September 12, 1994 - Patient-carried card prompts vs computer-generated prompts to remind private practice physicians to perform health maintenance measures
Authors: Turner RC, Peden JG= Jr, O'Brien K Journal: Arch Intern Med Publication Date: 1994 Sep 12 Volume: 154 Issue: 17 Pages: 1957-60 HIT Description: Computer-gen…
January 01, 2023 - PLACE A VERTICAL MARKER to denote the current time on the timeline.
January 01, 2023 - Decision Tree
Also Known As
Decision Process Flowchart
Logic Diagram
Decision trees are tools that can be utilized to navigate several courses of action to arrive on one choice. Their structure allows one to evaluate multiple options and explore what the potential outcomes ar…
December 31, 2007 - participating
and nonparticipating physicians from 6 months before the e
prescribing system was in place
January 01, 2012 - The study takes place in two different outpatient settings: primary care
clinics and medical specialty
February 08, 2011 - consistently ranked as one of the
lowest in the Nation, regularly falling anywhere from 46th to
49th place
August 31, 2007 - "With the new system, a physician can place an order from anywhere there is a computer terminal," says
January 01, 2023 - In the ambulatory setting, recent estimates place the use of electronic health records at 6-15% of office-based
January 01, 2023 - Context or other IT in place
Electronic health records (EHR)
Workflow-Related Findings
January 01, 2023 - Context or other IT in place
The APHID consists of locally developed software accessed by patients
April 01, 2023 - International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE), and take place
January 01, 2023 - Context or other IT in place
All practices use EHRs to input ambulatory care progress notes, patient
May 08, 2008 - times, the personal health record becomes somewhat of a silent companion through life,
providing a place … They wanted one place that this information would be easily
accessible for them to refer back to as … needed and one place for all of their tests and
treatment plans around chemotherapy, radiation, and … any types of medications they are
taking would be contained in one place for them. … The health plans
now are the place where most patients now are experiencing PHR activity.
July 01, 1989 - Improved perioperative antibiotic use and reduced surgical wound infections through use of computer decision analysis
Authors: Larsen RA, Evans RS, Burke JP, Pestotnik SL, Gardner RM, Classen DC Journal: Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol Publication Date: 1989 Jul Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Pages: 316-20 HIT Des…
January 01, 2011 - Electronic Medication Management
1 | ElEctronic MEdication ManagEMEnt
Small ReSeaRch GRant to ImpRove health caRe QualIty thRouGh health
InfoRmatIon technoloGy (It) (R03)
Electronic Medication Management
Principal Investigator: Vawdrey, David Kent, M.S., Ph.D.
Organization: Columbia University Health Sciences …
January 01, 2000 - Small and/or medium
Urban and suburban
Other Information
The study took place
January 01, 2013 - Factors
The Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare 2013: Bridging Communities took place
January 01, 2023 - Columbia University
Using eHealth to Expand Access to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Hispanic Primary Care Patients
This project evaluates the effectiveness, barriers, and cost of a Spanish-language electronic health intervention to treat chronic inso…
January 01, 1996 - Evaluation Method: One year after the centers started using EHRs, work place observations and interviews
January 01, 2009 - Context or other IT in place
"At the time of [the] implementation, a third of care sites had had full