November 30, 2013 - HRCC)
Documentation Elements and High-Risk Change in Condition
Each HRCC category may be linked to physical
January 24, 2004 - training is essential for privileged and non-privileged providers,
such as physicians, registered nurses, physical
April 01, 2018 - age, sex, duration of procedure, CDC's NNIS system for defining SSIs and wound classification, ASA Physical
July 01, 2016 - In general, how would you rate your
overall physical health?
January 05, 2017 - including emotional or behavioral (e.g.,
anxiety, mood, oppositional defiant, and conduct disorders), and physical … developmental (e.g., learning and language disorders or other
neurodevelopmental disorders) issues, and physical … , developmental (e.g., learning and language disorders or other
neurodevelopmental disorders), and physical
January 01, 2025 - Final Progress Report: Transdisciplinary Learning Lab To Eliminate Patient Harm and Reduce Waste
Transdisciplinary Learning Lab to Eliminate Patient Harm and Reduce Waste
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Principal Investigator: Adam Sapirstein, MD
Project Team Members:
Ravi Aron, PhD
Noah Barasch, MS
Howard Carolan, MBA,…
February 28, 2010 - Finally, it was difficult for some
subjects to circle or write answers because of physical impairments
September 01, 2007 - Harm
was defined as the temporary or permanent impairment of physical or psychological body
February 19, 2014 - refusal to
answer questions or telephone calls, strong verbal abuse or
threatening body language, and physical
March 07, 2019 - refusal to answer questions or telephone calls, strong verbal abuse, or threatening body language and physical
January 01, 2024 - Harm
was defined as the temporary or permanent impairment of physical or psychological body
January 01, 2024 - Finally, it was difficult for some
subjects to circle or write answers because of physical impairments
December 01, 2012 - Medication look-alikes: Staff were educated about medication similarities, physical separation of medications
April 01, 2018 - hours prior to operation for medical evaluation, preoperative urinalysis and culture, and preoperative physical
July 01, 2018 - For appointments with visiting nurses or a physical, occupational, or speech therapist, include the following
July 01, 2018 - For appointments with visiting nurses or a physical, occupational, or speech therapist, include the following
October 01, 2019 - respiratory depression related to use of opioids
An adverse drug event (ADE) is an injury—including physical … percent negative responses.
Average Percent Positive Response
Staffing, Work Pressure, and Pace Physical … Average Percent Negative Response
Staffing, Work Pressure, and Pace Physical … Ophthalmology, Orthopedic surgery, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pediatric surgery, Pharmacy, Physical
January 01, 2010 - Predicting relapse back to smoking:
contrasting affective and physical models of
dependence. … treatment-seeking
smokers: differences in smoking behavior,
drug and alcohol use, and psychosocial and
physical … Testing a conceptual model related to weight
perceptions, physical activity and smoking in
adolescents … Physical activity and health. 2005.
January 01, 2024 - storage and organization
• Observes for unsafe access to medications for patients with cognitive,
physical … incorporated data obtained from a
comprehensive review, including medical and medication history,
September 01, 2015 - treatment and cannot be assessed by alternative
strategies such as urinal/bedpan, external catheter, or physical … from other
departments to assist unit staff with scheduled voiding/toileting, such as respiratory,