September 01, 2020 - The final challenge is the time pressure we all face. … Some goals may be long-term, such as reducing the risk of future injury or illness, or living as long … Mom: I don't think I could forgive myself if he wound up dying of meningitis because we didn't finish … Non-invasive routine care, such as taking blood pressure, is usually covered by the blanket consent form
September 01, 2020 - The final challenge is the time pressure we all face. … Some goals may be long-term, such as reducing the risk of future injury or illness, or living as long … Mom: I don't think I could forgive myself if he wound up dying of meningitis because we didn't finish … Non-invasive routine care, such as taking blood pressure, is usually covered by the blanket consent form
September 01, 2020 - The final challenge is the time pressure we all face. … Some goals may be long-term, such as reducing the risk of future injury or illness, or living as long … Mom: I don't think I could forgive myself if he wound up dying of meningitis because we didn't finish … Non-invasive routine care, such as taking blood pressure, is usually covered by the blanket consent form
December 10, 2021 - EMS[tiab] OR (“emergency medical services”[mh] NOT
(“emergency service, hospital”[mh] OR “advanced trauma … Development of a negative pressure isolation system for containment, filtration, and
disinfection of … Accessing Medical Care After a Needlestick
Injury: First Responders' Perception of HIV Risk and Attitudes … Needlestick injuries and other potential
exposures to bloodborne pathogens among police officers in … Use of a forensic technique to identify blood contamination
of emergency department and ambulance trauma
June 01, 2012 - during the procedure to visualize the coronary arteries may
cause anaphylaxis, renal impairment, or injury … obstructive) in symptomatic patients lead to better
implementation of secondary measures—control of blood
June 01, 2012 - during the procedure to visualize the coronary arteries may
cause anaphylaxis, renal impairment, or injury … obstructive) in symptomatic patients lead to better
implementation of secondary measures—control of blood
January 01, 2025 - Medication Errors and Injuries. … familiarity with workspace, providers or devices; unwillingness
to collaborate; and uncertainty, time pressures
February 01, 2024 - Outpatient
clinics, long-
term care
Age ≥65
• no difference in
falls or fall-related
injuries … exacerbation in
• no difference in
ED visits or
for acute
kidney injury … Effects of Antihypertensive Deprescribing
Strategies on Blood Pressure, Adverse Events, and Orthostatic
January 01, 2010 - various study designs found a small reduction of �1.5 mm Hg in systolic and �0.5 mm Hg in diastolic blood
pressure … association reported was between “never breastfed” and the sudden infant death syndrome or the
risk for injury-related … Breastfeeding in infancy and blood
pressure in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis. … Effect of breast feeding in
infancy on blood pressure in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis
June 01, 2023 - 99456 Disability Examination 20% X X X
Care Management Primary Care 99473 Self-Measured Blood Pressure … Tomosynthesis 13% X X
Procedure Primary Care G0283 Therapy Electric Stimulation Other Than Wound … Professional, Face-To-Face With Multiple Pts, Each 15 Min 7% X
Procedure Primary Care 97597 Debridement Open Wound … health professional routinely provides health examinations, diagnosis, and treatment of illness or injury … hospital emergency room, an office, or a clinic, whose purpose is to diagnose and treat illness or injury
January 01, 2024 - in community settings accounted
for 2.5-11.2% of all emergency department visits with unintentional injuries … Monitor medication effects: measure, document, and track self-monitoring values (e.g., blood pressure
October 01, 2012 - These
side effects limit use of
these drugs to patients
with severe impairment
or risk of injury. … warnings
pressure in
mia and
ia … These
side effects limit use of these drugs to
patients with severe impairment or risk of
October 01, 2012 - These
side effects limit use of
these drugs to patients
with severe impairment
or risk of injury. … warnings
pressure in
mia and
ia … These
side effects limit use of these drugs to
patients with severe impairment or risk of
January 01, 2020 - Duration of labor post-randomization; Length of
hospital stay; Maternal heart rate; Maternal blood pressure … Hyperbilirubinemia;
Polycythaemia; Respiratory Distress; Macrosomia/Large for Gestational Age; Birth Trauma … of miscarriage, stillbirth, having a fetus that is too large leading to cesarean section
or birth injuries … RELEVANCE: Obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy lead to increased
risks of high blood pressure … NARRATIVE: Obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy lead to increased
risks of high blood pressure
January 01, 2020 - Duration of labor post-randomization; Length of
hospital stay; Maternal heart rate; Maternal blood pressure … Hyperbilirubinemia;
Polycythaemia; Respiratory Distress; Macrosomia/Large for Gestational Age; Birth Trauma … of miscarriage, stillbirth, having a fetus that is too large leading to cesarean section
or birth injuries … RELEVANCE: Obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy lead to increased
risks of high blood pressure … NARRATIVE: Obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy lead to increased
risks of high blood pressure
January 01, 2024 - and clinical
(renal, liver function, or other recent lab test results and monitoring data like blood pressures … actions (i.e., increased borrowing behavior to avoid citations for “drug not available” or the time pressures … Assessing Patient Safety Risk Before the Injury Occurs: An Introduction to Socio-Technical