June 01, 2009 - A RHIO, on
average, can spend from six to twelve months putting a liability insurance policy into place … While almost all the RHIOs included in the report had
liability insurance in place prior to “going-live … ____________________________________________________
Describe any security mechanisms currently in place … ___________________________________
(h) Does the Applicant have a hard-drive destruction policy in place … Yes No
If “Yes,” identify controls or applications in place:
January 01, 2020 - documenting social risk information among the CHCs and at the
majority of CHCs there was not a consistent place … members did not find it easy to find social risk
information in the EHR, as there was not a consistent place … Two CHCs in our study had a place in the EHR to document SDH information. … NP, Clinic 6
innovation and
standardization of
HIT systems
HIT systems are already in place
January 01, 2011 - Using Information Technology for Patient-Centered Communication and Decisionmaking about Medications - 2011
Project Name
Using Information Technology for Patient-Centered Communication and Decisionmaking about Medications
Principal Investigator
Wolf, Michael
January 01, 1999 - Friedman CP et al. 1999 "Enhancement of clinicians' diagnostic reasoning by computer-based consultation - a multisite study of 2 systems."
Friedman CP, Elstein AS, Wolf FM, et al. Enhancement of clinicians' diagnostic reasoning by computer-based consultation - a multisite study of 2 systems.…
May 15, 2008 - and we didn’t have a good place to point people to, a practical way of doing this. … going to have to provide;
what are we going to have to do to get ready for all of this, so that is one place … have that or can demonstrate that you are moving in that direction, it is
a recruiting tool over a place … What we basically did in our place and what we have done in a couple of other instances
is we have found … That is another place to look for surveys.
July 10, 2012 - consumer
health IT design process and balanced against customer needs.
• Testing takes place … interest in a new innovation,
when the development team had an interest, or when resources were in place … with some of those
people and try to… find out whether they even thought of the idea in the
first place … These
activities took place at different times in the design process. … • Testing takes place throughout the design process.
June 01, 2011 - These
discussions took place during bi-weekly conference calls that were attended by all study staff … (% yes) a 1.8 2.5 1.4
Usual Place for Health Care? … (% yes) 99.1 100 98.6
What Kind of Place for Health Care? … (%)b: Clinic 2.7 2.5 2.8
What Kind of Place for Health Care? … b Asked only of participants who reported a usual place for health care.
August 01, 2011 - A thorough
and honest assessment of your organization's readiness should take place before you choose … Make sure that the
necessary competencies (e.g., basic computer skills) are in place before proceeding … detailed but not overly complicated.
• Multiple mechanisms for collecting feedback from users are in place … FMEA found that
the modes of failure that were potentially the most severe and likely to occur took place … Following the exam the physician used a paper form
to place an order for heparin infusion.
January 01, 2011 - The Give Teens Vaccines Study
1 | The Give Teens vaccines sTudy
Primary Care PraCtiCe-Based researCh Network (PBrN)
The Give Teens Vaccines Study
Principal Investigator: Fiks, Alexander, M.D., M.S.C.E.
Organization: The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Research Consortium
Contract Number: 290-07…
January 01, 2011 - Using Information Technology for Patient-Centered Communication and Decisionmaking about Medications
1 | Using information technology for Patient-centered commUnication and
decisionmaking aboUt medications
AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity: enAbling PAtient-Centered CAre
through heAlth it (r18)
Using Information Tech…
January 01, 2011 - The Give Teens Vaccines Study - 2011
Project Name
The Give Teens Vaccines Study
Principal Investigator
Fiks, Alexander
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Research Consortium
Contract Number
Project Period
September …
January 01, 2013 - 56
Niacins + Statins (Inpatient) Niacins + Statins (Outpatient)
Alerts Overridden Alerts Generated
U.S. System
In the U.S. system, the Niacin + Statin
interaction was triggered and overridden most
often in both inpatient and outpatient systems.
U.K. …
January 01, 2009 - HMVR was developed via a collaborative effort among these
partners with institutional agreements in place … • Finding the place where the service was done, doctor's name and the date. … • If a PCP is not identified, hospitals send patient records to the wrong place. … The HMVR
would be helpful in identifying and providing contact information to the right place. … By this time, the
HMVR had been in place and was in use for at least 3 months.
November 14, 2014 - ConTinued)
Measure Data Source(s) Practical Notes Considerations
• Is there a procedure in
place … -5
Measure Data Source(s) Practical Notes Considerations
• Are security and
privacy policies in
place … shared, how
these data elements
are represented in
their databases, and
whether they have plans
in place … The measure
is whether exchange
capability is in place. … implementation
staffing costs
that would not
be incurred if
there was no
HIE system in
July 25, 2012 - Phone calls between the patient, program coordinator, and the vendor’s remote monitoring nurses
took place … Though this method, they developed the following list of 11
elements that should take place at the time … The presenters clarified that the patient activation tool assessed what behavioral changes took
place … Technology and policies need to be put in place to ensure that clinicians are
coordinating care with
January 01, 2010 - workflow; 2) clinic provider or staff workflow; 3) workflow between organizations; and 4) workflow taking place
January 01, 2017 - In her presentation on Illusions and Virtual Reality, a wide set of illusory experiences that take place … VR it is possible to induce illusions that
make people feel they have entered an alternate reality (place … Before e3iVR took place, a community of individuals interested in the ethics of VR
were brought together
April 05, 2012 - AHRQ Medicaid and CHIP Technical Assistance Webinar--Patient Portals to Health Information: Using Health IT to Engage Medicaid/CHIP Patients and Families in Health Care
AHRQ Medicaid and CHIP
Technical Assistance Webinar
Thursday, April 5, 2012
1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
Patient Portals to Health Information: Usin…
September 29, 2009 - In addition, rural CAHs already have various forms of EMR systems in place and connect to Marquette General's
September 29, 2008 - makes it difficult to devise a program that might fall short of federal guidelines, once they are in place