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    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    July 15, 2009 - and can affect the ability to live independently or increase the risk for falls and other accidental injuries … reported 5 cases of presumed endophthalmitis, 6 cases of uveitis, and 11 cases of elevated intraocular pressure … fields with Humphrey automated visual field unit c ; Perkins applanation tonometer d ; intraocular pressure
    July 01, 2009 - and can affect the ability to live independently or increase the risk for falls and other accidental injuries … visual fields with Humphrey automated visual field unit‡; Perkins applanation tonometer§; intraocular pressure … reported 5 cases of presumed endophthalmitis, 6 cases of uveitis, and 11 cases of elevated intraocular pressure
    July 01, 2018 -  “Patient safety” is defined as the avoidance and prevention of patient injuries or adverse events … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking shortcuts … Whenever pressure builds up, my supervisor/manager wants us to work faster, even if it means taking
    March 01, 2011 - that a parallel study with 15 patients in each group reports the following: “The mean systolic blood pressure … Effect of nitric oxide on oxygenation and mortality in acute lung injury: systematic review and meta-analysis … High frequency oscillation in patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome
    March 01, 2011 - that a parallel study with 15 patients in each group reports the following: “The mean systolic blood pressure … Effect of nitric oxide on oxygenation and mortality in acute lung injury: systematic review and meta-analysis … High frequency oscillation in patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome
    January 01, 2010 - exhaust fumes/cigarette smoke/etc), weather factors (changes in temperature, humidity, barometric pressure … ) Safety terms [adverse events (AE); serious AE (SAE); anaphylaxis] i) Adverse events (AE): An injury … Etiology: Drug effects, wound infections, technical complications, negligence, diagnostic mishaps,
    January 01, 2010 - exhaust fumes/cigarette smoke/etc), weather factors (changes in temperature, humidity, barometric pressure … ) Safety terms [adverse events (AE); serious AE (SAE); anaphylaxis] i) Adverse events (AE): An injury … Etiology: Drug effects, wound infections, technical complications, negligence, diagnostic mishaps,
    May 25, 2021 - Harms were anxiety, depression, maternal musculoskeletal injuries, stigma, and those related to insufficient … 77 , 79 , 80 , 82 Gestational hypertension was defined as persistent or repeated measures of blood pressure … no effects of GWG interventions on the remaining maternal outcomes (postpartum hemorrhage, perineal trauma