May 12, 2016 - During the first day of this hospital stay,
were you asked to list or review all of the
January 01, 2014 - for survey participants enrolled in a managed care health plan including both
enrollees receiving prescription … drug coverage through their health plan and those that do
not receive prescription drug coverage through
July 01, 2018 - The highest performance scores were for folic acid prescription while on methotrexate (93.6 percent) … and disease-modifying antirheumatic drug prescription (90.6 percent).
February 01, 2017 - referrals online
Email a medical question or concern
Request refills for prescriptions
October 01, 2016 - social issues (such as substituting medications that are less-
expensive alternatives to brand-name prescriptions … The paramedic will also transport the patient to their PCP, deliver prescriptions, and
link the patient
October 01, 2016 - In one research study, more than half of the antibiotic prescriptions for UTIs were for residents who
September 01, 2023 - A Proposed Taxonomy for Population-Level Prescription Use Patterns. … Racial Inequality in Prescription Opioid Receipt - Role of Individual Health Systems.
October 01, 2016 - • Prescription for birth control/contraception with indication for pregnancy prevention. … Documentation of a prescription for birth control/contraception alone would count towards the
numerator … implementation of EHR capabilities (e.g., such as
documentation of the indication for hormonal contraceptive prescriptions … One criterion is “generate and
transmit permissible prescriptions
electronically (eRx).”
January 01, 2023 - courtesy and respect
Communication About Your Child’s Medicines
Parent was asked about child’s
prescription … Composite Measure
During the first day of this hospital stay, were you asked to list or review all of the prescription
January 01, 2012 - A first rate examines the
percentage of children who remained on an asthma controller medication prescription … These rates are reported as the
proportion of days covered by at least one prescription for an asthma … such counseling in adults is evidence-based and
In addition, none of the prescription
September 01, 2020 - Comparing prescription drug coverage plans.
Calculating premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. … Health literacy: A prescription to end confusion. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2004.
January 01, 2018 - are
for survey participants enrolled in a managed care health plan including both enrollees receiving
prescription … drug coverage through their health plan and those that do not receive prescription
drug coverage through
April 01, 2024 - This 12-page brochure is designed to help patients use prescription medicines safely.
September 01, 2014 - .
Despite the relatively large numbers, the percent of prescription costs seems small in overall Medicaid … numbers and the expenditures at risk, including the high percentage of this
medication as part of the prescription … Critical area for pediatrics and mental health; couples prescription to follow up; patient-centered. … follow-up; should be replaced by true measure of follow-up
that reflects care other than just providing a prescription
July 05, 2023 - The PRIDx framework to engage payers in reducing diagnostic errors in healthcare
Mini Review
Kisha J. Ali*, Christine A. Goeschel, Derek M. DeLia, Leah M. Blackall and Hardeep Singh
The PRIDx framework to engage payers in
reducing diagnostic errors in healthcare
Received April 9…
September 01, 2017 - Images: Photograph shows a pharmacist checking prescriptions.
January 15, 2024 - Figure 27.2 provides an example of an EHR-based
workflow for refilling prescriptions. … Workflow map for refilling prescriptions
Reproduced from Kushinka, 2011.
Step 3. … Incomplete documentation (in chart, on orders, for communications)
Inadequate security (e.g., prescription … Some portals
allow patients to exchange secure emails with their
providers, make requests for prescription
September 01, 2015 - be used to identify the best processes
for activities such as managing lab test results, managing prescription
September 01, 2021 - Prior to the initiation of and during treatment with an AAA, the general guidelines that pertain to the prescription
December 01, 2017 - Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction
4-6 weeks bed rest in hospital
2-4 day LOS
Available Prescription