October 06, 2022 - Finally, although only a few prescription drugs are approved by the U.S. … In addition, many prescription drugs are used off-label for CATD-associated behavioral and psychological … decisions for cognition, function, BPSD and other outcomes, we need to clarify the benefits and harms of prescription
November 22, 2023 - or early postoperative opioid use, or greater amounts of prescribed opioids (high number of opioid prescriptions … Gender, age among older adults, Black race, dementia, rural/nonurban residence, prescription of long-acting … Two studies found that prescription drug monitoring programs are associated with less opioid use in communities … and pain management training for clinicians, a bundle of educational modalities for clinicians, free prescription
June 27, 2021 - Evidence was lacking on effectiveness of treatments for opioid use disorder related to prescription drug