June 23, 2021 - READ MORE Published on June 23, 2021 Interventions to Reduce Antibiotic Prescribing for Uncomplicated … Using predefined criteria, we selected studies of any intervention designed to reduce antibiotic prescribing … The key outcome was change in prescribing; secondary outcomes were undesirable consequences such as medical … Compared with usual care, reductions in overall prescribing were 21 percent for clinic-based educational … Delayed prescribing reduced use by 34 to 76 percent compared with immediate prescribing.
November 22, 2023 - Research is also needed to identify interventions to reduce opioid prescribing where harms outweigh benefits
June 27, 2021 - We also included trials of preemptive prescribing of naloxone in primary care settings as a rescue medication
June 27, 2021 - Low-strength evidence found some institutional prevention interventions, such as antibiotic prescribing
June 27, 2021 - opioid misuse, opioid use disorder or overdose, or evaluated risk mitigation strategies to be used when prescribing