January 01, 2005 - A Multicenter, Observational Cohort Study to Assess the Cardiovascular Risks of Medications Prescribed … A Multicenter, Observational Cohort Study to Assess the Cardiovascular Risks of Medications Prescribed
December 01, 2020 - • Being prescribed an opioid for acute low back pain or postoperative pain might be
associated with … increased likelihood of use of opioids at long-term followup
versus not being prescribed … Being prescribed
opioids might be associated with increased risk of long-term use versus … not being
prescribed, based on observational studies. … of long-term use
versus not being prescribed.
July 01, 2023 - patient safety measures or indicators have been used to examine the harms associated
with opioids prescribed … stewardship patient safety practices (PSPs) have been used to prevent or mitigate
the harms associated with prescribed … opioid stewardship practices that have been used to prevent or
mitigate the harms associated with prescribed … Overview of the PSP
Opioid stewardship can be defined as promoting the appropriate use of prescribed … o Clinical audits
o Dashboards
• Interventions focused on clinical accountability related to
February 02, 2021 - Prescribed by device output such as liters per minute Two major changes have occurred in the last century … The result of these technological advances leads to only one way to assure adequate prescribed oxygenation
October 01, 2007 - Our
multivariable model indicated that physicians who had most recently
prescribed a conventional APM … If atypical APMs are thought to be generally
safer, it is likely that they are selectively prescribed … On the other hand,
patients prescribed conventional APMs were more likely to
have a history of cancer … ‡Prevalence of risk factor among patients of physicians who most recently prescribed an atypical APM … minus prevalence among
patients of physicians who most recently prescribed a conventional APM estimated
September 19, 2014 - long-acting opioids, as these are not typically prescribed
for short-term use. … Both long-acting and
short-acting opioids are often prescribed for chronic
pain. … Well-designed
clinical registries that enroll patients with chronic pain
prescribed and not prescribed … A survey of chronic noncancer pain patients prescribed
opioid analgesics. … A history of
being prescribed controlled substances and risk of drug
overdose death.
August 18, 2011 - Medication adherence in particular is defined as “the extent to which patients take medication as prescribed … suboptimal adherence to medications are quite variable, depending on the condition treated and the prescribed … PICOTS Criteria for the Key Questions
Patients who are prescribed self-administered … Relevant medications include all medications prescribed by a provider, including over-the-counter drugs … Examples include changes in copay and refill practices (e.g., how long medications are prescribed for
August 18, 2011 - Medication adherence in particular is defined as ―the extent to which patients take medication as
prescribed … Among patients with chronic diseases with self-administered medication prescribed by a provider,
what … Among patients with chronic diseases with self-administered medication prescribed by a provider,
what … Any intervention intended to improve adherence with prescribed, self-administered medications. … Examples include changes in copay and refill
practices (e.g., how long medications are prescribed for
May 01, 2008 - ever in the past (as markers of
disease), currently prescribed drugs (i.e., within the past thirty … peak during the winter months and decline
during the summer, whereas antidepressant therapy might be prescribed … Most diagnoses, drugs
prescribed ever in the past, and currently prescribed drugs examined were substantially … This conclusion is reinforced by the observation that the
occurrence of pneumonia in patients prescribed … Exposure misclassification
could also have played a role, in that patients prescribed antidepressant
January 01, 2009 - controlled clinical trials, it is difficult to
ensure that every patient takes all of their medications as prescribed … Clinical Guidelines and Evidence Review for Medicines Adherence: involving
patients in decisions about prescribed
April 01, 2020 - Opioids are often prescribed for chronic
pain. … In patients with chronic pain who are
prescribed opioid therapy, what is the
effectiveness of risk … • One cohort study of patients prescribed 120 mg MED/day or more of long-
term opioid therapy found … Risk of adverse
events in patients prescribed long-term opioids: A
cohort study in the UK Clinical … Increased risk
of reproductive dysfunction in women prescribed
long-term opioids for musculoskeletal
August 04, 2010 - Doctors who prescribed exenatide often did so for multiple patients—67% of the patients among the exenatide … Those prescribed the drug later in this six month period tended to have more comorbid illnesses, and … The results have good face validity—the patients prescribed exenatide were those who we anticipated would … Similarly, the proportion of individuals with obesity was highest in the group prescribed exenatide, … Patients in the group prescribed exenatide had more visits to endocrinologists, suggesting that this
August 12, 2009 - Failure to take prescribed medications impacts research and the ultimate availability of evidence, let … approaches that are currently being used to encourage (and measure) how patients are following their prescribed
July 01, 2010 - Doctors who prescribed exenatide often did so
for multiple patients—67% of the patients among the exenatide … Those prescribed the drug later in this six month
period tended to have more comorbid illnesses, and … The results have good face validity—the patients prescribed exenatide were those who
we anticipated … Similarly, the proportion
of individuals with obesity was highest in the group prescribed exenatide, … Patients in the group prescribed
exenatide had more visits to endocrinologists, suggesting that this
October 16, 2020 - therapy, mobility with the device,
maintenance of target oxygen saturation
range, compliance with prescribed … therapy, mobility with the device,
maintenance of target oxygen saturation
range, compliance with prescribed
December 02, 2009 - To decrease potential "channeling" bias, the study included only new episodes of prescribed NSAID or
January 01, 2005 - A Multicenter, Observational Cohort Study to Assess the Cardiovascular Risks of Medications Prescribed
January 01, 2021 - Pulmonary rehabilitation has shown to decrease admissions, but is under prescribed and under-utilized
March 31, 2011 - data source, we will perform several longitudinal analyses to assess the comparative effectiveness of prescribed
April 22, 2013 - Results
Of 35 eligible studies, most enrolled patients with schizophrenia who were prescribed antipsychotics