
Total Results: 448 records

Showing results for "place".

    January 01, 2004 - characteristics, including age, race/ethnicity, sex, perceived health status, health insurance coverage, and place … means that more than 51 million Americans could not name a doctor, clinic, health center, or other place … Definitions Usual source of care is defined as a particular doctor's office, clinic, health center, or other place
    January 01, 2004 - characteristics, including age, race/ethnicity, sex, perceived health status, health insurance coverage, and place … means that more than 51 million Americans could not name a doctor, clinic, health center, or other place … Definitions Usual source of care is defined as a particular doctor's office, clinic, health center, or other place
    December 31, 1997 - //—makes practical, science-based health care information available in one convenient place … Background Major changes have taken place in the Nation’s health care delivery system since NMES was … Preliminary Contact Mail and telephone contacts take place prior to the first MEPS interview with … Core Rounds Data collection for the MEPS Household Component takes place using a computer-assisted … Therefore, the requests for signed permission forms in Round 1 are limited to events taking place in
    July 01, 2001 - From 1987 to 1996, the percentage of visits that took place in outpatient hospital settings and emergency … rooms decreased, with a commensurate increase in the percentage of total visits that took place in office … ://—makes practical, science-based health care information available in one convenient place … In 1987, nearly 20 percent of all visits among blacks took place in outpatient hospital settings; in … As with outpatient departments, the percentage of ambulatory care visits that took place in hospital
  5. Services (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are no place headers in Residence History. … The only exceptions are screens that include the Place Roster; these screens have no places in the header … For screens that don’t include the Place Roster in HS, PM, BQ, IN, IA, USE, EX, and CRR, the eligible … CURRENT TIMELINE PLACE NAME START DATE END DATE PLACE TYPE { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { … SERVICES HELP SCREENS US13 US16 One-time evaluations for physical and/or occupational therapy may take place
    October 23, 2018 - collection efforts that collected information from medical providers on health care events that took place
    June 30, 2003 - The report also discusses changes in the data collected and in the estimators used that have taken place
    November 07, 2008 - that provided medical care to Household Component (HC) sampled persons on health care events that took place
    June 08, 2021 - ://Ñmakes practical, science-based health care information available in one convenient place
  10. Expend (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are no place headers in Residence History. … For screens that don’t include the Place Roster in HS, PM, BQ, IN, IA, USE, EX, and CRR, the eligible … Use "ATM style" input, with the decimal point already in place. … If the place is not certified for Medicaid, go to EX23; and The first time Medicare is identified as … If the place is not certified for Medicare, go to EX23; else Go to BOX EX9A.
  11. Fb-Hi (pdf file)
    January 01, 1996 - BQ15a Display Version 4 of the Place Roster and "OTHER PLACE". … PROBE: Is it [READ NAMES FROM PLACE ROSTER]? USE ARROW KEYS. TO SELECT/DESELECT, PRESS ENTER. … IN11 Display Version 4 of the Place Roster and "OTHER PLACE". … PROBE: Is it [READ NAMES FROM PLACE ROSTER]? USE ARROW KEYS. TO SELECT, PRESS ENTER. … LONG-TERM CARE FACILITY A place that provides a residence and some surveillance and available living
    September 16, 2004 - The percentage of employees who work in a place where insurance is offered has risen in recent years.
  13. Pmed (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are no place headers in Residence History. … The only exceptions are screens that include the Place Roster; these screens have no places in the header … For screens that don’t include the Place Roster in HS, PM, BQ, IN, IA, USE, EX, and CRR, the eligible … CURRENT TIMELINE PLACE NAME START DATE END DATE PLACE TYPE { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { … CURRENT TIMELINE PLACE NAME START DATE END DATE PLACE TYPE { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {
    May 01, 2018 - Consequently, a person may answer in the affirmative when asked, "Do you have a particular person or place … No usual source of care Individuals were asked whether they had a particular person or place to which … Those who reported not having such a person or place were coded as not having a usual source of care.
    May 01, 2004 - Insurance status is measured over the current round of the survey; in this file (HC-053) the round took place
    May 01, 2004 - Insurance status is measured over the current round of the survey; in this file (HC-053) the round took place
    May 01, 2004 - Insurance status is measured over the current round of the survey; in this file (HC-053) the round took place
    May 01, 2004 - Insurance status is measured over the current round of the survey; in this file (HC-053) the round took place
    February 01, 2006 - had no particular doctor's office, clinic, health center, or other place … age, race/ethnicity, sex, perceived health status, health insurance coverage, and place … ascertains whether there is a particular doctor's office, clinic, health center, or other place … Is the provider the person or place that family members would go to for new health … Place of Residence Individuals are identified as residing either inside or outside a
    March 01, 2017 - reported whether or not their children had a particular doctor's office, clinic, health center, or other place … Individuals who indicated they did not have a particular place were considered to lack a usual source

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