May 14, 2015 - not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice, collaborative goal-setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions
May 14, 2015 - not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice, collaborative goal-setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions
June 30, 2022 - to be considered usual care, so would be considered active comparators, including:
Personalized prescription
June 30, 2022 - to be considered usual care, so would be considered active comparators, including:
Personalized prescription
May 15, 2013 - different content area)
A control group can receive one visit annually, but no personalized prescription
January 15, 2008 - Illicit (non-medical) use of prescription-type drugs,
categorized as pain relievers, tranquilizers, … While misuse of prescription-type
medications has been recognized as a growing public health problem
January 15, 2008 - Illicit (non-medical) use of prescription-type drugs, categorized as pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants … While misuse of prescription-type medications has been recognized as a growing public health problem
May 01, 2002 - Prescription of treatment was not
assessed. … Rates of
recognition of depression were similar in each group,
but prescription of antidepressant medication … the
depression management program were significantly
more likely than usual care recipients to fill a
prescription … groups.11,16,20 Other
studies, however, found improvements in the rate of
treatment; increases in the prescription
July 30, 2020 - but not limited to assessment with feedback, advice, collaborative goal setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions
July 30, 2020 - but not limited to assessment with feedback, advice, collaborative goal setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions
November 12, 2020 - but not limited to assessment with feedback, advice, collaborative goal setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions
February 12, 2015 - be considered usual care, so would be considered active comparators, including:
Personalized prescription
February 12, 2015 - be considered usual care, so would be considered active comparators, including:
Personalized prescription
April 01, 2016 - Cardiovascular Disease
and Colorectal Cancer
| 4
Aspirin is available over-the-counter without a prescription
September 25, 2012 - prevalence, a list of the adverse effects of alcohol, a worksheet on drinking cues, a drinking agreement or prescription … problem drinking, list of adverse effects of alcohol, worksheet on drinking cues, drinking agreement or prescription … alcohol focused on women and pregnancy, worksheet on drinking cues, drinking agreement in the form of a prescription … Personalized risk report and diary for tracking alcohol use; PCP gave oral and written advice in prescription … dislikes of drinking, worksheets on drinking cues, BAC level calculator, life goals and alcohol effects, prescription
September 25, 2012 - prevalence, a list of the adverse effects of alcohol, a worksheet on drinking cues, a drinking agreement or prescription … problem drinking, list of adverse effects of alcohol, worksheet on drinking cues, drinking agreement or prescription … alcohol focused on women and pregnancy, worksheet on drinking cues, drinking agreement in the form of a prescription … Personalized risk report and diary for tracking alcohol use; PCP gave oral and written advice in prescription … dislikes of drinking, worksheets on drinking cues, BAC level calculator, life goals and alcohol effects, prescription
March 31, 2016 - not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice, collaborative goal-setting, assistance, exercise prescriptions
March 24, 2015 - the adult population receives thyroid function testing each year. 17
The annual number of dispensed prescriptions … period, from 50 million in 2006 to 71 million in 2010. 18 In 2013, there were more than 23 million new prescriptions … cohort study in the United Kingdom found that the median TSH level at the time of first levothyroxine prescription … However, given the high number of prescriptions for levothyroxine dispensed in the United States and
May 15, 2013 - the following drugs:
Cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish * , synthetic marijuana * )
January 01, 2010 - In this trial,
clinicians provided sedentary patients with a brief
(5-minute) message, a prescription … for exercise, and a
follow-up visit to adjust the prescription 1 month
later. … barriers,20,22 mailed educational materials,22,26
referral to community resources,20 and written
exercise prescriptions … had no usual care
group (Table 1).24,25,33,34 The results of these trials
suggested that a written prescription … The green prescription study: a
randomized controlled trial of written exercise advice
provided by general