June 01, 2012 - Analyzing down total prescription drug
costs into therapeutic classes and subclasses provides decision … This Brief presents trends in utilization and expenditures for outpatient prescription
anticonvulsants … obtaining at least one
prescription, total expenditures, and total number of prescriptions, as well … million prescriptions to 106.5 million
prescriptions … versus 40.0 million prescriptions.
January 01, 2013 - prescriptions to 16.1 million prescriptions. … Analyzing total prescription drug costs by therapeutic classes and subclasses provides decision makers … The Brief compares outpatient prescription urinary antispasmodics for 2000 and 2010, using the number … of persons obtaining at least one prescription, total expenditures, and total number of prescriptions … Total number of prescriptions for urinary antispasmodics, 2000 and 2010
Total prescriptions in
January 01, 2013 - prescriptions to 16.1 million prescriptions. … Analyzing total prescription drug costs by therapeutic classes and subclasses provides decision makers … The Brief compares outpatient prescription urinary antispasmodics for 2000 and 2010, using the number … of persons obtaining at least one prescription, total expenditures, and total number of prescriptions … Total number of prescriptions for urinary antispasmodics, 2000 and 2010
Total prescriptions in
January 01, 2003 - of prescriptions for persons age 65 and older was more than double the average number of prescriptions … increased from 1.9 to 2.2 billion prescriptions (Figure 5). … prescribed medicine purchase, the average annual utilization estimates increased from just over 11 prescriptions … per person in 1997 (11.1 prescriptions) to 12.5 prescriptions in 2000 (Figure 6). … Total Utilization of Outpatient Prescription Medicines, 1997-2000
1997 1998 1999 2000
January 01, 2003 - of prescriptions for persons age 65 and older was more than double the average number of prescriptions … increased from 1.9 to 2.2 billion prescriptions (Figure 5). … prescribed medicine purchase, the average annual utilization estimates increased from just over 11 prescriptions … per person in 1997 (11.1 prescriptions) to 12.5 prescriptions in 2000 (Figure 6). … Total Utilization of Outpatient Prescription Medicines, 1997-2000
1997 1998 1999 2000
April 01, 2020 - Only prescriptions purchased or obtained in an outpatient
setting (retail and mail-order prescribed … ), oxycodone (26.8 million
prescriptions), tramadol (21.6 million prescriptions), codeine (6.1 million … prescriptions), and morphine (4.5 million prescriptions). … Refills, as well as
original prescriptions, are included in expense and utilization estimates. … prescription opioids, U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized adult
population, 2017
March 01, 2005 - percent of the
approximately 60
million children age
14 and under in the
United States had at
least one prescription … Outpatient
prescription drugs: data collection and editing in the
1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey … of prescriptions prescriptions of prescriptions
characteristic in millions Overall With use in millions … Persons categorized as having
insurance coverage may or may not have coverage for
prescription drugs. … of prescriptions prescriptions of prescriptions
characteristic in millions Overall With use in millions
January 01, 2013 - Analyzing total prescription drug costs by therapeutic classes
and subclasses provides decision makers … The Brief compares outpatient prescription urinary
antispasmodics for 2000 and 2010, using the number … of persons
obtaining at least one prescription, total expenditures, and total number
of prescriptions … Prescription medicines administered in an
inpatient setting or in a clinic or physician's office are … prescriptions to
16.1 million
September 20, 2023 - The
estimates only include prescriptions purchased or obtained in an outpatient
setting. … (25.0
percent) and to fill four or more opioid prescriptions (15.7 percent) compared with
those in … fill (5.6 percent vs. 2.2 percent) and to have four or more
opioid prescriptions fills (1.1 percent … (6.1 percent vs. 8.1 percent) and to obtain
four or more opioid prescriptions (1.6 percent vs. 3.2 … Average annual percentage of adults aged 18–64 who filled
outpatient opioid1 prescriptions in 2020–2021
September 01, 2023 - The estimates only include prescriptions purchased or obtained in an outpatient
setting. … fill (5.6 percent vs. 2.2 percent) and to have four or more opioid prescriptions fills (1.1 percent … Average annual percentage of adults aged 18–64 who filled outpatient opioid 1 prescriptions in 2020– … Average annual percentage of adults aged 18–64 who filled outpatient opioid 1 prescriptions in 2020– … Average annual percentage of adults aged 18–64 who filled outpatient opioid 1 prescriptions in 2020–
September 20, 2023 - The
estimates only include prescriptions purchased or obtained in an outpatient
setting. … Average annual percentage of adults aged 65 and older who
filled outpatient opioid1 prescriptions in … Average annual percentage of adults aged 65 and older who
filled outpatient opioid1 prescriptions in … Average annual percentage of adults aged 65 and older who
filled outpatient opioid1 prescriptions in … Average annual percentage of adults aged 65 and older who
filled outpatient opioid1 prescriptions in
September 01, 2023 - The estimates only include prescriptions purchased or obtained in an outpatient
setting. … Average annual percentage of adults aged 65 and older who filled outpatient opioid 1 prescriptions in … Average annual percentage of adults aged 65 and older who filled outpatient opioid 1 prescriptions in … Average annual percentage of adults aged 65 and older who filled outpatient opioid 1 prescriptions in … Average annual percentage of adults aged 65 and older who filled outpatient opioid 1 prescriptions in
November 01, 2017 - Total outpatient prescription opioid purchases for adults totaled 152.8 million prescriptions with Hydrocodone … (61.7, 33.0, and 26.5 million prescriptions, respectively) in 2015. … ), Oxycodone (33.0 million prescriptions), Tramadol (26.5 million prescriptions) and Codeine (13.1 million … prescriptions). … Refills as well as original prescriptions are included in expense and utilization estimates.
March 01, 2022 - This Statistical Brief presents estimates of fills of prescriptions for opioid
medications that are … The estimates only include prescriptions purchased or obtained in an
outpatient setting. … Average annual percentages of elderly adults who filled
outpatient opioid1 prescriptions in 2018–2019 … Average annual percentages of elderly adults who filled
outpatient opioid1 prescriptions in 2018–2019 … Average annual percentages of elderly adults who filled
outpatient opioid1 prescriptions in 2018–2019
February 01, 2012 - Breaking down total prescription drug costs into therapeutic classes and
subclasses provides decision … This Brief presents trends in utilization and expenditures for outpatient
prescription dermatological … of persons obtaining at least one prescription, total expenditures, and
total number of prescriptions … for dermatological agents (from 75.8
million to 45.0 million prescriptions). … dermatological agents
decreased from 75.8 million
prescriptions to 45.0 million
February 01, 2012 - dermatological agents decreased from 75.8 million prescriptions to 45.0 million prescriptions. … From 1999 and 2008, the inflation adjusted average cost per purchase of a prescription dermatological … Breaking down total prescription drug costs into therapeutic classes and subclasses provides decision … persons obtaining at least one prescription, total expenditures, and total number of prescriptions, … for dermatological agents (from 75.8 million to 45.0 million prescriptions).
February 01, 2012 - dermatological agents decreased from 75.8 million prescriptions to 45.0 million prescriptions. … From 1999 and 2008, the inflation adjusted average cost per purchase of a prescription dermatological … Breaking down total prescription drug costs into therapeutic classes and subclasses provides decision … persons obtaining at least one prescription, total expenditures, and total number of prescriptions, … for dermatological agents (from 75.8 million to 45.0 million prescriptions).
November 01, 2011 - women decreased more than 70 percent, from 112.2 million prescriptions to 31.8 million prescriptions … , total number of prescriptions, and total number of adult women obtaining at least one prescription. … the years 2001 (112.2 million prescriptions) and 2002 (93.1 million prescriptions) and decreased 45 … percent when comparing 2001 (112.2 million prescriptions) and 2003 (61.3 million prescriptions). … to 31.8 million prescriptions) (figure 2).
November 01, 2011 - women decreased more than 70 percent, from 112.2 million prescriptions to 31.8 million prescriptions … , total number of prescriptions, and total number of adult women obtaining at least one prescription. … the years 2001 (112.2 million prescriptions) and 2002 (93.1 million prescriptions) and decreased 45 … percent when comparing 2001 (112.2 million prescriptions) and 2003 (61.3 million prescriptions). … to 31.8 million prescriptions) (figure 2).
November 01, 2011 - , total number of prescriptions, and
total number of adult women obtaining at least one prescription … prescriptions … comparing the years 2001 (112.2 million prescriptions) and 2002 (93.1 million
prescriptions) and decreased … 45 percent when comparing 2001 (112.2 million
prescriptions) and 2003 (61.3 million prescriptions). … to 31.8 million prescriptions) (figure 2).