane stripping, sexual intercourse, acupuncture/pressure … (e.g., bone fracture, neurologic injury, or retinal hemorrhage) c
Intracranial or subgaleal hemorrhage … (e.g., bone fracture, neurologic injury, or retinal hemorrhage) c
Intracranial or subgaleal hemorrhage … (e.g., bone fracture, neurologic injury, or retinal hemorrhage) c
Intracranial or subgaleal hemorrhage … maternal age, gestational age, race and ethnicity), pregnancy risk factors (such as diabetes, high blood pressure
February 01, 2008 - guidelines also address HFS, knee
arthroscopy, elective spine surgery, and isolated lower-extremity injuries … deep vein thrombosis
prophylaxis, circulation enhancement, leg ulcers, leg pain
incidental to leg trauma … venous
Aircast® VenaFlow®
DJO Intended to apply intermittent application of pressure … enhancement; deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis;
acute and chronic edema; extremity pain incident to trauma … Predictors of wound infection in hip and knee joint
replacement: results from a 20 year surveillance
February 01, 2008 - guidelines also address HFS, knee
arthroscopy, elective spine surgery, and isolated lower-extremity injuries … deep vein thrombosis
prophylaxis, circulation enhancement, leg ulcers, leg pain
incidental to leg trauma … venous
Aircast® VenaFlow®
DJO Intended to apply intermittent application of pressure … enhancement; deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis;
acute and chronic edema; extremity pain incident to trauma … Predictors of wound infection in hip and knee joint
replacement: results from a 20 year surveillance
January 01, 2017 - specializing in diseases of the joints,
muscles, and bones), orthopedist (a doctor specializing in injuries … gain
�� Insomnia (trouble
falling asleep or
staying asleep)
��Corticosteroids can cause high blood
March 14, 2012 - Then pressure measurements are captured, which provide
information about the small bowel and gastric … pressure ratio during resting, mealtime, and after
medication usage. … Myopathy is present if amplitude muscle pressures of less than 30
mmHg are documented, and neuropathy … Pressure patterns
○ Treatment decisions
1. Change in medications
2. … March 14, 2012
and effective assessment of gastrointestinal function in persons with spinal cord injury
November 09, 2011 - safety problems
Preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia – coordinate with AHRQ HAI report
Pressure … Interventions for central venous catheter-related blood infections
Patient death or serious injury
January 01, 2012 - or
trauma. … or
trauma. … living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living
(IADLs), functional mobility, positioning, pressure … living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living
(IADLs), functional mobility, positioning, pressure … And in many cases this care (e.g. wound care)
cannot be provided by a therapist or supplier.
December 01, 2019 - guidelines also address HFS, knee arthroscopy, elective spine surgery, and isolated lower-extremity injuries … , deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, circulation enhancement, leg ulcers, leg pain incidental to leg trauma … insufficiency
Aircast® VenaFlow® System
Intended to apply intermittent application of pressure … enhancement; deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis; acute and chronic edema; extremity pain incident to trauma … Predictors of wound infection in hip and knee joint replacement: results from a 20 year surveillance
December 01, 2019 - Then pressure measurements are captured, which provide information about the small bowel and gastric … pressure ratio during resting, mealtime, and after medication usage. … Myopathy is present if amplitude muscle pressures of less than 30 mmHg are documented, and neuropathy … Motility assessment
Transit time
Pressure patterns
Treatment decisions
Change in … technology provides safe and effective assessment of gastrointestinal function in persons with spinal cord injury