June 30, 2021 - for mental health conditions, as well as substantial decreases in diagnoses and associated medication prescriptions
March 02, 2011 - September 23, 2020
Errors in electronic health record–based data query of statin prescriptions
January 01, 2005 - monitoring were delivered to a random half of the physicians and pharmacists when writing orders or filling prescriptions
October 12, 2016 - September 12, 2018
Outpatient opioid prescriptions for children and opioid-related adverse
August 11, 2021 - May 20, 2020
Association of inappropriate outpatient pediatric antibiotic prescriptions
September 13, 2023 - November 20, 2013
Prescriptions analysis by clinical pharmacists in the post-operative
July 02, 2019 - March 29, 2023
Quality and variability of patient directions in electronic prescriptions
February 26, 2009 - January 19, 2011
An unintended consequence of electronic prescriptions: prevalence and
April 01, 2014 - Multiple Chronic Conditions Chartbook: 2010 MEPS Data | 11
Average Annual Number of Prescriptions … Filled Per Capita, by
Number of Chronic Conditions – 2010
Average Annual Spending on Prescriptions … contain multiple records per person, where each record represents
an event – a doctor’s visit, a prescription … : Based on Prescribed Medicine file, sum up all
prescriptions for each DUPERSID, let’s call it Total_PRESCR … Filled Per Capita, by
Number of Chronic Conditions – 2010 & Average Annual Spending on
April 01, 2014 - Multiple Chronic Conditions Chartbook: 2010 MEPS Data | 11
Average Annual Number of Prescriptions … Filled Per Capita, by
Number of Chronic Conditions – 2010
Average Annual Spending on Prescriptions … contain multiple records per person, where each record represents
an event – a doctor’s visit, a prescription … : Based on Prescribed Medicine file, sum up all
prescriptions for each DUPERSID, let’s call it Total_PRESCR … Filled Per Capita, by
Number of Chronic Conditions – 2010 & Average Annual Spending on
April 01, 2014 - Multiple Chronic Conditions Chartbook: 2010 MEPS Data | 11
Average Annual Number of Prescriptions … Filled Per Capita, by
Number of Chronic Conditions – 2010
Average Annual Spending on Prescriptions … contain multiple records per person, where each record represents
an event – a doctor’s visit, a prescription … : Based on Prescribed Medicine file, sum up all
prescriptions for each DUPERSID, let’s call it Total_PRESCR … Filled Per Capita, by
Number of Chronic Conditions – 2010 & Average Annual Spending on
June 01, 2023 - Education Guide 13
Let us know if you or anyone in your family has an addiction to drugs,
including prescription … Prescriptions for medication can often be filled while you are in the hospital. … thinks you’re ready
To help you at home, you’ll get:
■ Directions for medications and wound care
■ Prescriptions … Before you go home, make sure you have:
Prescriptions for any new medications.
September 01, 2020 - develop a PDSA cycle for a busy retail pharmacy that wants to incorporate teach-back into counseling on prescriptions … a PDSA cycle for a busy retail pharmacy that wants to incorporate teach-back into counseling on new prescriptions
October 01, 2011 - In part this is because
of a recognition that generalizations are more difficult, and recipe prescriptions … Some safety changes, especially those that are more like concepts than specific prescriptions, are better
September 07, 2019 - Transcribing : if handwritten, the prescription must be read and understood by the recipient (usually … e-prescribing systems—CPOE systems used primarily in outpatient practices that allow direct transmittal of prescriptions
September 01, 2019 - visits by clinical pharmacists to older patients who’ve recently been discharged from the hospital with prescriptions
December 21, 2022 - June 21, 2017
Differences of reasons for alert overrides on contraindicated co-prescriptions
November 16, 2022 - July 18, 2016
Potential drug interactions and duplicate prescriptions among cancer patients
January 01, 2023 - identified and for the next 30 days their health care diagnostic codes, laboratory tests, and medication prescriptions
January 01, 2023 - At discharge, the system prompted clinicians to indicate reasons for not creating new prescriptions for