
Total Results: 3,003 records

Showing results for "physical".

    July 18, 2013 - Depression and other mental health disorders Diabetes (Type 1 or 2) Functional limitations and physical … literacy Immunizations Infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, STDs Medication management Obesity, physical
    June 01, 2012 - Things to watch for in residents include physical and non-physical changes. … Physical Changes 1. … NOTES Top 12 Changes in Residents Physical Changes Non-Physical Changes › Walking › Demeanor › … Non-Physical Changes Many of the non-physical changes described here may be present when the resident … After seeing the resident and assessing his or her symptoms or physical function, the licensed nurse
    September 01, 2013 - Determine the association between presence and magnitude of treatment burden, and a) physical and mental-health … patient activation and changes in treatment burden, and b) changes in treatment burden and changes in physical … Patients as a Target for Intervention (Continued) time was associated with declining mental and physical
    October 05, 2016 - Patient Safety] Human Factors Engineering (HFE) • System from the viewpoint of person • People have physical …  Analysis of cognitive and team work in VTE diagnosis in the ED  Diagnostic team members  H&P, physical … exam, ordering test  EHR, access to pt information  Physical environment  Team interactions, roles
    December 01, 2020 - Physical activity. Sexual practices. … Violence, bullying or physical abuse. Depression or anxiety. Emotional and social support.
    January 01, 2024 - This study’s purpose was to examine telehealth physical therapy utilization 1 year into the COVID-19 … pandemic and identify factors that influence physical therapists' delivery of telehealth in an urban … at least 2 physical therapist sessions (without telehealth: 6.6%, telehealth once: 39.1%, telehealth … Physical therapist telehealth delivery at 1 year into COVID-19. … The authors described participant engagement in ActiveGOALS, a 3-month, self-directed online physical
    January 01, 2024 - Louis Long COVID Initiative has developed group visits for the delivery of Long COVID–related physical … resources, like the Long COVID peer support group or shared medical appointments for Long COVID– related physical … interviewed 71 clinicians surveyed, 10 interviewed 29 clinical visits for Long COVID–related group physical
    January 01, 2024 - Exploring policies for the reduction of child physical abuse and neglect. … The purpose of this study was to examine mediating effects of two indices of physical functioning (mobility … comparative effectiveness research study to investigate the association between types or amounts of physical … Higher amounts of active physical therapy were associated with decreased back and leg pain and increased … Patient-reported outcomes associated with use of physical therapist services by older adults with a new
    September 01, 2022 - ” ■ Step 2: Adjustment based on history and physical exam. … The clinician performs a history and physical examination, each element of which informs adjustment … This step requires knowledge of the impact of each history and physical exam finding on probability … and physical examination data. … evidence of the sensitivity and specificity of clinical features and physical examination findings,
    March 01, 2018 - RADM Lando is interested in preventing disease as early in life and he values the incorporation of physical … Recognizing the strong relationship between physical and mental health, he seeks to better connect the
    July 01, 2013 - to link patients with community resources for counseling to reduce smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical … In a third program to promote weight loss and physical activity, clinicians write "prescriptions" for
    August 26, 2013 - Chronic conditions include both physical and behavioral health conditions that last a year or more, … and require ongoing medical care and /or limit physical abilities.
    August 26, 2013 - Chronic conditions include both physical and behavioral health conditions that last a year or more, … and require ongoing medical care and /or limit physical abilities.
    March 01, 2004 - Negative affect and parental aggression in child physical abuse. … Physical health consequences of physical and psychological intimate partner violence. … Intimate partner violence and physical health consequences. … Scores > 2 indicate physical interpersonal violence. … No prevention effect was demonstrated for physical abuse.
    June 01, 2010 - Adults with HIV/AIDS, Adults with acquired brain injuries, Adults with mental illness, Elderly with physical … survey Total Items/indicators: 13 items HCBS MS Domains: Unmet Need Populations: Elders with physical … or cognitive disabilities, and adults with physical disabilities and/or chronic conditions Developer … and cognitive disabilities, adults with physical disabilities, adults with intellectual disabilities … Autonomy, Other: Coordination With Health Services, Health and Welfare Populations: Elderly with physical
    March 01, 2017 - State and county physical activity and nutrition coalitions, spearheaded by the initiative, are demonstrating … As a result of the initiative's efforts, wellness guidelines, physical activity guidelines, and health
    February 01, 2016 - ● It is a comprehensive assessment of physical, social, and mental health. … Higher global health scores were associated with better physical functioning, higher levels of subjective … well-being, better social health, and lower physical and emotional distress. … highest level of self-reported health possible, integrating patient experiences of their health across physical … In some applications, a user may prefer to evaluate physical, mental, or social dimensions more specifically
    May 01, 2024 - directly with patients with substance use disorders to prevent overdoses and infectious disease, improve physical
    September 01, 2020 - Key Activity 6—Create A Physical Setting For Shared Decision Making Slide 37. … Create a physical setting for shared decision making Slide 38. … Create a physical setting for shared decision making Slide 39. … Create a physical setting for shared decision making. … Return to Contents Slide 36: Key Activity 6 Slide Content : Create A Physical Setting For
    June 01, 2010 - Welfare, Unmet Need, Effectiveness, Timeliness, Person Centeredness/Autonomy Populations: Elders with physical … to which they believe a particular consumer is satisfied with various aspects of care received and physical … Summary: The 35-item questionnaire includes ten dimensions (health perceptions, pain, physical, role … Subscales are scored on a 0-100 scale (a higher score indicates better health) and physical and mental … The major focus areas for the measures include nutrition, medication, incontinence, ulcers, physical

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