March 01, 2007 - Prescriptions coded by national drug code
(NDC), medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed
June 01, 2006 - MEPS interviewers ask households for detailed information about each health care visit, hospital stay, prescription
March 01, 2003 - At the same time, the number
of employers reporting optional dental or prescription coverage
September 01, 2004 - -0008
9 Reducing Costs in the Health Care System: Learning From AHRQ 02-0046
What Has Been Done
8 Prescription
December 01, 2000 - • Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed … demographic
characteristics, residence history, health and functional
status, use of services, use of prescription
September 15, 2010 - Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC), medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed. … Percentage Using Orals, Insulin, and Non-Insulin Injectable Classes of Anti-Diabetic Medications
Prescription … Exploring racial and ethnic disparities in prescription drug spending and use among Medicare beneficiaries
July 01, 1999 - • Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed … demographic
characteristics, residence history, health and functional
status, use of services, use of prescription
May 01, 1999 - • Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed … demographic
characteristics, residence history, health and functional
status, use of services, use of prescription
September 01, 1998 - • Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed … demographic
characteristics, residence history, health and functional
status, use of services, use of prescription
April 01, 2000 - • Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed … demographic
characteristics, residence history, health and functional
status, use of services, use of prescription
January 01, 2010 - • Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed … during 1997, as well as
expenses for diabetic supplies (some of which may
have been purchased without a prescription
November 01, 2000 - • Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed … demographic
characteristics, residence history, health and functional
status, use of services, use of prescription
April 25, 2019 - Examples include stand-alone dental, vision, and prescription drug plans.
Later, detailed manual … sponsored health plan, Other
government program, Single
service plan (e.g., dental,
vision, prescriptions … It does not include copays,
deductibles, or other expenses
such as prescription costs.
[ ] Yes
[ ] No … It does not
include copays or other
expenses such as prescription
Questions NHIS … It does not include
copays or other expenses such
as prescription costs.
• Subsidized health coverage
September 01, 1998 - • Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed … demographic
characteristics, residence history, health and functional
status, use of services, use of prescription … date of the Round 1
interview; health status; demographics and background;
insurance information; and prescription … OTC Over-the-counter, medications available without a prescription.
October 01, 2003 - refilled during 1999, as well as diabetic supplies (some of which may have been purchased without a prescription
June 01, 2002 - doctor, have a usual source of medical care, receive preventive services, or have a recommended test or prescription
January 01, 2005 - • Prescriptions coded by– national drug code (NDC),
medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed
March 01, 2013 - §
Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC), medication names, strength, and quantity
March 01, 2013 - Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC), medication names, strength, and
quantity dispensed
July 01, 2018 - Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC), medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed.