January 01, 2011 - The Give Teens Vaccines Study
1 | The Give Teens vaccines sTudy
Primary Care PraCtiCe-Based researCh Network (PBrN)
The Give Teens Vaccines Study
Principal Investigator: Fiks, Alexander, M.D., M.S.C.E.
Organization: The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Research Consortium
Contract Number: 290-07…
January 01, 2011 - Using Information Technology for Patient-Centered Communication and Decisionmaking about Medications
1 | Using information technology for Patient-centered commUnication and
decisionmaking aboUt medications
AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity: enAbling PAtient-Centered CAre
through heAlth it (r18)
Using Information Tech…
January 01, 2013 - 56
Niacins + Statins (Inpatient) Niacins + Statins (Outpatient)
Alerts Overridden Alerts Generated
U.S. System
In the U.S. system, the Niacin + Statin
interaction was triggered and overridden most
often in both inpatient and outpatient systems.
U.K. …
January 01, 2011 - The Give Teens Vaccines Study - 2011
Project Name
The Give Teens Vaccines Study
Principal Investigator
Fiks, Alexander
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Research Consortium
Contract Number
Project Period
September …
April 05, 2012 - AHRQ Medicaid and CHIP Technical Assistance Webinar--Patient Portals to Health Information: Using Health IT to Engage Medicaid/CHIP Patients and Families in Health Care
AHRQ Medicaid and CHIP
Technical Assistance Webinar
Thursday, April 5, 2012
1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
Patient Portals to Health Information: Usin…
January 01, 2004 - Type of Health IT
Electronic medical records (EMR)
Context or other IT in place
The context
January 01, 2010 - It is taking place in four clinics that use the
Certification Commission for Health Information Technology-certified
January 01, 2010 - workflow; 2) clinic provider or staff workflow; 3) workflow between organizations; and 4)
workflow taking place
January 01, 2009 - With the EMR system in place, clerks make
timely rounds of the nursing units to pick up charts of discharged
September 21, 2016 - What would help you to use a computerized personal health record and keep that information in
one place
December 15, 2011 - ensure that
research protocols are compliant and that all necessary data security precautions are in place … Question 6: You referenced a couple of the agreements that have to be in place as researchers
are working … are holding off on finalizing business associate agreements until specific
regulations are put in place … Question 6: You referenced a couple of the agreements that have to be in place as researchers are working
June 05, 2006 - $200,000
Expected annual savings, once all
transactions are in place
June 01, 2005 - Before such observations can take place, a few tables in the database
need to be populated with general … This gives the observer a moment to judge the activity taking place.
March 01, 2011 - There is also a
place for an alternate Contact Name and email if you would like to have a project manager … Reason: Please explain why this issue or change has taken place.
January 01, 2018 - A process is in place to review interactions so that only the most
significant interaction related alerts … antagonist
dosages in elderly patients were two specific examples described.
4) A process is in place … that I’ll go to different references based on what I’m trying to look up, because I know
the best place … When the ordering physician is not available, a protocol should be in
place to direct the result to … Dose range checking occurs before medication orders are submitted..
4)A process is in place to review
January 01, 2008 - While the organizational systems are in place to provide the highest level of care,
it too operates … resultant effect is the large number of information
systems, on various platforms and architectures, in place … Multiple billing systems are in
place to accommodate payer rules for care provision activities and claims … integration engine that reduces the cost of addition interface purchases by leveraging those
already in place … Rules such as these require
multiple systems to be in place thereby requiring manual retrieval of data
January 01, 2012 - Using a blue or black pen, place an “X” in the box next
to the appropriate response as indicated: … Does the place where you practice routinely receive and review data on the following aspects of your
April 13, 2012 - – System administrative controls are in place that retain all data modified until
purged, deleted … – Appropriate privacy and security policies, procedures, and practices are in place
to reasonably
April 26, 2013 - – System administrative controls are in place that retain all data modified until
purged, deleted … – Appropriate privacy and security policies, procedures, and practices are in place
to reasonably
July 01, 2007 - Demonstration projects that cross state lines are in place and will be
monitored to determine outcomes … Lead tity No No AK-RHIOYes or
2007 identified; board Alaska already in mary established; ChartLink, a place … Connecticut healthconnecti already in
Network (CHIN) completed established Nonprofit cut.org/ place … MichIana Health in central Information ihie.org/ already in
Information Indiana, with Exchange place … y
public and identified; board elements in Information support from
private established; place