April 01, 2023 - The model encompasses other steps as well, including a "prescription" that includes self-care assignments
January 01, 2014 - They had 8.8% greater total
expenditures (95% CI 1.6% to 16.6%),
9.1% greater prescription
drug expenditures … did not. 2008 and 2009
MCAHPS survey data were used to
assess ratings of 5 areas of care (plan,
prescription … enrollees in the near-end-of-life
group gave higher ratings for their plans
(+.6 points; p = .2), prescription
July 01, 2023 - Communication Examples
Write or enter into the EHR a discharge prescription
May 01, 2018 - One ambulatory visit with asthma as a diagnosis AND at least one asthma-
related prescription, OR
iv … more ambulatory visits with a diagnosis of asthma and/or
bronchitis AND one or more asthma- related prescriptions … • Asthma medication prescriptions.
• Insurance benefit type. … documentation due to
reimbursement, such as physician visits, ED visits, hospitalizations, and reimbursed prescription … We acknowledge that some States may be unable to include prescription fills in
their data.
August 01, 2017 - that can be categorized utilizing the MDT ® are as follows: adverse drug reaction or intolerance; prescription … narrative description of the discrepancy (e.g., medication not listed on patient’s discharge list, prescription
March 01, 2023 - It is very important to talk with your doctor about all the medicines you take, including other prescription
February 06, 2012 - currently specified for administrative data and relies on claim/encounter and pharmacy data
(specifically, prescriptions … based methods of birth control (e.g. rhythm method; barrier methods such as
condoms, diaphragm)
Prescription … with indication for pregnancy prevention
Current or past diagnosis of pregnancy
Documentation of Prescription … NCQA intends to explore revising the Chlamydia Screening in Women measure to exclude women
who have a prescription … whether indicated for contraception
One of the criteria is "Generate and
transmit permissible prescriptions
January 01, 2013 - Members who were dispensed prescription contraceptives during the measurement year (Table
CHL-A). … According to the nominator, the
measure can be collected using computerized prescription order entry … This measure assesses the extent to which
children ages 6-12 diagnosed with ADHD as of the index prescription … start date, with an ambulatory
prescription dispensed for ADHD medication,
who remained on the medication … for at least
210 days
Continuous enrollment – 120 days prior to
the Index Prescription Start Date
August 01, 2018 - Skip to main content
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March 20, 2017 - Parent kept informed
about child’s care in
emergency room
-- 4 --
Parent was asked about
child’s prescription
January 01, 2019 - for survey participants enrolled in a managed care health plan including both enrollees receiving
prescription … drug coverage through their health plan and those that do not receive prescription
drug coverage through
January 01, 2013 - are for survey participants enrolled in a managed care health plan including both
enrollees receiving prescription … drug coverage through their health plan and those that do
not receive prescription drug coverage through
January 01, 2020 - Another example would be mapping the flow of a medication prescription, fill, and dispense.
October 01, 2016 - • Prescription for birth control/contraception with indication for pregnancy prevention. … Documentation of a prescription for birth control/contraception alone would count towards the
numerator … implementation of EHR capabilities (e.g., such as
documentation of the indication for hormonal contraceptive prescriptions … One criterion is “generate and
transmit permissible prescriptions
electronically (eRx).”
September 01, 2020 - As it relates to prescriptions, patients' ability to know if they have received the correct medication
December 01, 2020 - on Affordable Care
Improving Trend: Barriers to Medical Care
Improving Trend: Barriers to Getting Prescription
January 01, 2012 - A first rate examines the
percentage of children who remained on an asthma controller medication prescription … These rates are reported as the
proportion of days covered by at least one prescription for an asthma … such counseling in adults is evidence-based and
In addition, none of the prescription
October 31, 2018 - Claims should be at the prescription
level, such that each record represents a
single pharmacy prescription … ORDER BY member_id, service_dt;
* Denominator Qualifying Events #4: Prescription drug claims … lower than the &maximum_num_dx variable (default value is 9). */
* Denominator Qualifying Events #4: Prescription
January 01, 2021 - , the percentage of adults age 65 and over who received at least 1
of 33 potentially inappropriate prescription
May 12, 2016 - During the first day of this hospital stay,
were you asked to list or review all of the