
Total Results: 4,255 records

Showing results for "place".

    October 01, 2024 - If you plan to add your own questions, place them in a new section before the “About You” section. … Do not start renumbering within sections or any other place in the survey.
    December 08, 2014 - gown, impermeable mask/eye protection or face shield Obs 1: Met ☐ Not Met ☐ Obs 2: Met ☐ Not Met ☐ Place … CVC ports Obs 1: Met ☐ Not Met ☐ Obs 2: Met ☐ Not Met ☐ Scrub exterior of CVC hubs, with caps in place
    April 01, 2022 - Leebov suggests that the following five components must be in place to handle customer complaints and … Even though you may have planned solutions in place, they must be offered in a very customer-sensitive … and complaints to help identify the source of the problem so the right improvement can be put into place … Display complaints in public areas to reinforce the value you place on them. … Be proactive, not reactive; try to anticipate negative situations from occurring in the first place.
    August 01, 2024 - At the end of Phase 2, the first-place winner of Phase 2 will be awarded $100,000 (plus $50,000 from … Phase 1) and the second-place winner will be awarded $50,000 (plus $50,000 from Phase 1). … The third-place winner will be awarded $20,000 (plus $50,000 from Phase 1), and fourth and fifth place … Must be incorporated and maintain a primary place of business in the United States (in the case of a
    July 01, 2022 - Where is documentation found in the medical record that reconciliation took place? … Where is the documentation that reconciliation took place?
    February 01, 2022 - "The infrastructure was in place for teams to quickly add patient safety projects through the CUSP methodology … With the CUSP protocol fully in place, the process by which PICC lines are ordered, placed, and maintained
    July 01, 2022 - Where is documentation found in the medical record that reconciliation took place? … Where is the documentation that reconciliation took place?
    May 01, 2016 - transfer, and perioperative order sets. 2 Order sets/prompts that reference VTE prevention are in place … (e.g., cutoff for low platelets, definition of “ambulatory”). 3 Order sets with guidance are in place … Active surveillance to detect those bypassing order sets. 4 Order sets with guidance are in place … mechanical prophylaxis with the nursing documentation that the mechanical prophylaxis is on and in place … (A small meter embedded in the device monitors the time the device is on and in place.)
    May 01, 2016 - appropriate response would be to reassess efforts and make sure the foundation for improvement is in place—and … ., cutoff for low platelets, definition of “ambulatory”). 3 Order sets with guidance are in place … Active surveillance to detect those bypassing order sets. 4 Order sets with guidance are in place … mechanical prophylaxis with the nursing documentation that the mechanical prophylaxis is on and in place … (A small meter embedded in the device monitors the time the device is on and in place.)
    May 01, 2016 - appropriate response would be to reassess efforts and make sure the foundation for improvement is in place—and … ., cutoff for low platelets, definition of “ambulatory”). 3 Order sets with guidance are in place … Active surveillance to detect those bypassing order sets. 4 Order sets with guidance are in place … mechanical prophylaxis with the nursing documentation that the mechanical prophylaxis is on and in place … (A small meter embedded in the device monitors the time the device is on and in place.)
    January 15, 2016 - It can be used to assess if an organization has the needed systems in place to improve quality and performance … If some processes are missing, advocate for them to be put into place in the context of the fall prevention
    March 01, 2019 - Up to $35,000 will be awarded to the 2 nd place winner, and up to $15,000 will be awarded to the 3 rd … place winner based on the performance of their visualization tools.
    August 01, 2019 - Up to $35,000 will be awarded to the 2nd place winner, and up to $15,000 will be awarded to the 3rd place
    January 01, 2019 - been working to address CAUTI was by reducing the use of indwelling urinary catheters in the first place … It gives me all the variables in one place, and in many cases allows me to determine whether a CAUTI
    March 13, 2017 - least 1 of which is bacteria of 100 or more colonies (≥102 CFU/ml) If indwelling urinary catheter in place … least 1 of which is bacteria of 100 or more colonies (≥102 CFU/ml) If indwelling urinary catheter in place … 1 of which is bacteria of 100 or more colonies (≥102 CFU/ml) If indwelling urinary catheter in place … 1 of which is bacteria of 100 or more colonies (≥102 CFU/ml) If indwelling urinary catheter in place
    May 31, 2023 - should be supported by a Facilitator in a separate physical location with a camera pointed on the place … breakout group should be supported by a Facilitator in a separate room with a camera pointed on the place … If they say the placement is correct, the group can place the next building block. … length, the Direction Guide provide the alignment, and the Assembler locate the building block and place
    March 01, 2022 - Contact treating physicians to place the order for qualifying patients. … multidose tube into contact precaution room Have patient blow their nose into a tissue to clear nostrils Place
    April 01, 2022 - Yes No Uncertain 9) Was the catheter occluded while the line was in place? … Yes No Uncertain 11) Was this line in place >7 days?
    September 01, 2017 - Have participants place improvement ideas (written on sticky notes) in the quadrant where they feel the … The ideas in the “implement” quadrant are likely a good place to start. … Don’t subdivide each quadrant or allow participants to be strategic about the quadrant they place their
    October 01, 2017 - Have participants place improvement ideas (written on sticky notes) in the quadrant where they feel the … The ideas in the “implement” quadrant are likely a good place to start. … Don’t subdivide each quadrant or allow participants to be strategic about the quadrant they place their

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