
Total Results: 1,022 records

Showing results for "prescriptions".

    January 01, 1996 - EHRs had made efficient patient-doctor telephone consultations possible, and saved time in renewing prescriptions … The EHRs also had made the prescriptions easier to read for the patient than hand-written prescriptions
    January 01, 2012 - errors have been studied in the pediatric population, the frequency of LASA-specific errors in pediatric prescriptions … the highest risk of causing harm through LASA errors and is refining a method for flagging individual prescriptions … Even if the percentage of error in these new prescriptions is 10 percent, the fact that 3 percent of
    July 01, 2010 - , which includes the decrease in medication errors and costs of printing official New York paper prescriptions … The total cost savings were estimated based on the total volume of prescriptions dispensed. … Pharmacies and prescribing clinicians also receive an additional incentive for refill prescriptions. … , but faxed prescriptions do not qualify for incentive payments. … how a prescription was transmitted.2 In order to receive the incentive payment, the prescription origin
    July 01, 2010 - , which includes the decrease in medication errors and costs of printing official New York paper prescriptions … The total cost savings were estimated based on the total volume of prescriptions dispensed. … Pharmacies and prescribing clinicians also receive an additional incentive for refill prescriptions. … , but faxed prescriptions do not qualify for incentive payments. … how a prescription was transmitted.2 In order to receive the incentive payment, the prescription origin
    January 01, 2023 - retrieves patient chart," "Staff returns patient chart to file storage," and "Patient receives one or more prescriptions … The other is the step "Patient receives one or more prescriptions." … This latter step connects to the final step, "Patient takes prescriptions to pharmacy" (oval), outside … The fifth step is "Prescriber passes chart and prescriptions to staff." … and ending with patient picking up prescription.
    January 01, 2006 - practice; and, the average number of antihistamine, cromoglycate, deptropine, and oral bronchodilator prescriptions … peak-flow measurements, and the ratio of coded measurements increased, whereas the number of cromoglycate prescriptions … There was a "larger decrease in the average number of cromoglycate prescriptions in the [intervention
    January 01, 2006 - To facilitate the future implementation of an electronic prescribing system, this case study modeled prescription … managers, physicians and nurses, and then represented the sequence of steps carried out to complete prescriptions … Objective "To facilitate the future implementation of an electronic prescribing system [by modeling] prescription … prescribing (e-Rx) Workflow-Related Findings Two distinct workflows were found, one for prescription … Workflows also varied for new prescriptions and renewals.
    January 01, 1999 -   Through the use of the CPR, clinicians electronically order laboratory tests, radiology tests, and prescriptions … The number of new ÒZoloftÓ prescriptions ordered after the implementation of the guidelines compared
    April 01, 1996 - Evaluation Method:  Measures of clinical outcomes, prescriptions, referrals, and consultations. … Healthcare Utilization:  In the computerized assessment group there was no increase in consultations or prescriptions
    August 27, 2009 - That 48% report that pharmacy did not receive prescription in a timely manner more than six times in … the past six months (i.e., by the time patient was ready to pick up, the prescription had not arrived … That 35% report that pharmacy called to confirm info on electronically sent prescription more than … E-prescribing is generally used to refer to electronic transmission of prescriptions in the ambulatory … Q: Is the DEA considering biometrics as an alternative to a token for signing the prescription?
    January 01, 2023 - Technology Community Tracking Transmitting and processing electronic prescriptions … Transmitting and processing electronic prescriptions: experiences of physician practices and pharmacies
    June 01, 1996 - intervention period they were given the brand name and generic drug cost information while writing prescriptions … The system includes a prescription writing function that either uses free form or pop-up choice menu. … System Penetration:  For 25% of the prescriptions, cost information was not displayed due to mismatch … between the medication name and dose in the prescription and CPR data dictionary. … Changes in healthcare costs:  The mean and SD cost per prescription in the control and intervention periods
    January 01, 2003 - They were more likely to override alerts for renewals compared with new prescriptions (OR, 17.74; 95% … Prescriptions for amoxicillin and a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium triggered 6 … In contrast, physicians overrode all 3 erythromycin allergy alerts triggered by prescriptions for azithromycin … "New prescriptions were less often written [after overriding an alert] than renewals (50.0% vs 89.6% … than for a new prescription (OR, 17.74; 95% CI, 5.60-56.18)."
    March 01, 2002 - Purpose of Study:  Increase combination drug prescriptions through the use of electronic point-of-care … Intervention:  All prescriptions were generated in the Electronic Medical Record.
    January 01, 2010 - certification process essentially certifies that pharmacy software is capable of receiving electronic prescriptions … SureScripts certification does not address how the pharmacy software processes electronic prescriptions … efficiency gain than those required to perform more data entry when processing new electronic prescriptions … the prescription data elements as they exist in the pharmacy software. … Also, telephone calls and facsimile interruptions have decreased as more prescriptions are delivered
    January 01, 2006 - SureScripts created a de-identified Original Prescription File that contained a record for each prescription … Others believe prescription cost “doesn’t concern me.” … In most cases, the e-prescription order was changed and the prescription was ultimately dispensed … Pharmacy e-prescription processing should evolve toward eliminating the routine printing of e-prescriptions … processing of prescriptions.
    January 11, 2007 - a record for each prescription to be analyzed as it was transmitted via e-prescription to the participating … In most cases, the e-prescription order was changed and the prescription was ultimately dispensed to … In 10% of cases the prescription was not dispensed. … Pharmacy e- prescription processing should evolve toward eliminating the routine printing of e-prescriptions … processing of prescriptions.
    January 01, 2023 - Grossman, Joy Transmitting and processing electronic prescriptions: … Transmitting and processing electronic prescriptions: experiences of physician practices and pharmacies
    January 01, 2008 - The mean response to a corresponding statement about new prescriptions was 4.25. … Electronic prescription refills typically began with an “Rx Summary” page-view and new electronic prescriptions … of “new” prescriptions were “clinical-staff involved”. … The overall duration of clinical staff-involved prescriptions was longer than for provider-only prescriptions … 2) prescription of an unfamiliar drug; 3) prescription at higher dose; 4) prescription for a controlled
    January 01, 2010 - certification process essentially certifies that pharmacy software is capable of receiving electronic prescriptions … SureScripts certification does not address how the pharmacy software processes electronic prescriptions … efficiency gain than those required to perform more data entry when processing new electronic prescriptions … the prescription data elements as they exist in the pharmacy software. … Also, telephone calls and facsimile interruptions have decreased as more prescriptions are delivered

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