
Total Results: 516 records

Showing results for "postoperative wound dehiscence".

    medications that should be avoided in older adults -6.2 Home health care patients whose surgical wound … ages 18-39 Hospital admissions for asthma per 100,000 population, children ages 2-17 Obstetric trauma … per 1,000 vaginal deliveries without instrument assistance Obstetric trauma per 1,000 instrument-assisted … injury requiring dialysis per 1,000 elective-surgery admissions, age 18 and over Postoperative hip … abdominal wound dehiscence per 1,000 abdominopelvic-surgery admissions of length 2 or more days, adults
    January 01, 2005 - Another issue relates to external cause of injury reporting. … complications of care or to exclude cases (e.g., poisonings, self- inflicted injury, trauma) from numerators … disruption of abdominal wall (postoperative abdominal wound dehiscence) per 1000 abdominopelvic-surgery … PSI 24 Reclosure of postoperative disruption of abdominal wall (postoperative abdominal wound dehiscencedehiscence, such as cases from earlier admissions or from other hospitals.
  3. Slide 1 (pdf file)
    October 27, 2016 - of a tubular body part (see also “restriction”) 6 Example QIs with mapping challenges • PSI 14, Postoperativewound dehiscence – No PCS procedure code equivalent to 54.61, Reclosure of postoperative disruption … of abdominal wall • PSI 10, Postoperative acute kidney injury requiring dialysis – Intent of catheter … Internal Medicine, Neonatal/Pediatric, Neurology, Obstetrics and gynecology, Orthopedics, General and trauma
    January 01, 2004 - hip fractures, abdominopelvic wound dehiscence, and birth traumas. … 51) 0.67% (54) Postoperative septicemia Postoperative abdominopelvic wound dehiscence 0.5% … w/ instrumentation Obstetric trauma–vaginal w/o instrumentation Obstetric trauma–cesarean 21.2% … We then considered two measures of trauma service: whether or not the hospital had a trauma center, … (postoperative physiologic or metabolic derangement and postoperative septicemia), but not for the
    who ever received pneumococcal vaccination -0.6 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … respiratory failure per 1,000 elective surgical hospital discharges, adults Postoperative pulmonary … embolism (PE) or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) per 1,000 surgical hospital discharges, adults Postoperative … acute kidney injury requiring dialysis per 1,000 elective-surgery admissions, age 18 and over Postoperative … abdominal wound dehiscence per 1,000 abdominopelvic-surgery admissions of length 2 or more days, adults
    February 19, 2021 - New HIV cases per 100,000 population age 13 and over -6.2 Home health care patients whose surgical wound … acute kidney injury requiring dialysis per 1,000 elective surgical hospital discharges, adults Postoperative … abdominal wound dehiscence per 1,000 abdominopelvic-surgery admissions of length 2 or more days, adults … - injury to neonate per 1,000 selected live births Obstetric trauma per 1,000 vaginal deliveries without … instrument assistance Obstetric trauma per 1,000 instrument-assisted deliveries Emergency department
    January 01, 2004 - hip fractures, abdominopelvic wound dehiscence, and birth traumas. … 51) 0.67% (54) Postoperative septicemia Postoperative abdominopelvic wound dehiscence 0.5% … w/ instrumentation Obstetric trauma–vaginal w/o instrumentation Obstetric trauma–cesarean 21.2% … We then considered two measures of trauma service: whether or not the hospital had a trauma center, … (postoperative physiologic or metabolic derangement and postoperative septicemia), but not for the
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12
    December 01, 2017 - CANDOR Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit MATCH Toolkit NICU Toolkit Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate * PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis * PSI 14: PostoperativeWound Dehiscence * PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration * PSI 18 … -­‐19: Obstetric Trauma Rate – Vaginal Delivery With/Without Instrument IQIs: Mortality Review for … Respiratory Failure PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis PDI 11: Postoperative Wound Dehiscence PDI 12