October 01, 2019 - It consists of questionnaires
administered in the home followed by a standardized physical examination … The examination includes physical measurements, such as
blood pressure and dental examinations, and … Adult sample
person data are self-reported, except in limited instances where a physical or mental impairment … Adults with a disability are defined to be those with physical, sensory, and/or mental health
conditions … Quality and Disparities Report Data Sources | 41
The information collected includes residents’ health, physical
June 01, 2014 - Historically PBRNs utilized physical "card" studies to collect information from clinicians at the point
June 01, 2014 - Historically PBRNs utilized physical "card" studies to collect information from clinicians at the point
March 01, 2019 - Physical exam.
Plan of care.
Psychosocial condition (e.g., patient's stress level).
October 01, 2020 - limited foreign language skills or the patient's limited English, they place LEP patients at risk for physical
July 01, 2012 - to improve
complex care management and enhance the coordination of care across the mental
health, physical
November 01, 2019 - Based on history
and physical exam, imaging should be obtained
with particular emphasis on the spine
September 01, 2015 - to improve complex care management and enhance the coordination of care across the
mental health, physical
March 25, 2009 - by the US Maternal and Child Health Bureau as those who have, or are at increased risk for chronic physical
September 01, 2013 - Caring for the patient's physical needs after an event is the first step a provider must take.
March 01, 2017 - Caring for the resident's physical needs after an event is the first step a provider must take.
August 01, 2021 - For example, ask additional probing questions or conduct a physical examination to help continue your
December 01, 2022 - The group emphasized the need for the integration of physical health and mental health in primary care
September 08, 2015 - Behavioral and physical health providers, social
service providers, court representatives, and others … • Community referrals can come from a variety of organizations including
physical and behavioral … to carve out
services that (1) fall outside the direct purview of the CME (for example,
specialty physical
January 01, 2024 - Leaders and staff
scored highest in domains related to drug information, culture, and the environment (physical … domains related drug information (staff 92%, leaders 72%), the
culture (staff 86%, leaders 71%), the physical … Most items related to the physical environment also received high scores from both leaders and staff,
January 01, 2014 - Difficulty Getting Medical Care
Importance: Lack of timeliness can result in emotional distress, physical … Difficulty for Women Getting Care
Importance: Lack of timeliness can result in emotional distress, physical … that being female was one
of the factors that increased the odds of out-of-pocket expenditures for physical … Out-of-pocket spending for ambulatory physical therapy services from 2008 to
2012: National Panel Survey
October 01, 2015 - No
Cross-cutting Physical Therapy Cost Not applicable Physical Therapy NA FAIR Health http://fairhealthconsumer.org … No
Preventive care Cross-cutting Cost Not applicable Average Cost for Preventive Care: Preventive Physical … No
Preventive care Cross-cutting Cost Not applicable Average Cost for Preventive Care: Preventive Physical
September 01, 2020 - Some patients cannot speak, or may have an intellectual or physical disability, mental illness, or cognitive … She could try home management and physical therapy, she could have her meniscus repaired, or she could … The patients may be vulnerable due to the physical and emotional effects of their illnesses, including
January 18, 2017 - Some patients cannot speak, or may have an intellectual or physical disability, mental illness, or
cognitive … She could try home management and physical therapy, she could have her
meniscus repaired, or she could … The patients may be vulnerable
due to the physical and emotional effects of their illnesses, including
June 01, 2019 - First, the myriad physical problems they experience as a consequence of SCD often
substantially reduce … In addition to school absences because of physical illness and healthcare appointments, families