January 01, 2020 - It is very
thorough and extremely helpful to have all this information in
one place. … If a study did
not explicitly state that no adverse events
took place, it was excluded. … If a
study did not explicitly state that no
adverse events took place, it was
excluded. … If study did not explicitly state
that no adverse events took place, it was
excluded. … If study did not explicitly state
that no adverse events took place, it was
January 01, 2020 - It is very
thorough and extremely helpful to have all this information in
one place. … If a study did
not explicitly state that no adverse events
took place, it was excluded. … If a
study did not explicitly state that no
adverse events took place, it was
excluded. … If study did not explicitly state
that no adverse events took place, it was
excluded. … If study did not explicitly state
that no adverse events took place, it was
March 14, 2012 - Assessment usually takes place in the outpatient setting, but some patients become
severely ill with … The catheter is left in place in some
cases for up to 24 hours, and recordings are obtained after sedation … wears off from the procedure
used to place the catheter.
June 30, 2016 - Don’t
any of the studies take place
where the patient is seen in
another clinic e.g. … health
center primary care clinic school
based health clinic A significant
amount of telehealth takes place … registered nurse
care coordination with sensor
technology: Impact on length of
stay and cost in aging in place
November 01, 2013 - This facilitation style was put in place in order to maintain the neutrality of the moderator. … Participants from historically underrepresented demographic groups may place more value on or perceive
November 07, 2012 - Reviewer #9 Executive
ES-1: The discussion of PACE seem out of place and should be
deleted … Caring
for the disabled elderly: There’s no place like home. In S. Shortell & U. … Reviewer #9 Executive
ES-2: The following sentence is out of place in its current location … However, not
until page 49 do they indicate the 'new' value judgment that has taken
its place next … Reviewer #3 Results The authors appropriately place a lot of the detail on each study into
the tables
July 01, 2009 - Based on the study
description, we surmised that most of the adverse
events either took place in a peri-procedural
December 09, 2009 - department, hospital, rehabilitation
facilities, skilled nursing facility, subacute care facility, and place … status, the functional status (e.g., activities of daily living), the ability to return to prefracture
place … Quality of sleep in hospital
• Ability to participate in rehabilitation
• Return to prefracture place
October 13, 2011 - We have a
lot of systems in place to make things happen. … We have examples of organizations with training programs in
place and you can use those. … to teaching medical professionals in guiding [phonetic]
the necessary systems that needed to be in place … consumer orientation that
includes information about what they need to know now that
they are in the place
January 06, 2017 - They wanted to talk about it in a safe, secure place,
in a confidential way.
August 26, 2020 - updated version -- example, the authors eliminated the
continuum of input to partnership That would place … In
place of these bullets, we have added a
third bullet to broadly represent strategies
not included … chose to exclude this domain from the
framework, and it makes sense in the review as authors to not
place … Public reviewer #4:
Roxana Hasanat, UX/UI
References The second place of interest I think … I think building on the AIR roadmap might be important place to
start for this paper?
June 28, 2013 - In more than one place in the report, the authors articulate the
conclusion that clinicians should continue … Since strict rate control was never evidence based in the
first place I would not “alert health care
August 10, 2010 - Although overall prevalence may vary from place to place, in all areas boys are classified with ADHD
March 01, 2021 - It seems to be a
bit out of place with the rest of the report since it is the
only app that was discussed … interviewing” (page C-3), “obese”
(page C-3), “Lung transplantation” (page C-3) that seem
out of place … Page 75 line 38: Minor note that the Euro symbol
is needed in place of the ‘E’. … For the obesity response to guiding question #1, it
seems as if the WW app usability work was out of place … Further, the Technical Brief
should note that its use of symptoms management in
place of outcomes is
March 28, 2019 - Peer reviewer
Methods page 8, figure: recommend "sex" in place of "gender"
throughout. … This would be a great place to add a sentence that RCTs need
to include outcomes that are important … discussion of findings in relationship to what is
already known under KQ2, it would be helpful to place … further statements that balances the risks of untreated
depression on falls and cognition would help to place
March 28, 2019 - Peer reviewer
Methods page 8, figure: recommend "sex" in place of "gender"
throughout. … This would be a great place to add a sentence that RCTs need
to include outcomes that are important … discussion of findings in relationship to what is
already known under KQ2, it would be helpful to place … further statements that balances the risks of untreated
depression on falls and cognition would help to place
August 01, 2012 - language-concordant telephone support
calls from prevention care managers to patients.15 All five
RCTs took place … QI strategies were patient
education16 and facilitation of self-management.16,17 The
studies took place … All three trials took place in the United States. … these strategies, but the strategies may
be suitable for implementation if an appropriate plan is in
place … Additionally, given the settings in
which the studies took place, they also may not apply to
January 29, 2014 - Disposition of Comments for Comparative Effectiveness Review 130
Comparative Effectiveness Research Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Benefits and Harms of Routine Preoperative Testing:
Comparative Effectiveness
Draft review available for public comment from August 15, 2013 t…