January 01, 2009 - promotes tracking indications with
drug orders by allowing drag-and-drop relation between problems and prescriptions … Evaluation of the VA/KP problem list subset of SNOMED as a clinical
terminology for electronic prescription
January 01, 2018 - Clinical Decision Support for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - Final Report
Title of Project: Clinical Decision Support for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Principal Investigator and Team Members:
● Edward R. Melnick (PI)
● Richard N. Shiffman (co-ment…
May 25, 2016 - and if that information was potentially available to the prescriber, then the patient getting
the prescription … Often when we go to the
pharmacy you’ll get the leaflet for new prescriptions, and I know you can’t … But it is very detailed information and 1/3 of the patients don’t read the
leaflets for new prescriptions … And they looked at - well when you see this label, the prescription drug warning label Do
Not Chew … But
what we learned was that the participants, most of them, said that they always read the
January 01, 2008 - Utilization of EMR features, such as electronic prescriptions,
problems lists, tasks, and billing documentation … indicate that a large majority of support staff quickly recognized the value of the
system for messaging, prescription
January 01, 2017 - improvement in patients’ perceptions of the value of
the AVS as a tool for reminding them to take their prescription … contact information, follow-up appointment
information, list of current medications, pharmacy to which prescriptions
January 01, 2018 - health-related quality of life and well-being,
child/parent and physician global rating of disease severity, prescription
January 01, 2007 - electronic
pediatric health record, including support for flexible charting of growth parameters, prescription
March 01, 2003 - 18 June 2002].
5 Institute for Safe Medication Practices, “A Call to Action: Eliminate Handwritten Prescriptions … application that accepts physician orders
electronically, replacing hand-written orders on an order sheet or prescription … Their goals were to eliminate handwriting of prescriptions, improve
safety in general, and reduce inefficiencies … areas of:
• Patient safety – through elimination of transcription errors, improving legibility of
prescriptions … ambulatory centers
document histories, exams, and treatment plans on the system; and all orders and
January 01, 2016 - lab results, and other data and to manage on-line activities such
as, scheduling visits and ordering prescriptions … to remotely retrieve sexual health records, such as their STD test dates, laboratories, diagnoses,
December 01, 2004 - Prescriptions were handwritten. Lab orders were viewed
using an electronic system. … Post-LMR implementation, physicians were still per-
mitted to hand write or dictate notes and prescriptions
September 01, 2011 - =8
Walgreens Mobile App By Walgreens
• Express refills by scanning the bar code
• SMS when you prescription
January 01, 2013 - Psychosocial Risks Inadequate Financial Resources, Access to Care, Physical / Sexual Abuse
Medications Prescription
January 01, 2013 - class III/IV), myocardial infarction within the past 6 months,
CVA within the past 6 months, chronic prescription
January 01, 2019 - Panepinto, Hydroxyurea use in sickle cell disease: the battle with low
prescription rates, poor
April 01, 1989 - Pages: 420-4 HIT Description: A computerized patient registry that recorded patient diagnoses, prescriptions
January 01, 1997 - where doctors ignored a cheaper, equally effective drug; prescribing score (a measure of how closely prescriptions
January 01, 2017 - (who did not opt out after
receiving a letter explaining the calls and the study) who received new prescriptions … for one of
these target medications 4-6 weeks and 4-6 months after receiving the prescription. … The providers' mean override rates per 100 prescriptions and per 100 alerts were 0.52 (95%
confidence … Alerts for some drug
classes, such as ‘non-antibiotic sulfonamides’, were overridden for >81% of prescriptions … In contrast, they routinely left prescriptions unchanged after low-severity
alerts when feeling confident
January 01, 2007 - parents were screened,
and 1410 of 2002 were enrolled. 1097 subjects had a total of 2234 orders or prescriptions … ADE), 2) the number of medication errors per patient
among those who were “exposed” to an order or prescription … sheets, medication administration records,
physician and nurse charting, discharge instructions, and prescription … An inventory of all medication orders and prescriptions for each subject was created, and each
order … or prescription was reviewed.
January 01, 2008 - We collected all prescription data for two months prior to WBD decision support and for 4
months after … Antibiotics were the class of medications
most frequently prescribed (70% of all prescriptions) and … were associated with the highest
frequency of dosing errors (21 per 100 prescriptions). … illnesses, in comparison to the control clinics, intervention patients
were less likely to receive a prescription … However, use of the Pedi ARI SF was associated with a
decrease in antibiotic prescriptions (p <.0001
September 14, 2016 - Upon completing a typical office visit, how do you generate medication prescriptions? … information system that tracks patient health data, and may include such
functions as visit notes, prescriptions … lists of what each
patient takes 1 2 3 1 2 3
h) Electronic problem list 1 2 3 1 2 3
i) Can transmit prescriptions