September 01, 2008 - Printed summaries of recommendations or
prescriptions will also be available, along with Web-based materials
January 01, 2004 - A Conceptual Framework for Studying the Safety of Transitions in Emergency Care
A Conceptual Framework for Studying the
Safety of Transitions in Emergency Care
Ravi Behara, Robert L. Wears, Shawna J. Perry,
Eric Eisenberg, Lexa Murphy, Mary Vanderhoef, Marc Shapiro,
Christopher Beach, Pat Croskerry, Ka…
March 01, 2020 - Potentially Preventable Readmissions: Conceptual Framework To Rethink the Role of Primary Care: Final Report
Potentially Preventable Readmissions:
Conceptual Framework To Rethink
the Role of Primary Care
Final Report
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Potentially Preventable Readmissions:
Conceptual Framewo…
January 01, 2021 - Potentially Preventable Readmissions: Conceptual Framework To Rethink the Role of Primary Care: Final Report
Potentially Preventable Readmissions:
Conceptual Framework To Rethink
the Role of Primary Care
Final Report
This page is intentionally blank.
Potentially Preventable Readmissions:
Conceptual Framewo…
February 01, 2018 - Over 16% of
American adults experienced a depressive episode in
2015.4 While available prescription
May 01, 2016 - The mistakes involved prescription drugs (n=1); tests, procedures, or surgery (n=1); pregnancy or childbirth
January 01, 2024 - Health Literacy: A Prescription to End
Confusion. Washington DC. National Academies Press; 2004.
June 01, 2019 - number of office visits (especially for
higher-cost, non-well-child visits) and a greater number of prescriptions … Pediatric care for preterm infants after NICU
discharge: High number of office visits and prescription
May 13, 2019 - number of office visits (especially for higher-cost non-well child visits) and a
greater number of prescriptions … Pediatric care for preterm infants after NICU
discharge: High number of office visits and prescription
February 01, 2014 - The influence of the structure and culture of medical group practices
on prescription drug errors. … mental health care on outcomes
including depression, anxiety, physical symptoms, physical disability, prescription … Processes
Processes aimed at discrete events, such as a surgical procedure or the generation of a
February 01, 2014 - The influence of the structure and culture of medical group practices
on prescription drug errors. … mental health care on outcomes
including depression, anxiety, physical symptoms, physical disability, prescription … Processes
Processes aimed at discrete events, such as a surgical procedure or the generation of a
January 01, 2019 - Hemodialysis Prescription for Incident Patients: Twice Seems Nice, But
Is It Incremental?
January 01, 2004 - respondents to select from a list the most common reasons that medication errors
occur.28 In addition to prescription
February 02, 2008 - can improve compliance with recommended processes of care—such as early
administration of aspirin, prescription
April 04, 2008 - service-connected disabilities and those who meet VHA
means testing criteria are eligible to receive services and prescription
January 01, 2024 - An example of a common guideline is requiring further
evaluation of patients taking the prescription
May 01, 2016 - patient factors (lack of understanding about medications and how to
manage them, retaining and using old prescriptions … patient factors (lack of
understanding about medications and how to manage them, the retaining of old prescriptions
May 01, 2016 - patient factors (lack of understanding about medications and how to
manage them, retaining and using old prescriptions … patient factors (lack of
understanding about medications and how to manage them, the retaining of old prescriptions
January 01, 2017 - 50201011
Measure Title
People with a usual source of care whose health providers usually asks about prescription … care and a valid response
to the question, “Does [respondent’s usual care provider] usually ask about prescription
January 17, 2024 - leg swelling, which can often be misdiagnosed as heart failure in older
adults, thus leading to the prescription … misdiagnosed with UTIs75-77 and pneumonia.78,79 Such
misdiagnoses raise major concerns about the unnecessary prescription