June 01, 2021 - A sentinel event is any unanticipated event in a health care setting resulting in death or serious physical … She didn’t give any updates about the resident’s vital signs, physical exam, or other symptoms that may
March 01, 2014 - for:
All Specialties
Hospital or Clinic
MAJ Winston has just completed her annual physical … Language is a barrier, but I think she may have something physical going on.
October 01, 2008 - It is important to monitor the emotional and physical status of other team members.
17. … Team members who monitor their emotional and physical status on the job are more effective.
April 01, 2017 - It is important to monitor the emotional and physical status of other team members.
… Team members who monitor their emotional and physical status on the job are more effective.
February 01, 2011 - Adults with
disabilities are defined to be those with a physical, sensory, and/or
mental health condition … the purpose of the
NHQR/DR and of this report, adults with disability are defined to be those with a physical
March 01, 2011 - Adults with disabilities are defined to be those with a physical, sensory, and/or mental health condition … the purpose of the NHQR/DR and of this report, adults with disability are defined to be those with a physical
March 01, 2020 - The failure of many Americans to meet suggested levels of aerobic physical activity leads to $117 billion … The Healthy People 2020 program includes goals relating to social and physical environments.
April 01, 2008 - This is the rationale behind the “E” addition to the ASA physical status classification of patients by … Pediatr Cardiol . 2004;25(5):503-505 [ Free full text ]
ASA physical status classification system
March 21, 2009 - the nurse or the physician, generally includes the patient's chief
complaint and history, pertinent physical … pertinent medications, allergies
Pertinent social and family history
Presenting vital signs and pertinent physical
February 26, 2025 - questions that address five aspects of the diagnostic process: (1) the patient-provider encounter (history, physical … think through five main aspects of the diagnostic process: (1) the patient-provider encounter (history, physical
February 01, 2017 - long-term complications from mechanical ventilation include slower overall recovery time, debilitating physical … getting all of the stakeholders involved, and employing a nurse-driven protocol that collaborates with physical
January 01, 2017 - long-term complications from mechanical ventilation include slower overall recovery time, debilitating physical … getting all of the stakeholders involved, and employing a nurse-driven protocol that collaborates with physical
December 01, 2017 - Utilization of behavioral health, physical therapy, and other rehabilitative services varied somewhat … The average number of physical therapy visits by persons with diabetes was the same as that for persons
January 01, 2012 - we talked to our patients, what we hear is that even going to the
doctor for routine visit, for a physical … It's also a very effective way of
recreating the emotional and the physical experiences of being a patient
January 21, 2017 - and drugs; professional colleagues who respond as they do in actual life; and other elements of the physical … It is also important to understand that resources (human, physical, and financial) will be required
January 12, 2022 - With the influx of patients, there were definitely challenges around the
physical environment and how … There is a link between errors of omission and fatigue, whether
mental or physical.
RD: True.
February 26, 2025 - The purpose was to discuss the underlying question: does the physical environment impact patient safety … A lot of those ideas don't have anything to do with the physical facility, but a lot of them do.
March 29, 2023 - However, he agreed to a physical examination by the resident physician and intermittently answered questions … For the patient’s own safety and the safety of ED staff, physical and chemical restraint were deemed
August 31, 2022 - Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection: Diagnostic Accuracy of Physical Examination, Imaging, and LRINEC Score … WebM&M Cases
Delayed Diagnosis in the Setting of Virtual Care: Remembering the Physical
March 01, 2017 - Many providers use it as a differentiating tool, in the absence of an appropriate history and physical … The patient might have received hydration and physical therapy, and
perhaps the providers could have