July 01, 2023 - This may be particularly important in virtual care settings, where handoffs take place without any physical
Conditions and Long-Term Care Planning
Recent Research Studies
The role of place
January 01, 2017 - Center, Boston, MA
How the Conference Advanced the Mission of the Agency:
This conference takes place
March 19, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Specialty Scenarios: Ancillary Services
TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios - 13
Specialty Scenarios - 14 TeamSTEPPS 2.0
Ancillary Services
Scenario 9
Appropriate for: All Specialties
Setting: Hospital
A patient presen…
March 18, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Speciality Scenarios - Combat Care
TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios - 137
Specialty Scenarios - 138 TeamSTEPPS 2.0
Combat Care
Scenario 117
Appropriate for: All Specialties
Setting: Hospital
A 22-year-old patient is brough…
July 01, 2019 - begin the journey rather than waiting until all the desired resources, information, and support are in place
September 01, 2020 - commitment and support of practice leaders and administrators is critical to putting the pieces into place … including benefits, harms, probabilities, and scientific uncertainties; help people clarify the value they place … AHRQ Guidelines and Measures ( https://www.ahrq.gov/gam/index.html ) provides users a place to find
January 01, 2021 - data and measures; cultivates relationships with members of the media; proactively contacts media to place
November 01, 2021 - areas of interest are:
Preventing the occurrence of healthcare-associated infections in the first place
January 01, 2021 - A key component of the successful Group Health PCMH demonstration, which took
place at an integrated … focused while others did not achieve the intended
outcomes even though they were broad in scope and took place … Even when a process was in place to schedule a
postdischarge followup visit, patients would still not … principles, and processes dovetail neatly with other primary care transformation efforts currently
taking place
March 21, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ)
TeamSTEPPS 2.0 TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire – F-9
TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ)
Instructions: Please respond to the questions below by placing a check mark (√) in the box that
corresponds to your level of ag…
March 21, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perceptions Questionnaire (T-TPQ)
TeamSTEPPS 2.0 TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perceptions Questionnaire – F-23
TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perceptions Questionnaire (T-TPQ)
Instructions: Please respond to the questions below by placing a check mark (√) in the box that
corresponds to your leve…
August 01, 2023 - core Medical Office Survey to help medical offices assess the extent to which their organizations place
August 01, 2023 - with the core SOPS Hospital Survey to help hospitals assess the extent to which their organizations place
February 01, 2015 - The simulation took place in a hospital that considered itself
“ready” for Ebola patients as a result … support materials that will best satisfy the training objectives and
promote optimal learning takes place
July 01, 2023 - Identifying problematic opioid use in electronic health record data: are we looking in the right place
July 22, 2015 - For two of the projects, the original PI
had changed institutions at the time our review took place; … grants were designed to support primary care transformation by building on QI
infrastructure already in place … Similarly, the certification concept was familiar because of other
certification programs already in place … has a strong QI
environment in terms of reimbursement incentives, support mechanisms, and tools in place … in February 2014.
External Context
The IMPaCT grant efforts took place
March 01, 2017 - focus on how
to reduce unnecessary catheter use and improve care of residents who have a catheter in place … facility needs to understand what resources are available, what processes and policies are
currently in place … inform the current state (i.e., what is happening now) and future
state (i.e., what improvements are in place … CAUTI Rate
Because improvement takes place over time, it is important to see whether or not changes … following
indications are met: (1) an indwelling urinary catheter connected to a drainage bag is in place
July 22, 2015 - Many of the practices that did have an EHR in place were not set up to do data
extraction for quality … Electronic Health Records
Existing infrastructure, especially having EHRs in place, was identified … practices can qualify for the lowest level of NCQA recognition as a PCMH without an EHR
system in place … At
Group Health, a large upgrade of practice management software took place at the same time as
10 … By the end, most
had some EHRs
in place.
April 24, 2018 - Please do not use your comments in place of a visit or phone call, or to
seek advice from your provider … Vendors should also have systems
in place to flag any comments that require an immediate response from … Please do not use your comments in place of a visit or phone call, or to seek advice from
your provider … Please do not use your comments in place of a visit or phone call, or to seek advice from
your provider