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    May 01, 2008 - body of literature shows that many patients experience adverse drug events (ADEs) or unanticipated injuries … The Institute of Medicine estimates 98,000 deaths per year and many 8more injuries resulting from medical … For one of the grantees, significant changes were noted in patients’ blood pressure and low-density … There was then pressure to implement the templates in all the clinics, rather than the half randomized
    May 01, 2008 - body of literature shows that many patients experience adverse drug events (ADEs) or unanticipated injuries … in nursing homes 5 The Institute of Medicine estimates 98,000 deaths per year and many more injuries … For one of the grantees, significant changes were noted in patients’ blood pressure and low-density … There was then pressure to implement the templates in all the clinics, rather than the half randomized
    January 28, 2014 - 07-003), which supported research in risk assessment and modeling to iden- tify preventable patient injuries … The system included the follow- ing: alerts about elevated blood pressure; a template that shows the … Kopal found that average diastolic and systolic blood pressure fell among hypertensive patients after … The proportion of hypertensive patients with their blood pressure under control at their last visit … times more likely to have their blood pressure under control after the intervention than before.
    January 01, 2011 - outcomes-assessors rated on an ordinal scale from 1-6 their confidence that medical management caused an injury … (injuries rated 5 or 6 are considered ADEs); (3) outcomes-assessors then rated each AE for ameliorability … the outcomes-assessors categorized the type of each ADE as: adverse drug event, procedure-related injury … For another patient, blood pressure was reviewed in detail, including recent lab test results and goals … (if alert rated as a potential problem or problem needing timely response) n=13: Procedure related injury
    January 01, 2013 - Treating drug-related injuries in hospitals costs at least $3.5 billion per year. … Since clinicians in the hospital work under time constraints and pressures, this can pose difficulties
    May 01, 2012 - and modeling to iden- This is one in a series of five reports highlighting tify preventable patient injuries … The grantees confirmed that higher scores on the disease management indices for blood pressure were … data from the EHR, that the latter ap- proach was highly accurate for case identification for blood pressure … mix adjustment model to account for patient heterogeneity, comparing actual hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure … had a modest impact on treatment intensification rates for patients with elevated systolic blood pressure
    October 16, 2014 - Medical support services*       ∗ reminders to take medications, taking blood pressure, monitor … weight for gain or loss, observe for injuries (bruises, limping) monitor for pain OTHER SUPPORT
    January 01, 2015 - care organizations…should adopt as their explicit purpose to continually reduce the burden of illness, injury … you less likely to have medical problems such as: Diabetes Heart disease Colon Cancer High blood pressure … less likely to have medical problems such as: Diabetes Heart disease Colon Cancer High blood pressure … you less likely to have medical problems such as: Diabetes Heart disease Colon Cancer High blood pressure
    June 15, 2023 - interventions 9 STRIDE = STrategies to Reduce Injuries … A Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Strategy to Prevent Serious Fall Injuries. … home • Lifestyle changes Barriers Staff • Time • No show risk • Provider preferences • Time pressures … Osteoporosis and osteopenia are well documented risk factors for fall injury, including fractures, with … Research Impact Background: CDS, Interoperability, and Data Sharing STRIDE = STrategies to Reduce Injuries
    May 01, 2012 - note, the focus of most reporting systems on analyzing adverse events “means that injury has already … note, however, “Most reporting systems concentrate on analyzing adverse events; this means that injury … should establish a mechanism for both vendors and users to report health IT-related deaths, serious injuries … Intracranial Pressure Calculation: The formula for calculating intracranial pressure (ICP) was re-entered … incorrectly by local IT staff as part of a software upgrade, with the result that all pressures were
    April 27, 2021 - A comparison of multiple data sources to identify vaccinations for veterans with spinal cord injuries … for the family physician (Archived April 27, 2021) A computer alert system to prevent injury … (Archived April 27, 2021) A decision support system for prevention and treatment of pressure … ) A new sodium-nitroprusside-infusion controller for the regulation of arterial blood pressure … (Archived April 27, 2021) Improved perioperative antibiotic use and reduced surgical wound
    January 01, 2012 - Objective: 1) to characterize challenges facing physicians in their efforts to control blood pressure … Continuation Format Page Scope Background/context: “Care-gaps” exist in the management of blood pressure … , we used diagnoses from the problem list in the EHR, augmented by additional assessment of blood pressure … We measured rates of testing for lipid levels and renal function, levels of blood pressure and lipid … For new or worsening symptoms (possible ADEs), adjudicators decided whether the injury was related to
    January 01, 2020 - however, providers rarely use a completely analytic strategy for decision-making because of time pressure … conditions in the PICU, such venous thromboembolism, acute respiratory distress syndrome, traumatic brain injury
    January 01, 2021 - observe graphs of their hemoglobin A1c, or patients with hypertension may review graphs of their blood pressure … national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries
    January 01, 2022 - the need for opioids, and improve outcomes for children needing at-home dressing changes for burn injuries … Identifying and prioritizing effective care plans to prevent falls and related injuries is challenging … Applying CDS may prevent and treat venous thromboembolism Patients with traumatic brain injuries (TBI … As a trauma critical care surgeon at the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S) Christopher Tignanelli, M.D., … researchers plan to widely disseminate this new VTE prophylaxis CDS tool for TBI patients to U.S. trauma
    January 01, 2017 - Antidepressant treatment and suicide attempts and self-inflicted injury in children and adolescents. … Antidepressant treatment and suicide attempts and self-inflicted injury in children and adolescents … also investigate our strategy’s impact on intermediary clinical outcomes including systolic blood pressure … measures included medication understanding, adherence and clinical measures (hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure
    January 01, 2019 - Client measurements of height, weight, blood pressure, immunization status, and glucose tolerance test … self-report data, and the clinic medical assistant (MA) entered measurements (e.g., height, weight, blood pressure … The support staff who completed the weight, height, blood pressure, immunizations, and labs were to … log into the StartSmart server with unique credentials to enter the patient’s height, weight, blood pressure … Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
    April 26, 2010 - Race/ethnicity Smoking status/referral HgA1C value LDL value for diabetics and cardiovascular Blood pressure … His primary responsibilities in public health statistics included disease and injury surveillance,
    January 01, 2011 - from Committee recommendations • Tables 3–21 quality measures – Core measures: tobacco, blood pressure … and the benefit (e.g., “To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury
    January 01, 2011 - Exercise lowers your blood pressure E. … Injuries and Quality of Life in Poorly-Controlled T2DM: prospective observation During a self-management … Injuries and Quality of Life in Poorly-Controlled T2DM.

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