
Total Results: 74 records

Showing results for "prescriptions".

    November 01, 2024 - Trends in Media Reports, Oral Bisphosphonate Prescriptions, and Hip Fractures 1996-2012: An Ecological
    June 01, 2012 - Since 1999, prescription drugs* have outpaced illicit drugs as the most common type of drug overdose. … Whites and AI/ANs have both seen steep increases in prescription drug ODs, but AI/AN rates have increased … Most worrisome are deaths due to prescription opioid pain relievers†, from which AI/ANs have seen a
    August 01, 2014 - Opioids include both prescription pain medications, such as morphine, codeine, fentanyl, oxycodone, and … , including vomiting, severe allergic reactions, and overdose. 2 In 2010, opioids, predominantly prescription … Opioid overdose can occur for a variety of reasons, including accidental and deliberate misuse of a prescription … Policy Impact: Prescription Painkiller Overdoses. November 2011.
    August 01, 2014 - Opioids include both prescription pain medications, such as morphine, codeine, fentanyl, oxycodone, … use, including vomiting, severe allergic reactions, and overdose.2 In 2010, opioids, predominantly prescription … Opioid overdose can occur for a variety of reasons, including accidental and deliberate misuse of a prescription … Policy Impact: Prescription Painkiller Overdoses.
    August 01, 2014 - Since 1999, prescription drugs* have outpaced illicit drugs as the most common type of drug overdose. … Whites and AI/ANs have both seen steep increases in prescription drug ODs, but AI/AN rates have increased … Most worrisome are deaths due to prescription opioid pain relievers†, from which AI/ANs have seen a 22%
    June 21, 2014 - Required if “Y”. 29 PRN Is this prescription PRN (as needed)? “Y” or “N”.
    January 01, 2019 - U.S. county prevalence of retail prescription opioid sales and opioid-related hospitalizations from 2011
    December 01, 2022 - payer Substance use: any alcohol or illicit drug use, including any use of illegal drugs, misuse of prescription … For prescription drugs and other substances, if it could not be determined that the substance was misused … likely to be abused were included, which were defined as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, sedatives, prescription
    January 01, 2021 - Substance use: Any alcohol or illicit drug use, including any use of illegal drugs or misuse of prescription … For prescription drugs and other substances, if it could not be determined that the substance was misused … likely to be abused were included, which were defined as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, sedatives, prescription
    December 01, 2016 - opioid-related stays and visits is based on all- listed diagnoses and includes events associated with prescription … These codes include opioid-related use stemming from illicit opioids such as heroin, illegal use of prescription … In addition, the codes do not distinguish between illegal use of prescription drugs and their use as … Relationship between nonmedical prescription-opioid use and heroin use.
    June 01, 2017 - opioid-related stays and visits is based on all-listed diagnoses and includes events associated with prescription … These codes include opioid-related use stemming from illicit opioids such as heroin, illegal use of prescription … In addition, the codes do not distinguish between illegal use of prescription drugs and their use as … Relationship between nonmedical prescription-opioid use and heroin use.
    June 01, 2016 - experiencing an ADE.2 ADEs are increasingly common,3 in part because of the substantial increase in prescription … Between 2011 and 2014, 91 percent of U.S. adults aged 65 years and older reported use of a prescription … drug in the past 30 days, compared with 74 percent reporting prescription drug use between 1988 and
    January 01, 2016 - (NAS), which is a constellation of signs and symptoms most commonly caused by abrupt cessation of prescription … which often have limited resources for prevention and treatment.11,12 For instance, rates of opioid prescriptions … are higher in rural than in urban areas13 and prescription opioids are now the most common type of
    December 01, 2016 - opioid- related stays and visits is based on all-listed diagnoses and includes events associated with prescription … These codes include opioid-related use stemming from illicit opioids such as heroin, illegal use of prescription … In addition, the codes do not distinguish between illegal use of prescription drugs and their use as … Relationship between nonmedical prescription-opioid use and heroin use.
    September 01, 2014 - PRN Is this prescription PRN (as needed)? "Y" or "N". Required if "Y".
    January 01, 2015 - of newborn and maternal inpatient hospital stays associated with substance use, including abuse of prescription
    February 01, 2018 - most common type of substance involving abuse or dependence (4.2 million individuals), followed by prescription … 108.0 stays per 100,000 population).12 The opioid crisis—which has resulted from the abuse of both prescriptionPrescriptions for pain relievers did in fact decrease from 2012 through 2016, from 81.3 to 66.5 prescriptions … Brief if they involved alcohol or illicit drug use, including any use of illegal drugs, or misuse of prescription … to a substance that is likely to be abused, specifically barbiturates, benzodiazepines, sedatives, prescription
    January 01, 2018 - experiencing an ADE. 2 ADEs are increasingly common, 3 in part because of the substantial increase in prescription … Between 2011 and 2014, 91 percent of U.S. adults aged 65 years and older reported use of a prescription … drug in the past 30 days, compared with 74 percent reporting prescription drug use between 1988 and
    February 01, 2018 - opioid-related stays and ED visits is based on all-listed diagnoses and includes events associated with prescription … These codes include opioid-related use stemming from illicit opioids such as heroin, illegal use of prescription … In addition, the codes do not distinguish between illegal use of prescription drugs and their use as … Relationship between nonmedical prescription-opioid use and heroin use.
    October 31, 2016 - and 2012. 3 The substantial increase over the past decade in the misuse of opioids, which include prescription … opioid-related stays and visits is based on all-listed diagnoses and includes events associated with prescription

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