April 29, 2021 - ) Y N N N N N Y
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicaid MAX (Medicaid Analytic Extract) Prescription
January 01, 2016 - medication dispensing indicators from claims data, medical record data only provide information on
September 08, 2015 - different
States allow minors to consent to
different types of services (for example,
contraceptive prescriptions
January 01, 2019 - Hospital Survey (HCAHPS), the CAHPS Child Hospital Survey (Child
HCAHPS), and the Medicare Advantage and Prescription
October 01, 2016 - They
follow up on each other’s prescription refills and other tasks.
September 01, 2016 - Safety project to enhance electronic prescribing safety by incorporating the drug indication into the prescription
September 01, 2015 - for example,
sometimes requiring referrals or prior authorization for services and only paying for prescription
June 01, 2011 - coordinating all care, help the patient navigate the system, and
ensure that the treatment plans (and prescription … For example, Prescription for Health, an initiative implemented in Practice-Based Research Networks
supported … A Martian’s prescription for primary care: overhaul the physician’s workday.
August 25, 2014 - Psychiatry Codes
Until 2013, pediatricians reported code 90862 (pharmacologic management, including
prescription … management with
concurrent deletion of code 90862.
90863 Pharmacologic management, including prescription … separately in addition to the code for primary procedure)
90863 Pharmacologic management, including prescription
January 01, 2014 - Psychiatry Codes
Until 2013, pediatricians reported code 90862 (pharmacologic management, including
prescription … management with
concurrent deletion of code 90862.
90863 Pharmacologic management, including prescription … separately in addition to the code for primary procedure)
90863 Pharmacologic management, including prescription
August 13, 2014 - Psychiatry Codes
Until 2013, pediatricians reported code 90862 (pharmacologic management, including
prescription … management with
concurrent deletion of code 90862.
90863 Pharmacologic management, including prescription … separately in addition to the code for primary procedure)
90863 Pharmacologic management, including prescription
June 01, 2019 - number of office visits (especially for higher cost non-well-
child visits) and a greater number of prescriptions … Pediatric care for preterm infants after NICU
discharge: High number of office visits and prescription
May 08, 2008 - other hand, LEP patients who are provided with an
interpreter make more outpatient visits, fill more prescriptions
December 01, 2020 - Description
The Hospital IQR Program was originally mandated by Section 501(b) of the Medicare
Prescription … illicit drugs (marijuana or hashish, cocaine
[including crack], inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin, or prescription-type … relationships, expenses, staffing, use of
electronic medical records, and use of electronic systems for prescriptions … to the usual source of healthcare provider; and access to
medical treatment, dental treatment, and prescription
August 01, 2018 - uninsured or had gaps in insurance coverage
experienced more delayed care, more unmet medical and prescription … more likely
than those with continuous coverage to have unmet medical needs and to not obtain needed
January 01, 2004 - Interventions to
enhance patient adherence to medication prescriptions:
scientific review.
June 01, 2022 - Communication About Prescriptions Across Shifts.
Communication Openness.
October 01, 2016 - (consisting of
Fairview’s primary care clinics) allowing the retail pharmacists to refill certain prescriptions
February 01, 2014 - The influence of the structure and culture of medical group practices
on prescription drug errors. … mental health care on outcomes
including depression, anxiety, physical symptoms, physical disability, prescription … Processes
Processes aimed at discrete events, such as a surgical procedure or the generation of a
December 01, 2023 - Description
The Hospital IQR Program was originally mandated by Section 501(b) of the Medicare
Prescription … illicit drugs (marijuana or hashish, cocaine
[including crack], inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin, or prescription-type … to the usual source of healthcare provider; and access to
medical treatment, dental treatment, and prescription … The use of reliable structured data, such as medication
prescriptions and laboratory test results that