November 01, 2013 - This facilitation style was put in place in order to
maintain the neutrality of the moderator. … Participants from historically underrepresented demographic groups may place more
value on or perceive
May 29, 2013 - Disposition of Comments for Treatment Strategies for Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease
Comparative Effectiveness Research Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Treatment Strategies for Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease
Draft review available for public comment from Oc…
November 01, 2012 - neurology
departments, and physician offices in which parenteral
administration of the interventions took place … The majority of trials took place in the ED (79 percent). … The majority of trials took place in the United States
or Canada (75 percent). … Of the six studies investigating
MgSO4, four took place in either Brazil or Turkey. … Of
the nine studies that examined NSAIDs, five took place
outside North America.
May 14, 2019 - We used the word "Setting" to
indicate where the study with participants
physically took place. … Finally, we agree that the term
participant should be used in place of subject
and have made this change
August 01, 2009 - The series of articles beginning with this issue of the Journal form the most up-to-date version of the Guide for Conducting Comparative Effectiveness Reviews
Methods Guide for
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews
Principles in Developing and Applying Guidance
Comparative Effectiveness Revi…
January 01, 2009 - It is not important to understand exactly which fields changed place or were removed.
April 07, 2010 - Use of Electronic Medical Records and Administrative Claims Data for Assessing Type 2 Diabetes Care
Research Report April 7, 2010 Download Main Document PDF 1.4 MB
This report is available in PDF (1.5 MB) only. People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in this file.…
October 01, 2012 - We are interested in economic data alongside a systematic
review of evidence to place the effectiveness … decision may be a decision to include or exclude but may also
be a decision about the tier on which to place … decisions can be only about whether something
should be on the formulary list, but also can be to place
January 01, 2012 - ASD diagnoses have been increasing, and recent estimates place the prevalence at about 1% of
January 01, 2012 - and immediate
o Expectation— seek knowledge
o Observe— some avoid new information, place
August 10, 2010 - Although overall prevalence
may vary from place to place, in all areas boys are classified with ADHD
June 17, 2014 - transition care referred to
care outside pediatrics and other times when it seemed transition care took place … Key Informants also
stated that care plans be in place at the
time of transfer (as noted in Guiding … educational research mixes patient and provider education, and
focuses on whether education takes place … In the section, “What additional training is
necessary”, we have revised to place the
clinically relevant … Reviewer 5
Summary &
I am wondering if this isn’t the place to say that the
July 14, 2016 - personally do not think that it was the
appropriate study or correct population to study in the first
place … The one
place where we could make a
recommendation would be to say that
there is low quality evidence … Discussing this would help place the report
into clinical context, and provide an expanded opportunity
December 01, 2012 - In this procedure,
the testicle is surgically moved to the scrotum and fixed in
place. … collateral circulation from the deferential artery and the
cremasteric system.1
The FS technique can take place … Although most studies took place in Europe, the
results should be applicable to a U.S. population, as
August 06, 2014 - There is more
work taking place now on moderators or mediators of
intervention although many more studies … behavior change generalized across
settings, interventionists, and time without the treatment in
September 10, 2012 - Those studies have
consistently shown the efficacy of the technique, which was
developed in the first place … It seems throughout that the results from pulmonary function
could be reported in the same place as … These terms are defined in the Methods section, which
we believe to be the appropriate place for this … generally had low applicability to US
healthcare, primarily due to the settings in which the trials took
November 27, 2012 - In several places, use the word “that” instead of the word “which” unless you
choose to place a comma
June 14, 2021 - All 3
devices have a place in EMS. Don't remove
anything. Options are good.
March 21, 2016 - This was added to the discussion to place the results in the
context of pressing issues. … intervention is characterized by a group of caring
people who lure a friend or relative to a meeting place … be prevented in
the future.For example if a person in distress responds to being
movedto a quiet place … ad infinitum withoutturning
our attention to how to stop the distress from recurring inthe first
place … It is a highly
desirable outcome but it is not the place to start.
January 15, 2015 - some individuals can
maintain employment despite severe symptoms as long as
adequate supports are in place … It
would be helpful to place the work within the context of the
Delphi panel methods used for the RAND … for assertive community
treatment are measures for bipolar disorder; we
have now indicated this by place … This might be one place to mention
that outcomes such as level of functioning may need
corrections … of persons with serious
mental illness: Health Place. 15(2), 520–531.