October 01, 2022 - This map shows the physical location of each PSO.
August 01, 2021 - PSWP, remember that the requirements in section 3.106 must be met at all times and at any location (physical
January 01, 2022 - PSWP, remember that the requirements in section 3.106 must be met
at all times and at any location (physical … For example, is there documentation
regarding the electronic, virtual, and physical
spaces allocated … and
protection, to
control and limit
physical and
virtual access
to places and … equipment where
Does the PSO have:
• A physical security plan to prevent unauthorized external access … • Controls to prevent unauthorized physical access, tampering, and theft of PSWP within the facility?
January 01, 2022 - PSWP, remember that the requirements in section 3.106 must be met
at all times and at any location (physical … For example, is there documentation
regarding the electronic, virtual, and physical
spaces allocated … and
protection, to
control and limit
physical and
virtual access
to places and … equipment where
Does the PSO have:
• A physical security plan to prevent unauthorized external access … • Controls to prevent unauthorized physical access, tampering, and theft of PSWP within the facility?
September 01, 2009 - information, including demographic data, that
relates to the individual’s past, present, or future physical … 6 Section 3.106(b)(2)(iii)
Physical and environmental protection,
to control and limit physical and … Does the PSO have:
• A physical security plan to prevent
unauthorized external access to the portion … • Controls to prevent unauthorized physical
access, tampering, and theft of patient safety
work product … • An individual who is responsible for
maintaining physical and/or electronic security
January 01, 2010 - Benefits of AHRQ Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs): Success Stories From Hospital PSO Members
Benefits of AHRQ Patient Safety
Organizations (PSOs):
Success Stories from Hospital PSO Members
June 10, 2015
2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
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December 01, 2010 - compliance with the requirements of this subpart and for these
purposes will be allowed to inspect the physical
July 01, 2021 - psychologist, certified social
Page 3 of 9
worker, registered dietician or nutritional professional, physical